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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. Hell, if it were an SUV... just hold up a picture of a tight corner in the road, and it would just flip over on it's side without any help needed...
  2. If he did that on a road he knew, it could very well have been an animal in the roadway. RIP rider...
  3. Never ever tell anyone the three freakin' numbers on the back of your card... Hell, I had the phone company ask for them on a payment, and I wouldn't do it. Told them I'd call them instead. Just not taking a incoming phone call that far. Actually, incoming phone calls that ask for a credit card number get me amused. Just too many scams on incoming phone calls anymore. It's a huge percentage. Turn them all down, all of them, no exceptions.
  4. You'all missed it, Russia made the surprise announcement two days ago, which gave 10 days for an air strike. Oddly, so far no one cares. That's the mystery. What do they know that we don't? Is this a fake? Is the air strike already a done deal? Is it the quiet before the storm? Or is the concept of hitting just one of 8 to 15 Iranian breeder reactors under construction, just out of the question? Exactly why does Iran need that many breeder reactors? Which is three to five times more breeder reactors than any other country? And why does all but three of the first ones, need to be buried deep under mountains in secrecy? This won't get any better till it's done and over with, one way or the other.
  5. BTW, voice of experience... regardless of the road speed, multiple lane changes that cause other vehicles to jab on their brakes to get out of your way, will get you a reckless ops ticket. I've seen it happen.
  6. Torque the cylinder or head bolts first, and see if it stops. Or at least slows down. Whichever bolts, or both, that hold the cylinder to the engine cases. There isn't much pressure on the bottom side of the piston, so it's kinda weird. I sort of remember that those type of leaks are vibration related. Or bad torque, or uneven torque pattern or defective base gasket. If it's not leaking too bad, it sounds like a Winter project to me.
  7. I saw this in the news and just couldn't bring myself to post it up...
  8. I think the answer is in here somewhere. On a crowded freeway, getting too close to a vehicle in front while trying to eyeball a spot in another lane, is a high risk behavior. That's gotten me in more jams than anything else. And I've found that if I can get up along side a vehicle's driver and put on my turn signal, they will let me go change lanes without being surprised. Pissed maybe, but not surprised. Still a risk. Won't get there much of any faster. Enjoy the ride instead. Find the adrenaline rush somewhere else. And I'm not saying how small the gaps are that I've squeezed through. I think I'd even be surprised. I pretty much don't do that when riding with others. edit: rapid lane changing on bike or car/truck will draw attention of the unwanted kind real quick. Almost anyone will get a ticket for that.
  9. http://www.eknifeworks.com/ Smokey Mountain Knife works +1, and the best prices I've seen also
  10. Dump or siphon the old fuel into something like an oil drain pan. Pour the old fuel through two coffee filters (funnel/gas can), and put it in the car/truck/lawnmower tank and use it. If you don't want to use it, mix it in a can with kitty litter or driveway oil dry, and let it evaporate. edit: don't start any fires...
  11. Had to think about something, that maybe everyone else should think about also. In traditional Islam (not necessarily American Islam, there is a difference), wherever a mosque is built, it is territory claimed for Islam. In part it is the ground the mosque is built on, must remain Islamic territory forever. In the other part, it is the area of Islam (which means submission), that becomes a part of that mosque. Think of it as everyone in that area that can reach the mosque in a morning's walk or ride to faith. A mosque is forever, and history shows that once built, it will be fought for, to return the mosque to it's claimed territory. In other words, the ground it's built on, becomes someone else's property forever. (And I don't really know, but it's probably in Shara law somewhere.) Certainly no different than a lot of other ideology, but this one should be viewed as serious in that history shows that wars are started and people die, over the existence of a religious building that is brought into another country's territory. And the only reason this is a problem, is that we have a world full of uneducated peoples that support those views. Here in America, this really doesn't exist to any great extent. So how does anyone separate the two types? You cannot. And history shows that differing viewpoints within Islam also causes warfare. (No different than any other religious/political/ideological conflict.) So be prepared for potential conflicts in the future, because that is what this is about. And it's not my opinion, it's evidence of historical events.
  12. It's where the landing gear from one of the 9/11 aircraft fell through the roof of the Burlington Coat factory that used to be there. It will be in the Cultural/Civic Center of the new ground zero trade center complex. We're talking about two main buildings that each covered square miles. Two blocks appear to be nothing.
  13. You missed the point. What I originally wrote has nothing to do with Muslims, mosques, New York, or political parties. And yes, many people fail to understand what American is, and means.
  14. Sometimes I get confused, but I still see through the smoke and mirrors. So what part about Americans deciding for themselves is un-American? Who says somebody has to tell us what we are and how we should act? Only Americans can change Americans, to be and do whatever they want. There is no one person that can change that. edit: Currently 70% of Americans disfavor the building of a mosque at ground zero. That's a large percentage for what is normally divided and undecided Americans. Our President is getting jerked around on this one. It's a trap!
  15. For you, I'll come visit. Besides, I are hungry too. Departing East for West immediately.
  16. Good article. Pretty interesting comments posted to the article also.
  17. It's easy to check the battery. Simple way is to jump it to another good battery (not with an engine running), and see if it starts ok.
  18. I had a friend collect every Tamiya F1 race car ever made. That's a hobby. I managed to roll his RC Ford truck, that made me feel bad...
  19. The large scale Tamiya Sherman and Panzer/Tiger. Tubing for barrel and .22cal single round. Fired electrically. Had to stop to reload. Had to add steel sheet armor all over to do this. They were LBTS quickly. Strangely, we would do this right in the front yard, nobody noticed...
  20. Most of them had oil tanks bigger than your bike's entire engine...
  21. It's late, and I managed to double post. I feel so goofy when I do that...
  22. Gosh, when we were kids, we had scale RC tanks that fired .22cal and destroyed each other. We had to up armor them to survive....
  23. If your front sprocket is a 16 and you're going to a 17... I'm pretty sure you won't like it. Power will be less usable on a 650 through most of the power band. I think it's just too much. On the other hand, front sprockets are cheap, and I had several (0,+1,-1,-2) on my first bike and switched them around a lot. I kinda liked -1 for around town. I have an opinion about front sprockets, they should be STEEL, never aluminum. I have two 919 and one is geared 17 instead of the stock 16. It's a lot smoother and not much noticable difference on the freeway. (I think it vibrates less.) But not near as fast around town. But that's 110 hp pulling it, and it can still get up and go, if I rev it higher to launch.
  24. Correcto... although a few words are different in Austria, the language is basically Germanic. Southern Germany is similar, with a few words that aren't the same as standard German. I really like that part of the world.
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