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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. It could be any of three Gold Wing models for that year. Kelly blue book is about 4800 to 6000, for Retail, which would have at least a 30 day guarantee with it. This does not, and should be lower, and closer to trade in value if there are no repair/maintenance records. (3350-4100) Reasonable for an average nice bike is splitting the difference between Retail and Trade-in. Average mileage for a 1993 would be in the 80,000 range. It's seventeen years old... I tend to be harshly realistic, when judging used bikes.
  2. ReconRat


    Here's the "felt" map from the Ontario-Quebec earthquake, from the USGS earthquake website. It should update on this image link. Earthquakes are felt sporadically at distance, due to geographic features and strata. What you can see, if you look, is that there is a fault plane under the Lakes and St Lawrence Seaway. edit: they shifted the view, but it shows numerous areas scattered through the Ohio area. Here's the actual list of reports: http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/dyfi/events/us/2010xwa7/us/index.html The earthquake was felt for a thousand miles, as far away as Tennessee.
  3. Craigslist Scams and Fraudulent Use of Vehicle Purchase Protection edit: I know you know, but do you know I know you know?
  4. ReconRat

    Gay People

    you never know... I mean, if you google "She likes planes and motorcycles and guns", you can get up to 10,200 hits on gen3flygirl's quote of JRMIII... oh great, I probably just created an infinity loop, the entire internet might crash and die...
  5. Till the foam rots, and then I try to replace the foam... but I got 9 helmets, so it will take a while... 4 are very old, one with rotted foam, and one is an antique... The other 5 are new... Not counting three combat helmets...
  6. Ohio no longer requires ethanol notification at the pumps. (since 2002) It's all E10 (10% ethanol) unless stated otherwise.
  7. meh, my punk low compression 919 will put out 65 ft-lb... (Honda advertises 55, but 919s dyno 64.5)
  8. Website for listing all the Ethanol-free gas stations in the U.S. and Canada http://pure-gas.org/ This is from the other forum you posted in, lol.... (or someone with an identical question) Summary: one in central Ohio. The boat dock at Alum Creek Park Marina - 90 octane. Only one other station listed, and it's in Chardon OH. Lewis Center unbranded 90 Alum Creek State Park Marina 4000 Hollenback Rd map details
  9. "Life is what you make of it"
  10. I use whatever. Key, kill switch, or side stand cutoff, or even sometimes I just stall the engine with the clutch. What's the big deal? Just don't leave the key on...
  11. Iran chickens out on sending ships. None are being sent. Ships from Turkey and Lebanon with intentions now unclear. US, EU, and NATO back sea blockade of Gaza. Israel eases land blockade to weapons and weapon material only. US, EU, and NATO finally realize that Iran, Syria, and Hezbollah have thousands of long range missiles. Perhaps twice what was previously estimated. US is rumored to go to a war alert stance with all combat elements. (Ready and willing to shoot down any missiles at any time.) US Air Force F-16s from Europe are scrambled for practice on long range attacks on simulated targets. (Iran) Turkey, Lebanon, Syria and Iran are all quiet. Suddenly have nothing to say. US, EU, NATO, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Israel suddenly quiet also. Iran assumes and plans for an attack from someone on either Iran or Southern Lebanon. US Navy Fifth fleet announces the USS Truman strike group is scheduled to relieve the USS Dwight D Eisenhower strike group that is currently in or outside the Persian Gulf. USS Eisenhower 6 month tour is complete around July 2. June 21 - Brazil drops support and help on Iranian nuclear development, after the UN Security Council imposes a 4th set of sanctions against Iran on Jun 9.
  12. Put a mannequin head in it, a couple of bottles of ketchup, and roll it down a hill during rush hour... film it, show us, we'll laugh...
  13. ebay... some fool will buy anything... even better, terribly used helmet with the original box! (let me know, I have a closet shelf full of old helmets...) edit: Goodwill Thrift store Play It Again sports practice painting on it (learn airbrush) and oddly, old Bell helmets are worth a fortune on eBay regardless of condition
  14. Go Advanced button and Preview button are your friends...
  15. barely sprinkling in C-bus... not a factor...
  16. Band will be Sarah Hadeka, per the calendar for June 22nd
  17. 15 minutes might be doable for the inner belt... 6.3 miles @ 15 minutes = 25.2mph...
  18. Worst Bar was reported to have closed, so this means it's open again? Or never closed? Who has been to this bike night this year, anyone? edit: ok, duh me... QueenBee...
  19. Back-in-the-day... heheh, there's a story there...
  20. That's about right. Back a ways I said "if free to move to a state of equilibrium" they could work. Well, if they are free to move, then they would be free to move to a state of imbalance when disturbed by hitting a bump.
  21. It was from the 60's... and yeah, it did a hell of a job balancing a tire for high speed use...
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