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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. IMHO, dogs only respond well to two syllable names (or commands). So if it's more than that, they are only hearing two. Too much for the dog brain to process, I guess. And in actuality, it's probably just the musical tone of the words, and not the actual words or syllables themselves. so if you name your dog "Artemus the musical dog from Atlantis"... chances are the dog thinks it's name is something like "dog from" or "the mu" or simply Arty blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah, is all that's heard.
  2. Pelican and Krauser... But good luck finding Krauser, I think the production plant in Germany is still shut down for refurb.
  3. I've seen three smaller ones. They are all dangerous, since they pretty much sneak up on you. One was on the radio while I was driving on a country road. They said it was right where I was, going the same way I was. I looked around, and it was in the field to my right, moving along pretty fast. Well, it was kinda windy, oops... (ok, a LOT windy)
  4. With lots of time to ride far far away... I'd say BMW R1200(R/RT) w/ABS. Or go with the K1200(LT/GT) or K1300GT w/ABS if still want tons of power.
  5. Arrest made in taunting of cop who crashed chasing motorcycles. Arrested was the leader of a local motorcycle club. http://www.seattlepi.com/
  6. The govenator signed it... http://www.fresnobee.com/2010/09/29/2096642/boost-motorcycle-noise-and-face.html
  7. Years ago a Cutlass rode down a guard rail on I-70 East. The guard rail removed everything from under the car like a buzzsaw, leaving a straight line front to rear ragged trench underneath.
  8. 4 wheels? Seriously? Those parking wheels won't go 400mph...
  9. Rocky Robinson hit 394mph on the Bonneville salt flats. Average speed 376mph. Speculation the motorcycle might have hit 400mph somewhere. Pending verification. http://www.theunion.com/article/20100927/SPORTS/100929767/1054&parentprofile=1054373 http://www.flattrack.com/index.php?option=com_fireboard&Itemid=46&func=view&id=115884&catid=3 Rocky Robinson's website http://www.rocky-robinson.com/
  10. I figured that when you said MAC, but what the heck do I know about MACs, (other than how to fix and break them.) I wasn't kidding, the hacked win98 machine barely runs anymore. Game duty mostly. And one of the other updated computers is used only to check out virus and trojans. Oddly, when running FireFox, serious trojans apparently prefer to start up IE for the attack. Go figure...
  11. Can it upgrade to IE6? I run IE6 on my win98se box. And for the record, it's win98se hacked to win2000sp4 level. And it don't get infected. (Nobody would want to...)
  12. Wait... IE is better? Better than what? AOL w/ Netscape?...
  13. nah, there's a couple of ways to deal with rain. This is one: This is another: I think that one will fit your bike, Gen...
  14. There's quite a large group doing this. At this stage it's being lead by a pair of Excelsiors, and it looks like about 7 have dropped out, and another 5 struggling to finish each day's ride. http://www.motorcyclecannonball.com/
  15. that will never happen... although I would ride any Harley with dual discs up front. Like an XR1200 would be interesting, if it weren't so heavy. And have a small fuel tank. And a small headlight. And a belt drive. But it's a start...
  16. Looks like great fun, but wouldn't a big single cylinder thumper be better for that?
  17. I've fixed tons of stuff on the roadside. And I ride solo a lot. So tools is a must have for me. I used to carry links and half links, to repair chains. Luckily chains are a lot tougher to break now days.
  18. Note to self: add one AAA card... Does AMA do roadside? (edit: my insurance probably does roadside.)
  19. Unique tools: Spanner, Pin (rear shock) 890202-KY1-700 $12.71 Wrench, Plug (16.5) 89216-MAT-000 $10.18 Handle (12mm) 99006-12000 $2.22 Everything else is common. 5mm hex wrench, pliers, screwdrivers (8in1). Wrenches or sockets: 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 14mm, 22mm, 27mm. Maybe the torx socket that fits the brake calipers... My rear axle is a pain without a crescent wrench to hold the axle for the 27mm socket. So I add one of those big enough to do that. I always have zip ties and tire kit and flashlight anyway, but if they fit in there, ok.
  20. First off... a Harbor Freight tool roll. $7.99
  21. I wondered why the 2007 919 didn't have a toolkit, but the 2002 919 did. Well, Honda doesn't put one in the bike anymore. (It was the last year, maybe they just didn't do it.) There is only an allen wrench and the helmet strap thingy. Guess I'll order up a shock spanner and a spark plug wrench and throw in my own selection of tools. so what all do people think they can't live without in a mini toolkit? I have my own ideas, but wondered what wisdom was out there...
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