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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. Also, note that I've had numerous close calls both ways, and the blind spot driver coming at me is way easier to handle than the pucker factor of being to close to the car in front when everyone hits the brakes and I've got a shit load of traffic behind me. Yes, that was a long run on sentence...
  2. yup, just love walking the bike down the freeway in a traffic jam.... You won't be able to avoid every blind spot. But you will be able to control the distance to the vehicle in front of you. No choice there. Set your distance ahead, and deal with the rest of it. Move with a car that moves into your lane. Take the next lane over, drop back, ride between lanes, or take the berm/median. Whatever gets out of the way, until you can get back to normal travel. The horn is useless unless it's Moose's air horn. Sometimes, but seldom, even suddenly accelerating is good, if it's clear ahead and not so clear behind. Watch for people on cell phones, or otherwise not paying attention. Those are the ones most likely to do something stupid, like a sudden lane change, and not to signal when doing so. Their blind spot is bigger. Well, infinite... I've seen packs of cars where all are doing this, weaving and wobbling and not signaling at all. Can't figure out why they aren't hitting each other. Rare, but I'm going to drop back and let them wreck on their own. I've found that generally, if I slow down a bit, and give myself more room ahead, the car behind me will give me more room behind me. Most people really aren't stupid, and really don't want to wreck.
  3. +1... I've been throwing away a lot of poli mail lately, and hanging up on a lot of people (land line)
  4. Yeah, I came close to breaking a chain. So I switched. Makes me wonder exactly how long a damaged chain takes to actually break.
  5. Somebody convince me that I should sell a bike before buying another. I'd like a late model muscle cruiser, or an older NightHawk S (don't ask) or both even. Or a BMW - R or K dunno... Or convince me that I should wait till I am willing to let one go before buying another. Or tell me how many are too many... Or find me a big garage with a little house attached...
  6. Same here. It's been a long time.
  7. dang... our schools need to stop teaching kids that "they don't know what their sexual orientation is yet". Poor kid got no clue, and can't make up his mind. Schools and media taught him how to do that. So wrong...
  8. I admit that I would like to have a cruiser some day. Same deal here, I'd like some lean angle and performance, and dual disk up front is appreciated. As well as fuel injection. The part I still have trouble with, is the heavy weight of most cruisers. I don't want a heavy weight bike. The compromise, is that if it's got hard bags and stuff for long range touring and riding, an extra 100 to 150 pounds is reasonable. I just don't want an 800 pound bike. So I'll watch this thread, and see what comes up...
  9. Actually, I read that it's a shale oil project, and that the Chinese are trying to learn how to do that. China apparently has a lot of shale oil and they don't know how to get to it. So they are buying in for the experience. Good luck with that. The Siberian oil fields are still slowly being developed. It wouldn't have happened at all, if the Alaskan oil fields hadn't developed the cold weather technology. But with the Siberian fields, American oil companies went over there to help develop the fields.
  10. I think I understood when no American companies bid against China when they took over the major Iraqi oil fields. That was a political thing on an international scale. But this takes me by surprise. China has purchased a one third share of a major Texas oil field. $1.08 billion USD http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703358504575544864133587350.html http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2010-10-11/cnooc-unit-to-pay-1-08-billion-in-cash-for-stake-in-gas-project.html http://www.nasdaq.com/aspx/stock-market-news-story.aspx?storyid=201010102157dowjonesdjonline000258&title=cnooc-to-buy-chesapeake-field-stake-for-11-billion
  11. I think mine expired. edit: then again, I had several Top Secret, which could easily be reinstated... background checks and clearances are expensive. No one wants to pay to have them done.
  12. Here... see if you can wake up in the morning without hearing this running through your head.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVAXJm_kjno&NR=1
  13. Mossberg M590 Special Purpose 9 shot + 4 in the SpeedFeed stock = 13 Ghost Ring sights and SpeedFeed stock preferred edit: it has an M9 bayonet mount (M7 and M9 fit)
  14. Oh gosh where have the old days gone... I worked at a Honda/BSA shop, and the Harleys would come in and buy stuff all the time. What happened to change that... edit: ehhh, all I care to remember is the day TWO Ariel Square Fours rolled in to visit...
  15. Something else I used to carry around in the truck/car. A big book of Ohio maps of all the county roads. Every freakin' little road was on these maps. Great for when you're looking for a short cut.
  16. If the thread is stalking some one through a dark alley... Yes, call the Zombie Squad...
  17. hahaha, yeah, I just saw it... In the last place I looked, of course.
  18. Dude, as much as I enjoy technical writing, I don't see what you are talking about. Maybe I missed it, but I don't see it.
  19. True, if there is a fuel pump, make sure it's working correctly.
  20. Worse, I'm not sure why some people take offense at being waved at, lol.
  21. Clean the entire carbs again. Carbs are hard to get cleaned out on the first try. If you have a manual, check where the vent passages are on the carb body. Make sure air will flow through all passages and vents. If it's not the carbs, start checking spark and timing events.
  22. Float bowl vent. If the air can't get out, fuel can't get in.
  23. It was a pic of Hot Hands grip covers. And it vanished, I can't see it either, nor can I edit it. I found Chinese-made Winter motorcycle gloves at the old YOC. It was the only brand/type they had, so I asked what the deal was, did they really work? The guy said yes they do. And yes they did. edit: There's only 3 gloves at Iron Pony listed as Winter. Field Sheer Pokerun Winter Long textile 53.99 Field Sheer Pokerun Winter Long leather 76.99 TourMaster Winter Elite 99.99
  24. I couldn't ever decide. But found simple motorcycle gloves that are so warm I don't need heated grips. For me, I'd probably get those Oxford hot hands that velcro onto the grips on those few occasions I'd really want the extra heat.
  25. Correct, the Lincoln Kawasaki plant made dirt bikes.
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