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Everything posted by jagr

  1. jagr

    2010 Honda

    I hear Kawi is bringing the Z1000 back to the states. hope they do.
  2. jagr

    where da heck you been?

    let me guess, Working?

  3. Glad i didnt say that. oh wait. Shit.
  4. you can only do that if youre blue and youre junks out.
  5. i just repped your ass into a gold star. youre welcum bro.

  6. me a mod??? No way homie. im not fukking Lance for that job. Well maybe if he grows that beard back.
  7. Sir, i believe what you are doing there is only legal in Utah.
  8. Election huh??? Thats a purdy awesome idea. (that'll never happen)
  9. i usually ask Slurpee or Tepee. Oh wait this isnt the racism thread is it???
  10. Howd you know it wasnt teepee injuns???
  11. Just wanted to chill and postwhore tonight. Mission Accomplished.
  12. Yeah me and phop5 had just joined. Seems like it was just last year. its been a pretty good year though.
  13. These pics have been going a round. Dudes are pretty fly. Ghey but Fly.
  14. ugh. not looking forward to newb season again. I know i was an annoying newb.
  15. Thanks for the PBR.

  16. Nick, your rep is off the charts.
  17. jagr


    Speaking of friends. I'm prolly gonna go see Brian Kinney at OSU hosp. tomorrow. Anybody wanna go with PM me.
  18. jagr

    Awh, poor Chicago

    Rio is nice. But like Chicago it's full of da Aids.
  19. jagr

    Flame Room?

    Blow off the crack of a DEAD midget hookers ass.
  20. jagr

    Flame Room?

    So in here, are we free to talk shit about non-riderz, vaginas and who's fucking who?
  21. That sounds like me but I can't rep myself.
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