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Everything posted by copperhead

  1. http://www.buckeyefirearms.org/buckeye-firearms-association-pac-announces-2014-general-election-grades-and-endorsements PDF version for printing out: http://www.buckeyefirearms.org/sites/buckeyefirearms.org/files/publicfiles/pdf/BFA-Voter-Guide-2014.pdf Make a custom voter guide here: http://www.buckeyefirearms.org/Custom-Voter-Guide I guess the supreme court candidates are pretty important this time around for gun rights.
  2. http://www.ar15.com/forums/t_8_12/568764_Vance_s_in_Obetz.html
  3. The link wasn't removed by anyone here, and not against the rules. It just didn't work for some reason
  4. I'm pretty sure that Columbus requires that all used guns coming into stores have their serial numbers ran. I wouldn't have any concerns. Just make sure you triple check the condition. Oh, and your link or pictures or whatever didn't show up.
  5. Should I move this to the for sale section? I'm not sure if you're looking for advice or looking to buy from someone here
  6. Most stock triggers are terrible for sure. On occasion you luck into a good one like I did, and that's with any brand.
  7. PSA is fine. They didn't have the staffing to get orders out very quick during the panic, but that was to be expected. Most see AR small parts are made by just a couple machine shops. So what you buy at one place is very likely the same as anywhere else. I have a ptac parts kit in one of my rifles and its fine. In fact, the trigger is great. Nobody would be able to tell the difference.
  8. Regardless of what stupid shit Joe Biden may have said, don't get a shotgun. They are terrible for noobs. Any handgun worth using will be minimum $400 used. Cheapest you will find an AR is $500. Seeing how your lack of money is well known around here, get an air horn like people use at football games and a couple things of pepper spray.
  9. A coworker is interested in the Alcatel. Could you pm me a phone number?
  10. By normal prices I mean prices at non-giant chain stores. I have a feeling that Field & Stream will only have good deals when they're running sales. Keep in mind, the Field and Stream stores are just Dick's stores that have been split off.
  11. The .380 I got worked out to 33 cents a round before tax. Not going to find much better. Got enough now to last a while. 9mm is next for me to watch for, when the budget allows it
  12. Just got back from there. Very little crowd, and lots of ammo. Looked like two skids of 1,000 boxes of 9mm, two shelves of .380, a shelf of .22 and plenty of everything else. Normal prices are way too high, only worth buying there with this sale going on
  13. I need some .380 Am I wasting my time by even thinking of heading over?
  14. 911 caller is completely at fault here. He had the cops thinking this is some sort of active shooter scenario, which wasn't even close. Not sure if anyone here has been following, but one of Bloomberg's funded groups has been trying to cause trouble for Kroger since they refuse to ban guns in their stores. They are claiming that if they ever encounter someone open carrying, regardless of whether or not its legal to open carry wherever they are, that they will call 911 and basically do what this guy did. Act all panicked on the phone and make the cops think its an active shooter situation in hopes of the OCer getting shot by the cops. At the very fucking least the guy that called 911 needs charged with a false report to 911. I'd rather see the guy charged with murder. Those cops were completely amped up before they walked in the building, and for no reason other than the caller was an asshole and a liar. They should have had a bit more restraint, but they were put up to it.
  15. Welding is welding. The vocational school is really your best bet. If you can become really good at welding you'll find way better paying jobs than doing oil changes and replacing exhaust.
  16. If you want to get into semantics then the M&P is something like 9/10's cocked, so they can claim to police departments that they are DAO, even if just barely, so that they qualify for PD's that still use the archaic requirement that they only issue DAO guns. But for simplicity sake, striker fired is a different system than single action or double action. Then you've got Sig with their DAK triggers, and HK with whatever the fuck they have that's better than you, and hates you.
  17. DAO eliminates all striker fired guns fyi I have a Shield. I like it. For pocket duties you can't go wrong with a Glock 42.
  18. My 1996 Toyota Tacoma got 30 mpg
  19. I'm not sure there's a gun show anywhere in the country worth going to right now. People are still trying to get panic prices even though that's long gone, and the cool surplus stuff is pretty much gone now. You know that's over when AIM Surplus no longer carries surplus. So I guess if you want some home made jerky and shitty chinese made knives, maybe some .22 at triple what its worth, then sure, head on over.
  20. I don't think there are any left like that in the rust belt. Try the Carolinas or Florida.
  21. I've been seeing tons of newer Chevy's rusting lately. Plus, even typical Chevy fanboys have been avoiding their trucks because of some new thing they added, I think cylinder deactivation. Just going off the numbers posted here the Ford doesn't look like anything special, and I've always loathed Ford interiors. Probably doesn't apply here but a lot of people with the ecoboost trucks get a nasty miss when driving in rain, and Ford is trying like hell to pretend it isn't happening. I'd go with the Ram. Just wash it from time to time.
  22. copperhead


    Here's true bravery, to go along with it http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/f-16-pilot-was-ready-to-give-her-life-on-sept-11/2011/09/06/gIQAMpcODK_story.html?wpmm=AG0003407
  23. copperhead


    Truth. This will live on as an unofficial memorial day, at least throughout the lives of those old enough to remember it. But as long as we all cling to this tragedy as our defining moment we will never be able to rise to greatness as a nation. We will forever be stuck in a rut of trying to squash whatever pathetic group is out to be the boogeyman of the week, and eating away at our own freedoms until they are all gone. Never forget, but move on with your lives. Be happy and be free. The planet will continue to spin even after we're all gone, the sun will still shine. As long as we don't nuke the planet to death the birds will keep chirping. Go outside with a smile on your face and enjoy your day.
  24. I hit the gas waaaay too early in the turn, didn't know any better at the time.
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