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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. From the website: Recent Casualties allieofcourse SethDumm BillyBA pultz.8 josesanchez092
  2. At least one of my tank bags has a change pocket up on top. But I know that tolls in and around Chicago can be pre paid with an electronic ticket bought on line. Perhaps there is something like that for the Canadian tolls. edit: nm, it's E-ZPass I'm talking about, and Michigan isn't a part of that yet. And only one bridge in Canada uses it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E-ZPass
  3. Franklin Plating in Columbus is what we used to use, and it's long gone. Here's what I found, and I have no clue if they are any good or not. One is in Chillicothe, and the other in Grafton. http://www.superfineshine.com/ http://www.customchromeplating.com/ Perhaps Reimbrandt would know where some chroming can be done. other O-R threads on chroming: http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=52738&highlight=chroming http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=54100&highlight=chroming http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=19559&highlight=chroming Don't forget powder coating as an alternate.
  4. Not really, stick with oils that are ok for motorcycles. If you want cheap, go to WalMart and get gallons of either: Shell Rotella® T3 SAE 15W-40 Shell Rotella® T6 Full Synthetic Both will say JASO MA on the container. Safe for motorcycles. edit: confusion... Shell Rotella has dropped the JASO-MA specifications from their website for Rotella T3 and Rotella T6. It now shows JASO-MA for "Rotella T Triple Protection". I won't be using Rotella any more, not if they can't make up their minds...
  5. So... last night I should have gone out and scrubbed in the new tire while it was warm outside. Instead of doing nothing to it till this morning, when it was cold, and damp, and dark. Engine sputtering since it wasn't warm, ride out through the wet grass in the front lawn, get to the first corner... and the engine catches in the middle of the turn, revs up, and the back end takes off in a power slide. Pull that clutch in and straighten up... Kinda scared the girl on the sidewalk, I ended up pointed right at her.
  6. 01010100 01101000 01100001 01101110 01101011 01110011 00100000 01000011 01100001 01110011 01110000 01100101 01110010 Sorry, I'm just a wiseguy...
  7. My second bike was only 20 bucks a year...
  8. Do something... before China takes that $2.65 trillion USD surplus they have and buys Mexico, and gives them all AK47s. edit: I'm not joking... both Spain and France tried it more than once. Germany tried once. Why shouldn't China.
  9. One of the two Mexican gangs in that contested area, is comprised of ex Mexican Special Forces troops. Good luck dealing with that...
  10. Massachusetts state courts have discovered that motorcycle insurance companies don't depreciate the value of the vehicle over the term of the policy, for motorcycles. Which means they continue to charge the motorcycle owner as if the motorcycle was still worth what was originally paid for it. Note that they probable wouldn't give you that much in a payoff. Be sure to ask your insurer, how much the policy is insuring for in total. The Patriot Ledger More articleshttp://www.boston.com/news/local/breaking_news/2010/10/mass_bikers_to.html http://www.insurancejournal.com/news/east/2010/10/12/113977.htm
  11. Working here aussi... I think it must be just YourFaceBook...
  12. So for giggles I painted my windshield brackets, and went to put the Givi windshield on tonight. It don't fit. The brackets are weird. They came in the box from Givi, the part number is right on the box. But the brackets (with no part number) in the box are for something else. Duh. I check the twisted throttle website, and NOW they have brackets for it, for sale separately ($19.00). And obviously the right ones, judging by the photo. Guess I wasn't the only one... Thanks Givi, for nothing. Oh well, the paint on the brackets turned out to be crappy anyway. It flaked off right away (old paint)... (I suspect there are some differences between European 919s and North American 919s. Particularly around the headlight.) edit: and that weird buzzing noise was the headlight bucket. General fix for that is to line the bucket with thin packing foam.
  13. Seriously, read his trip reports... 18 day, 8100 mile US trip: http://www.advrider.com/forums/showthread.php?t=619034 Michigan LP off road trip: http://wr250rforum.forumotion.com/adventure-reports-f9/four-hunnert-forty-four-miles-of-michigan-t2403.htm 6 day, 3000 mile New England trip: http://www.stromtrooper.com/ride-reports-route-sheets/56129-6-days-new-england.html
  14. eww eww eww I wanna fiber optic helmet mohawk....
  15. Nothing to disclose here... move along... Let's see, how would that go down in DC. "Aliens have been snooping around" "Where are they from?" "We don't know." "What do they want?" "We don't know." "What do they look like?" "We don't know." "How do they fly like that?" "We don't know." "What are their intentions?" "We don't know." "What should we do?" "We don't know." "Can we talk to them?" "We don't know." "Do they come in peace?" "We don't know." "Where are they now?" "We don't know."
  16. I have the RoadSmart on the '02 rear, with a Qualifier SportMax front. That's close to a RoadSmart front. About a year old on the rear, with very little noticeable wear. The '07 now has RoadSmart rear with OEM Battlax front. Should be interesting. Will replace both front tires probably in the Spring of next year.
  17. Fixed it... new RoadSmart installed. The OEM Battlax was worn out anyway. Found small puncture with small leak. Apparently I parked right on it and it became big leak. I put 45psi in it and rode it home. Pulled tire, went to Pony, back and installed. Not matching up the front tires till next year. Will need both fronts replaced by then. Or the Harley guy let the air out. edit: this was the '07...
  18. dang it... it had 38psi last night. And no problem riding in to work. I walked past it a little bit ago, and the rear tire has no air at all. And I can't find anything wrong with it. Will be power pushing it over to our automotive lab. Will probably patch it to go home. It's an old tire and will be replaced anyway. Always look on the bright side. It didn't go flat while riding it...
  19. I dunno, I'll listen up tomorrow and see how it acts. At first it sounded like an exhaust leak up front. If it had whistled at me I would have understood. Maybe something crawled up the pipe while it was parked, and I'll have to rev up and blow it out. Maybe I better start looking for something loose and vibrating. Dunno.... edit: it was also a cold engine, choke not on, hadn't been started for a couple of weeks... who knows what demons lurk... edit2: you know what? 919s are known for loud headlight vibrations. I've never heard the '02 do that, but maybe this one does. edit3: When I let off the gas late, I expect the exhaust to make a nice WOOF sound. Not this other whatever... edit4: ok, it turns out it is the headlight / instrument cluster making a huge buzzing sound. It doesn't happen too often. And then the back tire lost all it's air....
  20. ok, so I haven't rode the newer bike without a helmet. So I ran down to the carryout without. And when I let the throttle be late, when I pull in the clutch, it made this sound... sort of burrrrzzzzipphummmm. What the heck was that? It did it again. Does it do that all the time? And I've never really heard it with helmet on? (And tunes playing...) The back end of the cans are cut out, enough to backfire when decelerating. It sounded like both cans and all four pipes were vibrating. I guess it makes all sorts of neat noises. Kids come running out of houses to see that...
  21. That thread was cut out of another thread when it went off topic. (I think, now I'm not so sure.) Probably should have gone to R&R instead.
  22. Yes, it ran out of adjustment, so I took a link out, last year, and put it back. Just to be a smartass and say I had done it. It lasted one more year. It is now in a condition that will quickly damage the sprockets. So I parked it. And I don't know where the chain is that I bought last year. Somewhere... edit: 919s are known for not having much adjustment. It comes with a 114 530, but both a 114 530 and 112 530 fit up.
  23. Estimating a crowd... hmmm.... can't they just ask the Port-A-Potty guy how much crap there was? I'm pretty sure that's a reliable estimate of crowd size...
  24. lol, wtf just happened... fixed it for ya... (play knife in shower music here)
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