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Everything posted by 2wheels>4

  1. If only doctors knew one tenth of what they would have the general populace believe they do about the human brain and mind. At least you admit the areas of ambiguity more than most. The average shrink would have you believe that he actually knows what he is doing rather than just dosing you with drugs to see what happens when they pull a neurotransmitter string like a mad puppeteer... Modern psychiatry is akin to animal experimentation, only more cruel. Also, ADD is a bullshit diagnosis. At least for the vast majority of cases it is a combination of bad parenting and poor educational practices. Stop trying to teach someone with 140 IQ at the same rate you teach the functionally retarded kids who don't even want to be in school, and the smart kids won't get quite as bored and mischievous. And little Johnny really does need beaten when he talks back to his teacher. I don't care what your hippie guru counselor told you, corporal punishment is effective if administered correctly. (incredibly ineffective if administered incorrectly, to either side of the scale..) WHAT!?!?! I missed this episode somehow... Hulu, how have you failed me!! He was a good character, thought they were going to bounce the old balding dude with the whiny attitude... bugger. I'm way behind on my House, apparently.
  2. I always get the title first and show up with tags, but if you can't you can't. Just a shame to drag a perfectly good bike behind a cage. Heehee... I saw them too... Unfortunately I was too busy being jealous of anyone who actually NEEDS the dyno to mock anyone about it... I have video of one of the 'busa's pulls.... I think this might be worth investigating, someone call Stephen Hawking! Not recommended exactly, but I like the style. Let me know if you go with this plan, I wanna watch dude get his ass kicked by a girl. And just where did you get this picture of me!?!?! Have you been talking to my ex boy, er, girlfriend??? Damnit... Nothing says cool like a tutu and a smoke, so fuck you...
  3. Damn it to hell!!! Not only did I miss out on this deal, but now my entire business model is wrecked knowing someone else thought of it first!!! As for riding to work.... Well, my gear is still wet from the last two days of riding, and I am currently unemployed so... I am just looking forward to being warm and DRY since I ride anyway and no fucking work... Grrrrr... I am, however, VERY stoked about warm sunshine regardless of motorcycles or employment!!!
  4. I have 00ga ear plugs and have no problems whatsoever with full face helmets. I have worn steel double flare tunnels and silicone tunnels both with no problems. The only difficulty I have found is with the hard tunnels/plugs you can snag them and pull them out much like when removing a t-shirt with a tight neck. Silicone seems to work very well with the full face helmets. Only had it snag once and it was easy to feel it happen, but not painful. (read: didn't hurt, didn't loose the tunnel) Other than that, no worries. Right now I am sporting 00 silicone tunnels and a pair of 10ga captive ball rings through those and I have been riding several days with this combination. My girlfriend rides with 0ga glass plugs in, several other standard size (18ga) earrings, and wears an expensive helmet, HJC maybe?? I wear a Sparx, both are nice and snug fitting and neither of us has problems. (neither of us is at an inch either though...) Where the hell is Hoblick on this one.... He has gauges AND a lip ring... I was wondering if that gets in the way. Ryan!?!?!?!
  5. +1 It's fun AND educational. +100 Brainwashing children with lies about the boogey man is akin to abuse.
  6. I don't think it was actually anyone on this forum, but I am going to talk shit anyway... I was out riding between my old home in Dublin and my new home in Obetz (moving, but slowly) in the rain on 270 and noticed some tool weaving in an out of traffic whilst towing a trailer. On said trailer is a nice shiny red Harley all strapped in....(fairly certain it was HD, didn't take the time to look for actual badging, etc) So, after tool box switches lanes a few times and cuts me off at least once I actually notice that the thing he is towing is a bike!! (I was paying more attention to the rain and the cagers, oh, and speeding a little to boot... hehehe) I pulled up next to him and caught his attention. Unfortunately screaming epiteths and slurs sounds exactly like "hey man, love the Harley" when you are wearing a full face helmet, dark shield, and riding a V2 down the highway at about 80mph... I don't think he caught my point, or the fact that I was making fun of his cager ass for being a trailer queen... Probably thought I wanted a ride. *sigh Just had to post that in case it was one of us... hehehe Yeah, I know you just bought it and had to transport it home, still a pussy... The only bike I ever trailered didn't start... Sorry, I'm done now. I'm just in a pissy mood because my fucking gear is still wet... including leather boots that do not dry easily... Need to buy more gear, or actually wear the rain gear once in a while so I don't have to ride wet when the rain actually stops. I just didn't feel like wearing it or pulling over to put it on when the rain got worse...
  7. I have no stunt experience other than the ones I do by accident whilst being a dangerous dick, but even I could tell this guy was a tool from the first moment. Then the fucker spoke.... OMG what a douchebag. Yeah, the real stunters that showed were dicks, but he was asking for it baaaad... Seriously, I want those shirts, both of them... Now. And please add the dreads and blunt smoke to mine, if you could... Thanks.
  8. What if we love Tofu and to F U... That's right, I'm a militant stinky hippie with a hard-on... deal with it.
  9. Amen, Brother... Or, Nema Natas.... LOL You, as many others, misunderstand the nature of selfishness, also you are full of shit. We kill just fine, and there is nothing more selfish than killing others so you can have a better life in your own country. (Ok, so that isn't completely accurate, but you get the point...) Now, someone with a clue, or a library card, either or... Satanists are just Atheists making a joke on Christians.... No one who believes in the Christian mythology is really going to side with Satan, he has no chance... Ironically, this exact reaction from the religious is one of the primary reasons why we like to poke fun at them. Sadly, they rarely get the joke. (Ok, so you get the occasional teenage angst type that doesn't really understand what they are doing, but know they hate Christianity... these are just closet Atheists posing as Goths, like acne and black makeup, they will grow out of it....) Even Anton LaVey stated that Satanism was just Atheism (Ayn Rand Objectivism, if you really want to get down to it) with ceremony. It's a joke on the close-minded by the free-thinking. (or so we see it that way) Atheists/Satanists make BETTER soldiers in my opinion. We fight for reasons we understand and aren't scared by magic men in the sky or "evil" satanists in our foxholes.... leaves us clear headed and ready to do the necessary. I would rather fight with someone who understands their mortality and the reality of the situation than someone who has "faith" in anything which can be shaken at a crucial time. Sure, religion has been used for eons to motivate soldiers and control the populations, but that is yet another reason to hate the lies and the liars who spread them. And Christianity was DEFINATELY forced on us in the Army. The UCMJ says one thing about religious freedom, but I experienced a very different story... Persons not of Christian faith are openly mocked, singled out for hazing and punishment, selected for distasteful duties on Sunday because "if you ain't goin' to church, you might as well work your sins off...." Total bullshit just because I choose not to put my head in the same pile of sand as these ignorant hillbillies!?!?! There is a good group out there, Atheists in the Foxholes. They are exactly as the title suggests, look them up if you wish. See, see what happens when you get me started on religion... I rant and then nobody likes me anymore.. Maybe if I pray about it... Damnit, gotta go do my taxes...
  10. 2wheels>4


    Welcome! Although you are losing points for admitting to being a trailer queen right off the bat... Nice bike!! Now act like a 1%er and ride it like a sport biker. Then join the S&G boys for some fun...
  11. HOOKERS AND BLOW!!!!! I'm sorry... got distracted.... I don't give a fuck what month, really. You either have to deal with the weather or the fucking teenagers, the only difference is that I intimidate teens, not so much Ohio weather... Either way I am going to drink too much, ride all the coasters, scream like a girl until I can't talk the next day and then ride home WAAAY to fast. If I can afford it on my unemployed salary, that is... anyone want to buy some crack?? Suck yo dick for Cedar Point tickets and gasoline?? Oh, sorry, regressing again.... grrrrrr.
  12. I personally like this option. I strongly recommend against it, but I DO like it... I like this even better.... more payout, less jail time....
  13. Oh yes... one more reason to add to THAT list....
  14. Yep, exactly why I posted that! Don't let the fuckers bullshit you, they are just jealous and fear what they can't understand. Un-evolved troglodytes just want to chemically castrate your superiority!!! Conspiracy I say!! Oh, shit, this is why people think I'm a little unhinged, isn't it?
  15. No thanks, I'm straight. But there is a course right down the street here on Riverside.... You can ask my brother about the rest, he swings the same way you do. My best friend called to see if I wanted to go with him the other day and he even waited until I stopped mocking him to hang up on me!! Really though, it has caught on here quite a bit. I don't care for it, but I do know that there are LOTS of places to play if you want to run the gambit. I see them out all the time when I go riding down Riverside and it looks like a nice place to enjoy the weather on a sunny day.
  16. They tried to call me bi-polar too... Funny how an over-active thyroid/adrenal gland and PTSD can look like manic-depressive... I wasn't bi-polar, just very hyperactive and suffering from depression! Now I'm just manic, not so depressive. MUCH more fun that way. I'm happy and I have the metabolism and energy level of a cracked out shrew... And to hell with psychiatric medication... The only reason to take drugs is if you have an infection or a party. They just want to play fuck-fuck with your brain chemistry and pretend to know what they are doing to justify 120 bucks an hour to your insurance... assholes.
  17. Ohhhh... THat's funny... Not the least bit surprising, but funny that someone put it together! I was in with Clinton's boys, would have rather served Ronnie or Bush Sr.... Wasn't really in for the pres anyway so much as for what is left of my beautiful semi-capitalist, almost-free country. Fucking commies taking us apart one polititian at a time.... Dubya is kind of a moron and a douchebag, but still the lesser of several evils... I voted for him, but washed my hands till they bled afterwards. Certainly would applaud him harder than any pansy ass liberal though.
  18. Damn things are expensive, you DO have it wiped to use one... LOL +1 for PC/IBM More options for the "advanced" user, cheaper to purchase and use, more widely accepted formats... I'm gonna catch shit for this... all the Mac fans I know foam at the mouth about their grand superiority... Oi vey...
  19. Pretty cool!! Wasn't aware of the phenomena with schizos, but it makes sense. I'm not schizo, but I AM BPD/PTSD... hehehehe... Dislexics have some pretty cool attributes as well... For years medical "science" has told us that it is a learning disablity, but that is only because no one knew how to teach them properly when standard methods proved difficult. Every dislexic I know has been brilliant and they have a very unique way of viewing some things... Facinating, really. Dissociative disorders, anyone?? They call us "sociopath" and I hear the fear and derision in their voices. They say we are flawed because we don't feel emotion as strongly (or at all). I say we are more highly evolved than you because reason rules our actions and not foolish hormones.... The inability to motivate or affect my decision making with emotional pleas, sympathy or cheap religious parlor tricks like misplaced guilt is a great advantage! Of course, not all are so well adjusted....
  20. So. Fucking. Easy. The photographer is a foolish prick for not being able or willing to show his work on site. However, it is his gloriously capitalist right to be a dick and fail miserably. Haggle if you can, nothing wrong with that, even trash his methods on the boards, but in the end it IS his intellectual property and his right to be a tool if he so desires... + rep for grammar Nazi... Jesus, even a grade-school kid can use spell check...
  21. I have driven RWD and even powerful V8 RWD sport cars in snow plenty, which is why I know they SUCK. Now, if snow is light, no traffic, and I don't have a schedule, yeah a RWD is fun as fuck. NOT good for commuting though.... Your best time might be in a RWD, but it will be way slower than mine.... And you don't need 4WD for a slippery paved road.... the people that tell you that a 4x4 is necessary mostly live in rural areas like where I hail from. There are plenty of roads and driveways outside 270 that you WILL NOT navigate without MODIFIED 4x4 after a good snow. Usually a stock Jeep or 4x4 is sufficient, but there are plenty of places that you simply can't access after a snow without 4 wheels spinning and a few extra inches of ground clearance.... And contrary to popular belief, the wide mud tires SUCK on slick pavement... Mud, yes. Snow, not so much.... Anyone who doesn't believe me, I will be happy to tow your cage out home this winter and leave you there. See ya in the spring when you get out again too.... Winters have been mild lately, but I remember some fucked up shit growing up.
  22. Yeah, most days I taste like malt liquor and bong resin... the rest of the time I am apparently beef, baby.
  23. It was a pretty nice day, and great meeting so many at once. Lots of eye candy too, I want that Honda hard-tail springer.... soooo sexy... Sporting a new Ohio-Riders decal on my helmet now too... couldn't find a good spot on the bike that won't be cut off, ground down or repainted by the end of summer, so I just slapped it on my dome. Now I can fly the freak flag no matter what bike I'm riding!
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