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Everything posted by copperhead

  1. copperhead


    Let's see yours. Since when did anyone have to have an education in a specific subject to be able to discuss it? That's like saying, unless you are an ASE certified mechainic, you can't post on CR.
  2. next time it rains it should be pretty well cleaned off, paintballs are designed to wash off with water
  3. go you graemlins/gay.gif
  4. so that's why you weren't at the shop today congrats dude
  5. I do believe that all new mobile phones have GPS built in for 911.
  6. copperhead

    cosmos 3/30

    sure, what time? hopefully Brian won't bail again
  7. I've spoken to Miles about this a while back when he was wanting to pick up a car. He called them up looking for a trailer, and they told him he that he couldn't rent one because he had an explorer. He was trying to find some Mercury badges to put onto it, because they would rent one to him then...
  8. And in order to keep up with Jesse, you ended up losing how many gears?
  9. Please kill yourself before you kill someone else.
  10. $19k for a car with no motor or tranny? no thanks
  11. Play nothing but country for an entire weekend, that will clear them out quick so that you can start over.
  12. i hear that LKS FST is now open
  13. http://www.columbusracinghosting.com/mfaigley/jesus/threadfailurejesus.jpg So much for HAVING FUN, assholes have to ruin it by trying to turn everything into a debate.
  14. http://www.columbusracinghosting.com/mfaigley/jesus/41222295.jpg
  15. I'll post some more when I get back from the grandparent's house down in Lancaster. http://www.columbusracinghosting.com/mfaigley/jesuslol.jpg
  16. http://www.columbusracinghosting.com/mfaigley/jesus/jesus13.jpg
  17. If someone gets angry over satire, they seriously need to reevaluate their outlook on life. http://www.columbusracinghosting.com/mfaigley/jesus/jesussaves.gif
  18. I've got a collection of Jesus pics, I'm debating over whether or not I should post them...
  19. This is the official easter thread, what does a french fry have to do with Jesus?
  20. http://www.columbusracinghosting.com/mfaigley/jesus/jesus-saves-walmart.jpg
  21. post this on ohiorotaries.com someone may be interested there
  22. http://www.columbusracinghosting.com/mfaigley/drudgereportconcession.jpeg
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