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Posts posted by magifesq

  1. Some guys are just 'give you the shirt off their back' kind of guys, I have a friend who does track days all the time and he's always reminding me that when I line up the track day he's got the bike setup and prepped. The only requirement for him is that you replace the parts if/when you wreck.

  2. That sounds like a great plan - take people's money from them (via taxes) so they can't spend it, run it through the least efficient process to respend much less than the collected money and that's supposed to get the economy jump started?

  3. Not to beat a dead horse, but you're prices are to high. I called Mike about a set of 04 R1 calipers and he quoted me a price of $100 EACH! W/o pads.

    I found a set on ebay for $110 shipped to my door with a set of Vesrah pads. It wasn't just an isolated case either, I can find those parts all day for that price.

    Again this is just one instance, and not necessarily representative of other parts/services.

    I remember this deal - unfortunately we didn't have them in stock so I had to put them to our dealer network, that's where that pricing came from. We still give a preferred pricing structure to Ohio Riders members - that was the best we could do given we were working with another dealership dictating prices to us.

    I've got nothing against the ebay community, we have an ebay store with about 1800 of our 15k items that we have in stock. I'm glad you were able to get a deal, unfortunately it wasn't from us. Maybe next time.

    If we had the correct calipers in stock I would have been able to price match and also see about the pads. Our best pricing comes from having the correct used parts in stock.

    :)Also many Ohio Riders callers wait until checkout to tell us they're members, that's fine, its also cool to let us know at the beginning of the conversation.:)

  4. Here's a real time illustration of a price quote I just gave a member:

    Voltage Regulator/Rectifier. After market options - no legit options right now (Parts unlimited shows a price and a part # in their book, but the website says won't fit, none available in other suppliers).

    New List - $165, Used Retail we've sold 3 in the past for $85/ea, Ohio Rider Price - $75. Greater than the standard 10% yes, quality tested good part cosmetically and functionally. Ebay shops 2 selling for less, 6 selling for around $99.95, and some aftermarket ones for sale (I'd be a little wary since our 3 catalogs show 0 for the bike).

    There's more to our shop than just price. We help with service after the sale, I can't tell you the number of times people call us back and claim the part is bad when its improperly installed or another related issue. We can't trouble shoot over the phone, however if someone has a charging problem we can present the battery, stator, voltage regulator as the primary causes and help people repair their bikes one part at a time (usually the least expensive).

    Many Salvage Shops have a 'sold as-is no returns for any reason policy'. We do our best to get our customers the right part the first time, however if we make an error, we make it right - shop credit, exchange, or what have you.

    I'm not usually a name dropper, however we've been doing business with John McElfresh for years. Very nice guy to work with, we've helped him out with putting some very nice clean repsol ltd edition parts on his cbr1000rr he just sold. We're working with (satan) taking measurements and helping find a single sided swingarm setup to graft onto his ZX10R.

    Right now, I'm the primary parts salesman/manager and when I'm gone, the general manager tries his best to help. Lizard, you may have called on a Saturday I was out of town and if you got him, that sounds like his M/O.

  5. I have only delt with your used parts department. The prices are really high.The last time I called there I gave the guy my number and told him what I was looking for and never received a call back.I was a little put off by him telling me that they should be able locate the parts and save me 30% off new part retail.Why would I pay that when I can spend almost the same amount and buy it directly for the dealer brand new and I the color I need to match the bike.

    Without more to go on, I'll make some general parts comments - many front end parts are in high demand, short supply and the discount is different for a headlight or upper fairing than an oem muffler for example. Unfortunately, especially when in season, when we can't find the part(s) for people we just don't have the staff to keep calling people and telling them we haven't found the part. If you could pm me with some details I'd be happy to look into this for you.

  6. Best way to convert from homogenous charge to stratospheric charge fuel delivery? Been told by engineers with PHDs that the vacuum on the engine from the butterfly valves on the carbs/TBIs rob power, just wanting to get more efficient. In other words - best way to go from butterfly valves and carbs to fuel pump and progressive fuel delivery no butterflies.

  7. Back in tha day - I was a typical techno teen in the early 90s, had my cd players, original gameboy and all 5 games made, sega genesis all shiny and stuff. Neighborhood kid comes over talking about some movie he saw on TV last night while I'm typing up school report. I don't think twice about it. (We had lived in that neighborhood all my life and never had a break in) Left home that eve and came back to all the goodies gone. That was backin the days before profiling - police didn't even question the punk next door even though he'd been to Juvi and had a rap sheet as long as my arm.

    Here's the kicker, I would have had to save all the receipts from my stuff that I'd had for like 6 months to prove I owned it and paid for it. Like I'm a liar for calling the cops out and asking them to do what my tax dollars paid for.

    That being said - I do still respect most cops.

  8. I just checked, the VFR wheel is a 5.5" x 17", I'm looking to put a 6" x 17" on it and if I could get an afoordable car wheel with a 4 x 100 bolt pattern to fit, there's some slick aftermarket car wheels I figured with a spacer and some patience I'd swap out to 1. Widen the tire area, 2. Put a wheel on there nobody else would have (yeah, I'm into some uniqueness)

  9. My feel on the vid was more folks arguing to legalize cheap homegrown substances but killing off old and crippled folks that's an interesting take:o.

    Obviously those greedy drug companies are trying to sell us cheap powder in the form of pills lol, we'd be much better off buying private drugs from private pushers like Joe the pusher, he's pharmaceutical salesman of the block :D

    On a side note, my dad was killed by a drunk driver when I was 6 mos old. If alcohol did that, imagine what could happen to a crowd when someone's dropping acid, x, meth, heroine, etc.?

    It is supposed to minimally be up long enough to get the job done.:p

  10. Robot Chicken world's most one sided fist fights - http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=314338298182338882

    Robot Chicken the ultimate race - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCigX4OEpuM

    Halo/donkey kong -http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3X4_n1jtqmQ

    Voltron - http://www.gametrailers.com/player/usermovies/173866.html

    Frogger - http://www.jibjab.com/view/145927

    Heck - most robot chicken episodes are killer funny, although not all skits are the

    Family guy gets a few laughs as well

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