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Everything posted by mrmako777

  1. I've been lookin for 7.62 since november and nobody has shit unless you wanna pay almost a dollar a round
  2. dude honestly its one of the easiest mods you can do to your bike. you wont screw it up. just make sure you mushroom the pins on the chain correctly. just do it yourself
  3. ride the thing down here to cincy man and i'll do it
  4. yeah bro its gonna be cold this morning and its only going up to 50. its supposed to be closer to 60 on sunday
  5. No doubt man, I agree. We failed to do that and the ride ended short. People need to be upfront about their skill and experience. Even the best riders make mistakes And can you imagine that him and jermattak were the ones showin me the ropes when it came to the twisties? Hahahaha
  6. if you come riding with us we'll break you of that soon enough
  7. I bought my corsas from isbk and 2 days later they raised the prices. Ended up getting both for $278. That was a few months ago tho
  8. agreed. i was referring more to less rotational weight with the sprocket change, which albeit isnt much wt and the slip on with power commander added a few hp but not much. plus i took off some stickers so im sure that hurt my hp
  9. yeah...a bit. i didnt say a lot. plus ive removed a few pounds with removing the stock muffler, changing gearing. again, im not saying ive added a lot, but ive added some.
  10. i need to have my bike dynoed. im thinking it was pushing anywhere between 100-110 stock but i have some mods so im sure that pushes me up a bit
  11. gonna let these go for $75 plus shipping if anyones interested
  12. yeah and you even went from 11 blocks of red to 11 of green
  13. deweys pizza FTMFW! then chipotle: chicken burrito, double rice, black beans, light cheese/lettuce and smoked hot sauce
  14. nice! i wish i had the time and money to do a project like that. keep the updates coming
  15. well you need to quit softball, duh
  16. just got word that bike night WILL be on thrusdays. not sure when the first day will be tho
  17. dude thats too funny. i texted you last night, which i now know is the wrong number. i was wondering why you never texted me back
  18. no prob man. theres alot of good roads out this way. its no 10/22 but its pretty close imo
  19. that asshole was getting on my nerves in a major way. him and the other 2 on gray road. what is the problem with people thinking its ok to go 15mph UNDER the speed limit
  20. ^^^ brass knuckles and a hand grenade FTMFW!!!
  21. i slapped some corsa 3's on for this season and these have to be the best tires ive ever had. these things eat corners like candy!
  22. im not sure what the recommended idle setting is but 2000 seems pretty high
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