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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. Man fatally shot at East Side biker club Man Charged In Motorcycle Club Shooting
  2. If anyone cares... here's the EuroVision 2010 album. http://rapidshare.com/files/393940252/VAES10.part1.rar.html http://rapidshare.com/files/393950904/VAES10.part2.rar.html http://rapidshare.com/files/393959078/VAES10.part3.rar.html The Saxaphone song is in part 3. (Sun Stroke Project - Run Away) Funny, most all countries sing in English. Except for France sings in French. And Switzerland sings in French. Switzerland has three languages and none of it's own. French, German and Italian.
  3. Much more complicated... ok, power to the fuel pump appears to be on all the time. Except, the power from the ignition switch, runs through a fuel pump transfer relay, and then through a fuel cutoff relay, and then through the solenoid relay(air vent), and then to something else up around ignition and handlebars to ground it, I think... this wiring diagram is much harder to read. The diagnostics for fuel pump is an eight page set of voltage checks. The fuel pump transfer relay activates the fuel pump. The fuel pump transfer relay, fuel cutoff relay, and solenoid relay(air vent) should be on the right side of the tail under the seat. There's four or five relays there, I think, but I don't know what the others are yet. The air vent solenoid is under the tank. I don't see a tip/tilt cutoff switch. You should also hear a click/pop when you turn the key on, that's the air vent solenoid working. The ECM unit also is sending a signal to the fuel cutoff relay. That would be the rev limiter. fuel cutoff relay also appears to kill power to one plug coil when it cuts off fuel. This also assumes it's not one of the eleven other fuel related reasons a bike will crank and not start. Most are basic things you've already checked. oops, here's the shop manual: http://www.stephygee.com/F4manual.zip from this website: http://www.stephygee.com/ I had to download it twice, the first download was corrupted... edit: there is also a procedure to check the fuel pump output flow capacity. It should pump 23.7 US ozs per minute.
  4. looked like a little wheelie for him out of the gate and he appeared to take the lead too
  5. Maybe it didn't have voltage to the fuel pump before. Fuel injection or carb with computer, both will have a lot of sensors and switches. I'll have to back up and try to find an older CBR600 manual.
  6. hahahaha EuroVision 2010 winner Lena owned... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12-9wFw-WCI&fmt=22&annotation_id=annotation_442331&feature=iv
  7. Inertia has a lot to do with it. It's not likely that anything on the road will stop a heavy bike. There is the possibility that something on the road can damage the front wheel/tire. That could bring a bike down. There are a few cases in memory of bikes hitting stuff that blew out the front tire, and possibly denting the rim. Same with a car, it can happen.
  8. And yet another ship sets sail for Gaza. This one is a Libyan funded, Greek ship, Cuban captain, sailing from a Greek port. Cargo is 2000 tons of food. There are about 6 different stories of where this ship will go. Apparently even the ship doesn't know. It's manifest says it's going to the Egyptian port of El-Arish. Which is where it should go, that's the port at the Gaza-Egyptian border that receives shipments to Gaza. But the Egyptian port of El-Arish says it doesn't have records of the ship planning to go there. But the stories in the news say it will go straight to a Gaza port, sort of. Either the Libyan organizers, or the world news, is jerking us around on this one. Probably nothing will happen. And the people in Gaza really don't need food. They have food. They need cement and construction supplies to rebuild houses and buildings. Which can't be sent into Gaza, because it all gets used to build tunnels and bunkers instead. Same deal with any sort of metals. It all gets hammered into crude rockets. The previous show down with the gunfight gets some news also. Israeli military says they have found shell casings that aren't theirs.
  9. Yeah, but I wonder about the ones that the front tire will drop 4 inches into the crevasse. I just cross over them, I don't linger to see what happens.
  10. ditto what Jagr said: Franklin Park Conservatory http://www.ohiotraveler.com/july_events.htm http://www.ohiotraveler.com/august_events.htm http://consumer.discoverohio.com/calendarsearch.aspx http://www.ofea.org/ http://www.yelp.com/search?find_desc=&ns=1&find_loc=columbus%2C+ohio#cflt=mideastern
  11. Cruel and unusual punishment. I had to turn it off.
  12. I sense the sadness, but not the comedy. My mind is scarred from exposure to this.
  13. I noticed last Friday that I-670 and a lot of other city roads had tar snakes put down in mass quantities. Slippery when hot. I also saw a motorcycle tire eating rut of a crack between lanes. It was fairly long, and varied in width so that it could grab just about any motorcycle tire. At the Cleveland Ave entrance to East/North I-670. I wouldn't want to hit that thing when changing lanes. It's in a place that will effect East bound traffic crossing town. It's not just the entrance ramp. It's farther down the road where traffic flows back onto I-670, after passing I-71.
  14. I don't see a kick stand cutoff switch on the diagram. Do CBR600s have those? edit: nevermind, that's in the neutral switch circuit...
  15. If jumper starts the fuel pump, it should be one (or more) of these items not working: Or the wiring between any of them... (from the 2004 CBR600RR manual) (1) Engine stop relay (2) PGM-FI fuse (20A) (3) Engine stop switch (4) Sub fuse (10A) (5) Ignition switch (6) Main fuse A (30A) (7) Bank angle sensor (23) Fuel cutoff relay The current path to the fuel pump is battery-(2)-(1)-(23)-fuel pump-ground The engine stop relay is activated by battery-(6)-(5)-(4)-(3)-(1)-(7)-ground Bank angle sensor is powered by a connection to (4) Sub fuse (10A) edit: Should be able to narrow it down quickly by using a Volt-Ohm-Meter. edit 2: It's probably just one of the three fuses...
  16. Catchy little riff...
  17. Iran's lack of domestic oil/fuel is a comedy of errors, arrogance and ignorance. Much of the story is here in this Slate article: Why Is Iran Importing Gasoline? Other oil-rich nations don't have to. short version: 1. Iran has old rotten junky refineries that aren't up to the task, so they import. 2. Oil countries normally trade oil rights for local refineries. They are very expensive, and difficult to operate. 3. Oil companies are leery of doing business with Iran. No refineries for you, Mr Iran. 4. Iran could possible nationalize and take the refineries once they were built. 5. Previous UN sanctions forbid equipment and building refineries in Iran. 6. Fuel is cheap in Iran. It was 16 cents a gallon, but now up to 40 cents. This was done to generate domestic growth. 7. But this lead to smuggling fuel across the borders into other countries for profit. Which caused shortages of fuel. 8. Iran imposed fuel rationing, which leads to graft and corruption (especially in guard and military). And unhappy citizens. They burned gas stations in protest. So suddenly the UN calls their bluff. And restricts fuel shipments into Iran. Iran is in a panic. There isn't much they can do about it. Except smuggle the fuel back in the other way. That will cost them cash. Which they'd have to pay to the non-Persian parts of Iran. And it won't be enough. And it's in areas that really aren't under control. Most of it might stay in the smuggling areas, which aren't Persian anyway. So pretty soon everyone in Iran will be walking instead of driving. Power maybe shifts to the non-Persian outlaw/smuggling areas of Iran. This could be a push to major social/political changes in Iran. Maybe even revolution. Wishful thinking, because it's much more difficult than just giving the situation a little push like this. But sometimes it works. Iran's internal credibility has been trashed if there is no fuel for the citizens. An example might be little buddy Syria, which has had a revolution, coup, military takeover, violent political change, on the average of about once every three years over the last 200 years. It's a tribute to Syria that the current regime has lasted so long. Iran might not be so lucky. Especially with outside countries wishing it would happen. Odd factoid: Syria's main internal enemy of the state is the Muslim Brotherhood, originally from Egypt. Which is where Al-Qaeda came from. Which is another story for another time...
  18. Although some sources are dubious credibility (publish misleading information on purpose for political and military purposes), lots of it is second source checked through major newspapers that aren't in this country and aren't known to publish trash. British newspapers are high on the list. British newspapers tend to leak information. The information just isn't available publicly in this country. And conversely, I would hesitate to repeat anything that wasn't already public information. Even the news of the Tomahawk submarines wasn't widespread. But Time magazine managed to pick it up. (Time magazine isn't the credible source it thinks it is.) The Tomahawk submarines surfacing in Asian areas of the Pacific, are clearly sending a message. And it was clearly understood by everyone. It is proof that we sent them there, and mean it. Quotations from the US military are that the US intends to increase forces in the Pacific, moving assets from the Atlantic. The 616 Tomahawks will take a country's infrastructure down in minutes. But the real question is misunderstood. It is "where is the fourth submarine?". Meaning that "you can't find them". This show of force with the Tomahawk submarines isn't the first time. It also happened in 2008, when one docked in South Korea. We don't usually do that with nuclear submarines. The US Navy just completed a major combined force exercise near Hawaii, with Pacific rim countries from all over the place participating. But not North Korea, and not China. Another message sent. It was one if the largest combined military fleets ever assembled in one place for exercise and practice. They sank three old derelict ships as targets. Also news that's news. Saudi Arabia has decided to join the nuclear club, and quickly. Their intentions are to be a nuclear force before Iran can do so. They are doing this with mostly French assistance, but I'm sure other countries will approve and participate. Included in the deal is Egypt and Jordon, which will also become Middle East nuclear partners with Saudi Arabia. Somehow I get the impression this is what happens when a show of force from the old "Ottoman Empire" is introduced into the mix with the current "Persian Empire". Both want their "Empires" back. Edit: Oh yeah, one more. Apparently the latest UN sanctions forbid oil and fuel shipments INTO Iran. This has sent Iran into a panic. As mentioned earlier, Iran imports about 80% of it's gasoline and diesel fuel. So basically Iran is coasting to a halt, out of fuel. This change should be interesting. The general population in Iran wasn't happy with the fuel rationing, and will certainly be unhappy about having no fuel at all. I've been researching data on several areas if Iran that aren't really Persian, but it's a very long story. Still working on it. Basically about 40% of Iran isn't Persian. One of the areas is over in the NorthWest part of Iran where Iran is worried about the US military buildup across the border. In the NorthEast is an area that is Turkmen and Kurd. In the SouthWest is an area that is Arab, and currently infiltrated by Saudi Arabia, as payback for Iranian infiltration into parts of Saudi Arabia.
  19. I could see spitting one with somebody. Not for everyday consumption though.
  20. yeah but... those are the new Enfields. A lot of those parts won't fit. Aren't vintage either, if you're trying to maintain the vintage status. There are places in Britain that stock and/or make the vintage parts. Burton Bike Bits Feked Classic Bike Parts Hitchcock's Motorcycles WebBikeWorld Royal Enfield Rebuild
  21. I really don't remember any specific problems with the Royal Enfields. I only knew one guy that had one back then. I don't think they had problems like the Nortons or Triumph/BSA. The Lucas electrics will be troublesome, there will be that. A scratch built wiring harness will usually go a long ways to fixing most electrical problems.
  22. I don't do low waves... I'm afraid I might fall off...
  23. It's a strange world we live in... Obama tells NASA to make Muslim nations "feel good" Telegraph.co.uk Google news feed
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