911 caller is completely at fault here. He had the cops thinking this is some sort of active shooter scenario, which wasn't even close.
Not sure if anyone here has been following, but one of Bloomberg's funded groups has been trying to cause trouble for Kroger since they refuse to ban guns in their stores. They are claiming that if they ever encounter someone open carrying, regardless of whether or not its legal to open carry wherever they are, that they will call 911 and basically do what this guy did. Act all panicked on the phone and make the cops think its an active shooter situation in hopes of the OCer getting shot by the cops.
At the very fucking least the guy that called 911 needs charged with a false report to 911. I'd rather see the guy charged with murder. Those cops were completely amped up before they walked in the building, and for no reason other than the caller was an asshole and a liar. They should have had a bit more restraint, but they were put up to it.