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Everything posted by Lost
Hell, I graduated High school in 84. I saved up my money and bought PONG. I spent hundreds of dollars playing space invaders. I owned an original walkman and disc man. I owned an 8 track. 1st motorcycle was a 68 honda s-90.... I listened to the first day QFM broadcast. I remember hearing the national anthem when the TV stations went off the air. I watched Mtv when they actually played music videos. If I plucked my gray hair I would probably be bald.
10 trillion dollars of new debt. In his budgets he is spending more than all of the previous budgets put together clear back to the beginning of this country. I wonder how we are ever going to pay it back. Whether we like it or not, The majority now wants socialism as their choice for government. The majority of americans believe in entitlement programs, free this and that. It seems that most American's are lazy and self centered.
Wow your energy bills are insane. My hightest gas bill is $100 and electric is about $60. Summer kills me with my high electric bill of $150. Programable thermostat with the house heated for showers in the morning and evening from 3-9 and then 60 degrees during the day and bedtime. You guys must make a ton of $$$$$$. I must be a tight wad.
This is the quote that started this thread. From the replies there are a few guys on this forum that have experience and know what they are doing.
It is their town and they can make the laws and enforce them. We are just visitors. How would you like your town screwed up for a month. 15 minute commutes turn to an hour. Not being able to take your kids out to a restaurant or store because of all of the inappropriate public behavior. Their town their rules.
Lizard, guess you missed the part where they were horsepower limited to race at Daytona. http://www.buell.com/en_us/company/news/detail.asp?news_id=1427 http://www.roadracingworld.com/news/article/?article=35780 Buell did get a top 5 finish. Not bad for a new bike. Poor handling?????? You understand why they allowed large displacement Vtwins to compete? Volumetric efficiency. Try to look beyond your prejudice and just enjoy their small success. It is a different bike in all aspects and it appeals to some and repulses others. I don't care for the 1125 look, but I enjoy the XB series.
2wheels, What you said about a 22 long rifle is true enough, if you know what the hell your doing. Most of the boys on this board are city kids and can't judge distances or shots very well. The likely hood of a wounding is too likely and they have no clue about tracking and recovering a wounded animal or outdoor ethics far as that goes. A higher caliber makes up for a lot of things bad or poor hunter do, such as poor range estimation, shot placement and buck fever. A shot with a 22-250 is a lot flatter and significantly harder hitting for a longer distance than with a 22 long rifle. As a kid I watched a great uncle shoot deer out of his garden with a 22 from the kitchen window. 20 yards and right behind the ear as I remember and not a twitch. But that doesn't make it right
If it is in ohio I would just go and pick it up.
Voltage is voltage. an average car batter is charged at 13.8 volts from the alternator. You jumped it from a battery that was probably better than 13 volts. I say prove it, Urban legend I say. But it is your bike, do as you see best. They only charging system I have ever heard of getting fried was an idiot I tried to jump in a pontiac G6......I asked if he knew how to hook up his end. He assured me he did. I hooked up my side an the truck really loaded down and almost stalled. looked over and he had his side hooked up back wards. got it jumped but fried his alternator. Wives tails. Just curious, why don't you just unhook the battery that way it won't drain. A dead battery will freeze and explode, spilling acid all over the bike.
You can jump it with a car running. and it will even charge it a bit.
they must not actually read this board.
Sounds like you picked up viruses and spyware as suggested earlier. I use avast which is free to the home user. Does a great job and did I mention it is free.
The guy on the goldwings handle over on ADV is yellow wolf and he runs a video taping business at the gap. he will follow you thru for a fee and video tape the trip. Be warned that isn't your daddy's goldwing, lots of suspension work. He is an interesting character to say the least.
Before you pose the question the 17 is a lighter round. look at this ballastics chart. http://brinfo2.blogspot.com/2007/05/ballistics-tests-17-hmr-vs22-lr.html
A 22 is not an ethical choice to hunt an animal of that size. It is every hunters responsibility to ensure a quick clean kill. A wounding is a bad deal. If you wound an animal you are responsible to track and finish the job. You can kill a deer with a 22 but there is a reason they don't let you.
Do you have some optics? Good set of Bino's or a spotting scope. I have hunted at night with red miners lights and shotguns and I have hunted in the day with everything from 22-250, 223 or even a 17 ackley hornet. 22 long rifle is to light for a yote. With the situation your describing your not going to see anything. You can't move or talk while calling or waiting between calls and you have to hunt into the wind. I don't know about you, but I don't have decent white or a winter camo pattern.
Geez Recon, sounds like a big case of chrome envy.
can you say citigroup. 50 mill of your bail out for a corporate jet. Now the contract was signed a couple of years ago but it did have an out clause they didn't use.
The truth always lies somewhere in the middle.
Too fun. I picked up a LG 47" 1080p lcd for $899 on sale with a single day website only coupon at HH Gregg just before xmas. Not my first choice I wanted a Sony 47" xbr. It was $2300. The things I considered when buying the set. I had a 6 position video switch box for all of the toys hooked up to the tv. So I wanted at least 6 video inputs. the LG had them. Just like the sony. It has a 120 hz refresh rate. The anti burn in mode. It even has the cinema 24p mode just like the sony. That is the native frame rate of Blue ray and dvd's. So idealy it should give the best picture. I have to agree with Princess about the DLP and picture quality, It is still projection which will never be as good as a direct view image. I looked at plasma too. I considered the energy consumption, but I was at a friends hous and saw something burned into his screen as well. Yep, Call of Duty. his kid loves it. Thats what did it for me. His has a couple of fans that run all the time. Just for fun I found some links about Plasmas being regulated out of exsistance. I was surprised that they use 43% more power. enjoy http://www.businessweek.com/the_thread/techbeat/archives/2009/01/a_death_knell_f.html?campaign_id=rss_blog_tech_beat http://news.prnewswire.com/DisplayReleaseContent.aspx?ACCT=104&STORY=/www/story/01-14-2009/0004954836&EDATE= http://www.businessgreen.com/business-green/news/2233333/california-looks-tv-efficiency
Here is a link to the correct wages. http://www.factcheck.org/askfactcheck/do_auto_workers_really_make_more_than.html
hmmmm, a threat to make the deal or I will trash you on the internet. The plot thickens. If that is the case, super uncool and makes her look like an dumba$$.
ahhh youth. "Screw them I hate harley." I have no clue what you do for a living so here is a stab at how it affects a community. So you work at best buy in that town, how do you think business will be. So you work at a Grocery store a hospital a car dealership a school a department store a veterinary office a Doctor All these places are directly impacted by Lay off's and closures. Love them or hate them, I hate seeing anyone get laid off. Moose your are not correct on you Uaw worker wages. the highest paid is $32 an hour. IMHO is still too much, but is not $70. The way the came to that figure was the cost of wages and benefits and divide it by the total hours worked. How many retiree's are there. A bunch and all with full retirement benefits including a pension and healthcare. Wages in the United states need adjusted in a major way. Everyone screams and yells about the UAW wages. But what about the Exectives. 14 mil for the ceo. way to much. How many cars do that have to sell to pay for that. http://www.companypay.com/executive/compensation/general-motors-corp.asp?yr=2008 Ford 28 million for a CEO http://www.companypay.com/executive/compensation/ford-motor-co.asp?yr=2008 Harley was 4 mill http://www.companypay.com/executive/compensation/harley-davidson-inc.asp?yr=2008 Remember those wages are plus perks. Expense accounts, memberships and stipens. Greed it ain't right.
Yep, poking fun at people you just met and trying to sell a big ticket item to, is a great idea. As a potential customer, very blunt advice. I don't care if your salesman isn't from Ohio I don't care if he or she is having a bad day I don't care about your cost or overhead I don't care about your infrastructure or buildings You only matter because you have something I may wish to purchase I do care if I am insulted in any way, I do care if I feel that I am getting ripped off I care if about how I am getting treated I care about price and service I care about your location Cold and one way, sure. It is my money and there are a lot of people out there that want it and can meet and fulfill my expectations. Like most on this forum, I do my homework before I go to the store. I know what I want and why. I don't need you to try to sell me anything. Do you have what I asked for???? Show it to me.