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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. I think he's required by law to keep records of who he sold it to. Same as firearms. If not, it would be a good idea to keep records. The reason is, it must be a legal sale. A ballistic vest cannot be sold to a felon, or to anyone, if knowledge of intent to misuse the ballistic vest is known. Also not for sale or export to various foreign countries.
  2. oh lookie, a double post... my bad...
  3. I understand your concerns. But when "armor piercing ammo" turned up for sale in large quantities on the market place, both ammo and ballistic armor were regulated. Times change. Ballistic armor is now considered defensive, and it's ok to own the non-military type equipment. Along with special penalties for using the ballistic armor in conjunction with any felony. The armor piercing ammo is still banned or regulated by federal law. If you look for ballistic armor for sale you'll find plenty of the level II and level III. You can buy all you want. Tailors in New York will even make dress suits with Kevlar in it. So you are free to own ballistic clothing. Not sure where you got that idea. Just be aware that the ballistic armor industry is regulated. There is going to be a paper trail of who bought what and when.
  4. The article says that it appears that the brakes failed on the pickup truck.
  5. They got played. Or they are the players. Or both, just to confuse the issue.
  6. Vagos and Hells Angels fighting over control of Chino Valley, Arizona. I guess the local, county, and state police wanted it more. Maybe 60 arrested when the area was blocked off. Four or five shot in the biker gang fight. Nobody killed. Guess that was just some hello - little love taps then... Two of the rivals live right around the corner from each other. Makes for an exciting neighborhood, heh? At least 4 people injured in suspected Arizona biker shootout photo credit - The Daily Courier, Prescott, Arizona
  7. Not me, I went out and rode in the rain...
  8. Amazon.com sells ballistic armor.
  9. Body armor is a mandatory additional two year sentence to any felony in Ohio. Even a felony of the fifth degree. Basically everyone wanted one in their gun locker, years ago, and it's a fad that has faded away. Not an effective substitute for extra ammo. Highly over rated to own one, unless needed for daily duties.
  10. I've heard that. And I don't believe it. I'd like to see your bike striped down and fightered out. A weight reduction, sort of. Don't see many of those. (Or bobbed, bobbed is good.)
  11. ha, I forgot about that. I have two. Spares are good, except in bowling...
  12. The deer looks pretty much cut in half to me. Errr.... you didn't happen to get a name and phone number of that lady firefighter for me, did you?
  13. Rain will move thorough today, instead of tomorrow. And a good bit of that is burning off already. 13% chance of minimal amounts of rain for Sunday. Mostly in the East and NorthEast part of Ohio. Temps 69 to 83. Winds calm. 40-50% overcast. Good day to ride.
  14. ReconRat

    Got No Game

    Well, if you get answers like these...got no game. HE: I’m a photographer I’ve been looking for a face like yours! SHE: I’m a plastic surgeon. I’ve been looking for a face like yours!! HE: May I have the pleasure of this dance? SHE: No, I’d like to have some pleasure too!!! HE: How did you get to be so beautiful? SHE: I must have been given your share!!! HE: Will you come out with me this Saturday? SHE: Sorry! I’m having a headache this weekend!!! HE: Go on, don’t be shy. Ask me out! SHE: Okay, get out!!! HE: I think I could make you very happy SHE: Why? Are you leaving? HE: What would you say if I asked u to marry me? SHE: Nothing. I can’t talk and laugh at the same time!!! HE: Can I have your name? SHE: Why, don’t you already have one? HE: Shall we go and see a film? SHE: I’ve already seen it!!! HE: Do you think it was fate that brought us together? SHE: Nah, it was plain bad luck!!! HE: Where have you been all my life? SHE: Hiding from you. HE: Haven’t I seen you someplace before? SHE: Yes, that’s why I don’t go there anymore. HE: Is this seat empty? SHE: Yes and this one will be if you sit down. shamefully stolen from another website
  15. I've had a few of those. It seems to be a weak part of the design. The vacuum diaphragms just won't last forever. I prefer simple throttle slides like Mikunis have. I remember gluing one shut with RTV, but I wouldn't recommend doing that. It would have to be fixed again soon. The bad part for me was when I went to buy a throttle slide/diaphragm, they said I had to buy an entire carburetor. I refused. That was overseas in Japan and the carb cost near as much as the used motorcycle. Or it seemed that way at the time.
  16. It keeps getting worse. The story started here, Bad Journalism, when one news team originally reported that the bike hit the police car.
  17. I hang back a lot in traffic. It's not like any of the cars/trucks are going to get away. But if something opens up I usually get going.
  18. I nominate JRM for O-R spin doctor. Very impressive.
  19. These fuel canisters might fit in it. Also a water bottle. Twisted Throttle just came out with a setup for similar tool tubes that fit up fuel bottles. Might even be the same part, just costs more. $14.99 edit: Ha! in one of the pictures it is exactly the same tool tube. Twisted Throttle's MSR 30oz Fuel Bottle Twisted Throttle Tool Tube w/ Mounting Kit Twisted Throttle bottle mount
  20. +1 on the cheap motion activated camera. The only difficulty is finding a spot where street traffic won't waste a bunch of photos. The other choice is a motion alarm on the bike itself. I suppose the ultimate solution is motion activation on the bike, with remote cameras to record what happened. I haven't seen one of those, sounds like a project... edit: when I lived on campus, I either rented a nearby garage, or parked under a back/front window.
  21. Watch for your CL ad to come back up from some one else... or... expect a request to cancel the sale and refund money right after you've cashed the (bogus) check. You can keep some for your troubles, of course... edit: when they say "advert", they are far far away where Americanese isn't spoken....
  22. Mine did that after hitting it hard on a panic stop on the freeway. My rear brake is not a floating rotor (it's a floating caliper), so the caliper kinda froze a bit on the caliper mount it slides on. I kicked it to free it, and pulled it when home to see what stuck it. I didn't find anything, but a bit of sand or grit in the right spot will stop one from moving freely and it will drag. So that's an easy to fix answer. The other possibility is that your caliper piston did not retract enough to let go. Either way, once it starts dragging, it heats up and doesn't get loose, it expands fluid and tightens up.
  23. Small bit of advice, avoid going there in the Winter...
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