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Posts posted by magifesq

  1. What if the person is kind in nature, but faithless?

    Why is that just as bad as being faithful, but with an unethical moral compass?

    Or, which one is worse, and why?

    Just because the apple doesn't fall from the Christian tree doesn't make it a bad apple. In fact, I thought we weren't supposed to eat any apples off the Christian tree? :p

    I'll take this one - Kind or not, its as simple as this - Saved people will go to heaven and the unsaved will not.

    As for your hypothetical question - you can't be a faithful Christian and be an evil or an unethical moral character. In the Gospels to Pharisees were like the latter - religious on the outside, unethical on the inside, and Jesus would constantly call them out. If you read the gospels - when people are converted,saved, transformed or changed by Jesus the always leave very differently - Zaccheus - tax collector turned philanthropist, prostitutes turning into women of character and virtue, don't take my word for it, read them yourself.

  2. If my math is right then ($2,260,000,000 comes in $669,300,000 goes to shools, rest goes to inventory, advertising, overhead) about $.30 of every dollar goes to the school fund or directly to the schools?

    I went to Madison HS in Mansfield and one year the levy failed and they cut sports. In my Junior year a teacher explained the budget process - its kinda like to military - you have to spend all of your allotted budget or you won't get as much next year. That might be a problem with the current way the schools are being run.

  3. Here's a small (but HUGE) difference between Biblical Christianity and every other Religion, Scam, Cult, Sect, or intellectual/spiritual exercise -

    1. Every other religion, etc, boils down to People having universal problem and the solution is to do stuff to get into their god's good graces to get to an eternal bliss

    2. True Biblical Christianity boils down People having a universal problem and the solution is God himself comes down, provides the solution and it is by that solution People can go to eternal bliss instead of having to do certains acts, sacrifices, etc to go.

  4. Allah isn't a foreign god. Allah is the exact same god as the christian one.

    Allah is a tribal god from Mohammud "the prophet" claims is the same. Yes I have read the Koran / Quran, and they are different. Perhaps to an agnostic or atheist it would all be the same, perhaps to a non-christian it would all be just a technical difference - but the difference is like kissing your girlfriend Janet and telling her you love Denise - just not the same person.

    Again, maybe to you they are the same however when the bible clearly says Jesus was given the 'name above all names', and 'there is only one name under heaven and earth by which we must be saved (the name of Jesus)', now just in case you might be thinking something like that's all well and good for Jesus, but we're talking about God the Father - Jesus himself said 'I and the father are one'.

    If anyone wants chapter and verse, I can supply (didn't want to go that far).

  5. Let's a have a fun poke at Ironies in the General Government / Oxymorons and things that just don't make sense - I'll start -

    With all the government support for evolution, with survival of the fittest as a premise, protecting any species is directly opposed to this theory.

    Under the Clinton Administration some Owls were put on the protected species list and also there was a law past which banned ads for cigarettes. One highway ad sign in Washington State for smokes couldn't be taken down because the same owl on the endangered species list was nesting there.

    Here's another - one argument against the Alaskan pipeline is that it would disturb the mating habits of some caribou - now the caribou population there has grown 2-3 times the original number @ the time.

  6. the last time christianity went unchecked, we got the dark ages...

    I'm not about to let that happen again...

    :rant:Are you sure about that?

    World History 101 When Rome fell the libraries were burned non-christian invaders and that was the start of the dark ages The enlightentment (started by christian intellectuals) got the world back on track. In between we did have the crusades and the spanish inquisition, not the brightest moments.

    Let's examine just a few Christians in Science - Galileo, Copernicus, Alessandro Volta (yeah the battery guy), no small names in history, more if you care to dig. There's been hot debate whether Charles Darwin was a Christian or not, but we'll leave that to the historians.

    It's a shame that some believe that Truth and Science can't coexist.

    It would be very easy to hijack this thread onto the greatest destruction of mankind religious zealots vs godless serial killers, but that's not my intention here.

  7. .....Didn't I see your face on the trojan ad...the one that said help prevent accidents like this:D?

    (If the guy is with his wife you can always get brutal) If that's your wife, who were you with at the mall last night?:rolleyes:

    .....You know, there's no cure for stupid like that.:o

    .....Did your mom teach you that line or did you spend your whole life coming up with that?:nono:

    .....Just think if your mom would have swallowed, how different you'd have turned out.:lol:

    .....(best line for an abortion debate) If you'd have been aborted we wouldn't even be having this conversation.:eek:

  8. The designer can't possibly have a designer, that'd be circular reasoning. I mean if the designers designer had one then who designed him...and so on and so on and so on................to infinity and beyond!!!!!

    It's just as hard a stretch to imagine 1 single brave cell coming to life amidst all the primordial chaos, but in the end its pretty simple - French mathematical genius (Blaise Pascal) put it like this - either A. The Bible is telling the truth and Heaven and Hell will be real, or B. Its not. If A not B then it would be a good idea to inform people and give them a choice. If B then A then just go do what you want.

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