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Everything posted by mrmako777

  1. julius caeser and stonewall jackson here! i even have the same bday as caesar, july 13th
  2. What was it about the suit that you realized it didn't fit you correctly?
  3. my apologies then, i thought you were trying to be a dick
  4. they took a while to get his parts to him and then gave him shit when he called EDIT: see above
  5. not sure man but it would be a safe bet not to buy from them anyways. try and find off the net and theyll be much cheaper
  6. Vesrah man...and I'm sure lizard will agree
  7. thats a good price. i paid $7250 for my 600 last may
  8. theyre stock bro...no need to spend $ on something i dont need!
  9. i got some tires man but no rims
  10. i have 2 SK wrenches, one 25-250 in lbs, one 10-100 ft lbs and both have suited me well. i think i only paid like $80 each too
  11. i think thats the look EVERY man has before they lose their freedom!
  12. mrmako777

    No caption

    ^^^ hes a yammi whore good lookin bike man!
  13. you boys should take a trip down south to cincy. we have some great roads down here
  14. mrmako777 is soon to be a track day whore...
  15. yeah it sounds weird man. my 600 is pushin 12.5:1 and the manual says to run 87. not sure with such high compression why it runs lower octane. the 750 runs 12.8:1 and calls for 91. does .3 really make that big a difference?
  16. mrmako777


    welcome! nice mods man!
  17. with the way 99% of harley guys look its not surprising that their chicks are fugly as well
  18. i cant wait to hit nky this year man. you and kc need to def make the trip down!
  19. damn dude i thought your rear sprocket looked HUGE. is it 50 in the rear b/c you have the S model?
  20. mrmako777 has created a new social group called "Cincinnati Twisty Riders", with the following description: To join this group visit the social groups homepage where this new group will be listed.
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