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Everything posted by jagr

  1. My neighbors own VA. It's a purdy cool spot.
  2. jagr

    OR bike night @ BWR'S?

    Just a thought. We also have Ashley (gooner) at The Old Bag of Nails in Gahanna. He's the new General Manager there as he was promoted out of the Pig Iron a couple months ago. I can give him a shout for next week and see if he can hook us up. Yea/Nay???
  3. What is your avatar? A dick in a box? Jk. :D

    it's funny though.

  4. Yep. Mike can. http://www.ohio-riders.com/member.php?u=2262 he did an awesome job on my rims.
  5. Dude no worries. I was just hoping to get you away from it all for a day. I'm always here if you want to do something.


  6. jagr


    I forgot we did that last year. Always good to give a little back.
  7. jagr


    Oh shit. What did that fucker say?
  8. jagr


    I have 2 peeps on mine. That dude is NOT one of them.
  9. As long as I get credit (props) for inspiring your uberghey concept. I don't know why when someone brings up Nick I get a mental picture of Sportbike Tommy from NitroCircus.
  10. I want rep icons to be Butterflies and flowers. Make it happen.
  11. It's true. Todds sheep love knows no bounds. I'll be there for sure. Can't wait.
  12. I think it was December 08 when I bought it from Mr.Bret.
  13. I did have a link to submityourflicks.com but was not comfortable posting it at the time. Now it's all good though. Also I believe redtube.com has a selection of milf prOn. Shit. I guess I called the Z1000 thing.
  14. jagr

    Who's drinking?

    Ah yes Mickeys. I remember $1Mickeys at the Milk Bar in Jacksonville.
  15. What up dewd? Welcome to the site.
  16. jagr

    Flame Room?

    The junk box is currently ablaze with ghey fire.
  17. I gotta ask. When you made his toes curl did they all crack at the same time?
  18. Winnar!!!! Of the most disturbing pic O' the day. Congrats.
  19. jagr

    Who's drinking?

    Sam Adams Octoberfest is fucking delicious. Lienenkugel has an Octoberfest too but I haven't tried it yet. Also saw a pumpkin Ale. Hmmm....
  20. jagr

    Who's drinking?

    I am. Killed 5 PBR lights. Gotta watch my figure. Haters hate away.
  21. Iaip! This thread will soon start raining men.
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