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Everything posted by mrmako777

  1. i already texted you but to make it official HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOU FAGGOT!
  2. dude it seems as tho youre not necessarily mechanically inclined so you are smart in letting someone else do the work for you, but i would not recommend taking it to a dealer. i knew nothing about bikes before i got mine, but i can prolly hang with the best of em now when it comes to wrenchin on that thing. if you dont want to take the time to learn help support the economy and have one of the bright young/old guys off here do the job and pay attention to what they do so you can do it yourself the next time
  3. i dont see how just putting a couple washers on the plug will hold it in there if the threads are stripped
  4. looks like i need to start sharing some then haha. i usually just delete them after i burn the vids to a dvd
  5. wow is it really? glad i got in when i did!
  6. i know jermattak did this to his bike. hopefully he will chime in or you could pm him
  7. haha sorry nick i didnt mean that dude as in "that dude" on the site, but that dude as in the yut ughhh stunner guy.
  8. supposed to go up to 65 this fri and sat down here in cincinnati! woot!
  9. http://www.infowars.com/top-japanese-scientists-warming-is-not-caused-by-human-activity/
  10. heres my weekday breakfast... and but on the weekends its... ftmfw!
  11. these are the 2 things ive been hearing most about this setup, but for the price its hard to go wrong. they didnt have any in stock so they wrote me a raincheck for the $120. before i left the store they had raised the price back up to $149!
  12. damn man i thought it was that dude
  13. here ya go... mms://infrontsp.wmod.llnwd.net/a1386/o16/Free/WorldSBK/2009/BlockUS/20090301_SBK_PHILLIP_ISLAND_RACE1_FR.wmv mms://infrontsp.wmod.llnwd.net/a1386/o16/Free/WorldSBK/2009/BlockUS/20090301_SBK_PHILLIP_ISLAND_RACE2_FR.wmv
  14. http://www.sears.com/shc/s/p_10153_12605_00950188000P im thinking about grabbing this for my civic. found it at my local sears on sale for $120. anyone have experience with craftsman floor jacks?
  15. jerm in brokeback mountain
  16. damn! did you cut it all the way off or is it just a really deep cut?
  17. eh i would avoid caffeine for right now man. caffeine will stimulate peristalsis. maybe try some sprite instead oh and make sure when you start to increase fiber you do it gradually especially with soluble fiber. soluble fiber is what most fiber supplements use and is found in oats, fruits, beans etc. soluble fiber partially ferments...remember the old tune, beans beans? the partial fermentation causes gas and could cause cramping with nausea and pain if you over do it. your bowels will have to get use to it first. insoluble is not as bad as it does not ferment. i usually tell my patients to eat shredded wheat cereal, it has a lot of insoluble fiber and it tastes good too.
  18. fiber at this point is going to make your pain worse so i would lay off of it for at least a week or two. he did say diverticulitis right and not diverticulosis? polyps are precursors to cancer. they dont cut you open, they stick a camera up your ass and snip them off yeah dont eat fiber at this point. try to keep it less than 15 grams a day. when the diverticula are healed (called diverticulosis), typically 1-2 weeks, then you can up your fiber to 25-35 grams a day. i am not opposed to fiber supplements but try to get it the natural way through fruits, veggies and whole grains. make sure you avoid nuts seeds and corn, from here on out...yes that means the rest of your life.
  19. im a dietitian at jewish hospital man. diverticulitis is VERY common. as far as diverticulITIS is concerned you need to follow a LOW fiber diet, usually for about 7-10 days up to 2 weeks. after your bowels are healed you then want to change over to a HIGH fiber diet typically 25-35 grams a day. you need to avoid any foods with nuts seeds and corn. the only way your not goin to have diverticula present is to have your colon resected. usually its located in a part of your colon called the sigmoid, after the ascending colon. you can live with it man, but you need to watch what you eat!
  20. Brennan do you know how to install the lines or do you need help?
  21. I took the class over at scarlet oaks. Good luck getting in those classes tho if you haven't already signed up. They go FAST
  22. http://www.usatoday.com/sports/motor/2009-02-26-3062072334_x.htm wheres hopper?
  23. yeah bro i called him when i got home. hopefully you'll come out more this summer when we can do some real riding instead of cruising. it felt good to be able to get back out on the bike today. glad you came along man! oh and man, the brass knuckles and hand grenade are priceless! thats a for real street fighter! hahaha
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