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Everything posted by jagr

  1. If help with what I can. This year taught me to go big. Just a thought.
  2. June in Cleveland???? It's still snowing then.
  3. Hell yeah. Bring as many hoes as you can.
  4. jagr

    Where's Bambi?

    He prolly still in that box in your basement. (insert mini-gimp pic plz.)
  5. My costume will be the drunk guy in a PBR sweatshirt. Bring snacks and bongs pls.
  6. jagr


    this is gonna be good.
  7. Happy Birfday dewd.

  8. Whats up? I was on that ride with you. Black Zawi. Glad you joined up.
  9. jagr

    Flame Room?

    Then you would be Cdubya.
  10. jagr


  11. Marriage? think about that whilst listening to this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nfr_nWsXOBg&feature=related
  12. ^^^ I cant believe that was on a kids show.
  13. This is disturbing. i cant belive the Creator owned a Kannatuna.
  14. Toddpole brought this up to BWR one night. It IS a clean machine.
  15. hope that thing has ABS or itll crush your lid.
  16. Sorry i missed a couple people. 2 weeks isnt bad. some dudes pull out an uberdusty 2 year old thread. jusayin'.
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