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Status Updates posted by jagr

  1. Sorry about you Mum Bro.

  2. only a couple mo days.

  3. Talk to Todd about your trailer. He can do all that shit.


  4. jagr

    my bad that link is for the NON HD WIDE.

  5. Where you been???

    See you tonight.

  6. Looks like the rumors about you two are true. :rolleyes:

  7. Ok disregard text. Shell get them today.

    Start a thread if you want. Takes too long on my ifailphone. :D

  8. You want me to pick up a tix for you?

  9. Yeah I'm in. Maybe a dude I work with. Not sure if wifey will go. No work Thursday either.

  10. Classy Sig mang. :D

  11. Hello? You ducking me kid? :D you down for the show or you got Turkey plans?

  12. Haven't done any ridin for a couple weeks. I think I pulled so

    ething in my back so I'm nursing it today. I gotta get my FatAss in fighting form again.

    That'll prolly be my winter mission. Yeah I love 5FDP more than cake. Is not "Metal" as muck as it's "imgonna take a motherfucker out music". Nahmean? :D

    ah. Purdy boy is right. I see MJ trying to get you outta the house too. Lucky!

    I'm trying to get Yota to hit Rob Zombie with me on Nov25. Want in. We have to do tix soon if you do.

  13. Gotta do whatcha gotta do man. Dont feel too bad about it though.

  14. whats up purdy boy?

  15. Happy Birfday mofugga.

  16. Casper give you this meet n greet schedule?

  17. Sorry I didn't get down to check out your thang. I'm still interested though.

  18. Yeah I am shitty. :D You need anything let me know.

    like I said we have alot of good people up that way and I know you'll make some good friends. FYI, Catman is on here too. Later Ladyfriend.

  19. i thought you would like that. :D

  20. Did you decide on anything yet?

  21. Sorry to hear about your bro man.

    They live on within us.


  22. How much? I could prolly get down this weekend to have a look see.

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