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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. Go here instead... Coshocton hot air balloon festival HOT AIR BALLOON FESTIVAL (Admission is Free) When: June 11 - 13, 2010 Location: Coshocton County Fairgrounds Phone: 740-622-5411, Coshocton Chamber of Commerce Originally called the Coshocton Hot Air Balloon Race, it changed its name to reflect the more encompassing events that occur at this festival. Balloonists from all over Ohio and Michigan come to show off their colorful aircrafts. Balloon launches are held at dawn and dusk. And a “night glow” of balloons occurs after dark. Balloonists take part in various events such as dropping markers while in flight in attempt to hit a target on the ground. A traditional hot air balloon race sanctioned by the North American Balloon Association is also held during the festivities. Other activities include 5k run, crafters, live music, carnival rides and more. Free Admission. Printout: Hot Air Balloon Festival
  2. French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle, departs for 6 month stay in the Persian Gulf.
  3. Nope, the battery is discharging. Either it's the battery, or the charging system. But it could be something as simple as a bad ground on the frame, where the battery ground cable attaches. Also the battery terminals. etc etc. Look for a connection/wiring problem. Evaluate the battery (not done yet). Charge the battery fully, let it set a bit, and tell us what the battery voltage is, before you try starting with it. Then check the alternator output, or have some one do it. Or go through life with this particular motorcycle having to be on a charger all the time, with an occasional push start. I've done it both ways, both are a pain... edit: at some point you might have to start thinking about a short circuit draining the battery. But I'll still guess that the battery just isn't all that good. But check it first, before wasting money on a new one. It's right in the shop manual, charge the battery, and if it has less than 12.3 v, replace the battery. (ok, I don't know what your shop manual says, mine says 12.3 v)
  4. Ok, a little digging and I found that Israel has 5 German made submarines, and they currently station in the Persian Gulf off shore from Iran (not all at the same time). That's a recent decision. The first three made were supposedly nuclear cruise missile capable. The last two made supposedly are not.
  5. I don't pass stopped cars at any great speed, generally. I also don't trust intersections, and tend to use moving cars for protection, generally. I really don't like conditions that don't have an exit strategy, generally. I'm also still alive, after all these years of riding, generally... And I also filter, ride on one wheel, and on the shoulder, but not generally...
  6. I picked a forum home base at random, sort of... It's politics and/or religion, or could be. So far it's not.
  7. Here's what I hope happens (or doesn't happen), if and when a showdown happens at Gaza. Nobody wants a mess in the Mediterranean. NATO steps in with a show of force. USA, British, French, Spanish, Italian, German, etc ships show up in force. Basically just whoever is available and able to get there in time. NATO can give orders to Turkish NATO ships. So when the little dogs go to fight, the big dogs are there to discourage them. This usually works. Worst case, amphibious NATO troops land on shore to handle "aid delivered to Gaza". If it sounds implassible, think of how many times it's already happened in Lebanon.
  8. Nope, these fools are on their own. Plus it will all be over before anyone will decide how to react. If and when. The Euro market will freak, of course. And North Korea, will throw a fit with all the attention going elsewhere, and do something stupid soon.
  9. It's worse than I thought, Syria is now best buddies with Turkey, all of a sudden. And Iran promises to send at least three ships to bust up the Gaza blockade when Turkish aid ships try again. One Hospital ship that will probably hide over in Egyptian or Lebanese waters near Gaza. One ship with aid supplies, and one ship feared full of Revolutionary Guard Marines. I expect the Iranian Marines to attempt to land in Gaza and stay, if they go at all. That part might be a big bluff. Iran says all three ships are aid ships. Iran plans to send two now, and one a few days later. And Iran supposedly has had one or two submarines in the Mediterranean operating out of Turkish ports. I suppose so, since the USA supposedly has one to three submarines in the Gulf off shore of Iran. How many submarines does Israel have and where are they? Any threat of a clash between these players is going to cause the stock market to take a big hit. But it can't stay out of the news forever, if it's actually happening. Right now it's barely in the news. No one is paying much attention. And rumors being what they are, somebody thinks they know where Osama has been hiding... What I actually suspect... The Kurdish between Iran and Turkey are going to be in big trouble. They need to scoot back across the borders into Northern Iraq.
  10. That wasn't police work, it was politics. Sooo... not surprised at all.
  11. http://www.daily-jeff.com/news/article/4840164
  12. Anyone else getting the news that isn't news about Turkey? Apparently they are up for a fight with Israel, BEFORE the stuff happened with the ships at the Gaza blockade. I'd repeat some of the rumors, but I'd like to see another source to back them up before I believe them. Although it would be difficult to deny the political changes going on in Turkey. And yes, the USA still maintains a base of operations there. I do say this, Turkey used to be the Ottoman Empire, until they picked the wrong side in World War One. Didn't pick well in World War Two either. Prior to that the Ottoman Empire occupied and controlled most of the Middle East for a long long time. If it's anything that area fears, it's a return of the Ottoman Empire. They have long memories passed down through generations. What I'm saying, is that the Arab states probably are more than a little leery of Turkey's intentions.
  13. harhar, glad I missed it. Just another fooked reality show...
  14. You can line the rear tire axle up with: The marks on the swingarm/adjuster The swingarm pivot (which pretty much will be square to the engine/frame) The chain (which makes the chain and sprockets happy) The front wheel (hard to do but probably the most accurate except for funky bikes that have one wheel off center from the other) all work, although there can be problems with each. What I'm thinking is that none of this type alignment would have caused the off center wear. I've seen road crown wear and cupping on the left side of front tires, but can't really remember having seen it on the rear. Probably because rear tires mostly wear so fast right down the center. A bent swingarm might do it, but I had a slightly bent swingarm on an old scrambler, and it really made no difference. (Other than slightly different transitions between front and rear wheels through left and right corners.) So I'll go with you're making too many left turns. Logic rules... edit: the front tire will take longer to show similar road crown type off center wear...
  15. ^^what he said. Lots of people like to keep a battery on a charger all the time. But it should be a good charger, one that doesn't over-charge the battery. The charger should be able to reduce it's charge and keep it there.
  16. Funny, I had a friend with a tunnel/hallway between the house and the separate garage. Solid concrete. Steel doors on both ends. Excellent.
  17. Never, it shouldn't need it, if everything is working correctly. The exception is in the Winter, when the bike is stored. Either the battery gets charged on the bike, or the battery comes in the house and gets charged. A good battery, with a fresh charge, should show 13.5 to 14.5 volts. A good working battery should never show less than 12.5 volts. Less than 12.5 volts and something is wrong.
  18. Bullfighter's foot caught on the bull's foot when the bull spun away. He leaned away, and fell backwards. All downhill from there.
  19. You forget that advertising costs are generally deductible on federal taxes. Of course, a company has to be showing a profit to make that useful...
  20. I had a hole welded in a motorcycle engine part once. It was the part between the head and the valve cover, that held nothing (oil gallery), above the camshaft. I took it to someone that had extreme experience with welding aluminum alloys. It warped the part a little, and I had to file and sand it down to be flat again at the gasket surface. This was even after we properly raised the temperature of the part to try and avoid the warping. The temperature cycles of the engine, made the bastard part expand unevenly, and it leaked oil at the gasket. The same temperature cycles of the engine, eventually made the weld area crack, and leak even more. I always wondered if I'd have been better off, if I'd have just coated it with a good epoxy. I do realize, that there was no substitute for finding a good used or new part. edit: and oh yeah, adding a second 919 only raised my insurance by 20 bucks.... and they threw a multi vehicle discount on my Jeep...
  21. hahaha, I know what is missing from the list... a fork a spoon edit: and you don't lose those, you keep them in a pocket, with you at all times...
  22. High Flow filters K&N Universal Filters K&N is the leader in those pod filters, and it appears that they did not make them to fit the 91-92 ZX7.
  23. ReconRat


    hahaha, I've lost 6 pounds in 15 days... (166) I said I lose weight in the Summer... It's been hot the last two weeks... Hard to remember to stay hydrated... I think I'll start a bit of workout to finish it off...
  24. You've got to be kidding me! That's unreal. That's the ultimate bodyguard. I want one.
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