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Posts posted by ReconRat

  1. Jumped in secret. 135,890 feet. Broke Baumgartner's record of 128,100 feet. Also supersonic with boom. Used a "shuttlecock" tail to stabilize. No capsule, the balloon was hooked to the spacesuit. Awesome.




    No videos yet. Not much for pictures either.





  2. I'm had to resort to methods using 2x4s, strings and tape, or even tried a laser once. Any method to confirm that the rear wheel is squared up and following the front wheel. I think most bikes have both wheels on the same centerline, but some BMWs do not. The front wheel is slightly offset to one side. No clue why. (edit: it's airheads, and some Harleys also. Oops, Kawasaki ZRXs 1200 too.)


    Normally just lining up the rear wheel with the chain from the engine is good enough.


    Here's a link to a guy that found his front wheel twisted to one side. They bent it back. Amusing, but it worked.

    You can see in the first picture that the front triple and wheel don't line up with the rest of the bike.



    String method: http://www.pegmonkey.com/node/1057

  3. There will be an Ebola vaccine. Eventually. Canada, Japan and the UK are in progress. But it's basically compressing ten years of research into 12 months. Any sort of clinical trials to prove it works will begin now and take some time. At least one of the vaccines should work.


    The USA was unable to proceed on developing a vaccine due to the recession, lack of funds, mismanagement of funds, misappropriation of funds, lack of guidance and leadership, political infighting and general disagreement on how to proceed.


    But we have an Ebola czar. No one else does. We should feel safe now. Yes, that was sarcasm.

    • Upvote 2
  4. Enterovirus D-68 (EV-D68) recently took a big jump and is in 40 states now. Hard to confirm the diagnosis it seems, thousands admitted with symptoms, but few confirmed to have it. It is in Dayton, Akron and Columbus. It arrived in Ohio in late September. Fatal complications would be swelling of the brain and spinal cord. It generally attacks young people between toddler and teen.


    edit: I get the impression hospitals are not testing for it, only treating.


    Most states with confirmed cases of EV-D68 have reported unusually high numbers of hospitalizations, but the outbreak may be winding down. Enterovirus infections typically hit their peak in September and decline later in the fall, just before the flu season starts in October, according to the CDC. http://www.daytondailynews.com/news/news/ev-d68-virus-confirmed-in-ohio/nhWYh/


  5. Somebody wanted stats? Here's rough stats.


    Currently one in 700,000 chance of infection world wide

    beginning sometime in December, that jumps to one in 350,000 when infections double (if they do)

    the next week it jumps to at least one in 233,000 based on same rate

    again, the next week is 175,000 based on same rate

    and so on, until it's either under control, or out of control

    with the possibility of either rapidly increasing rates of infections,

    or an end to the spread of infections or simply continue at the current rate


    wait for December to see if predictions by UN WHO are correct,

    to see if infections double and possibly go on an increased rate after that

    then we'll know roughly what to expect


    keep in mind that current method will be to quarantine many more people than those infected (or suspected)

    which means by the end of the year chance of being quarantined might be like one in 1750 or even one in 350


    also keep in mind this is all "worldwide" numbers, and in the USA it should be at least a thousand times lower

    and Ebola has a low rate of spreading, roughly two more people for each infected on the average

  6. Of course it can be transmitted by droplets in the air. Sneezing. One reason why it's spreading so easily. I guess that's considered contact, and not airborne.


    Or to be technical, airborne is transmission by inhaling what an infected person exhales. Example is two people in the same room. If this doc is saying that's an infection vector, it's news.


    edit more news: the infected nurse that flew to Cleveland, was actually allowed to fly per CDC guidance rules. She had checked first before she went, to get permission, and was allowed to per CDC guidelines. The CDC did not know that when they made their press statement. She was under the limit of a 100.4 fever, so she could go. She had 99.5.

  7. I remember crowded, intense traffic, sunny all the time with lots of smog. I think it's still the same except more crowded and less smog. Air quality seemed really good when I was last out there. Little things don't cost more, but everything else does. I once figured a 60% increase in pay was breaking even. You might drive enough to probably replace an engine about every two years.


    And most likely don't bother trying to bring any firearms into California. Either banned or lots of red tape transfer stuff.

    Just buy new when you get there.


    The advantage of a drought is that it is recommended to shower with a friend.

  8. I'm reading that the Dallas hospital did not have squat for instructions and training for the situation. One employee said it amounted to a single posting on a bulletin board in a hallway. I'm also seeing news info flicker it's details. I figured it was just the 50 to 70% inaccuracy rate trying to correct itself. But yes, I have seen information vanish completely from the internet. Nothing I'd want to discuss in public, considering it's removal...


    Remember, if you read Canadian, British or Indian or any other good foreign source of news, you can likely find something that isn't in the news here. Including US national news that should be there.


    edit: apparently did not have proper gear or supplies or logistics either.

    • Upvote 1
  9. oh golly gee, the UN WHO says the numbers to date will become the weekly numbers by December.

    that's like a ten fold or more increase, where does it go from there?


    The World Health Organization reported sobering new figures Tuesday about the Ebola outbreak ravaging West Africa, saying the number of new cases could reach 10,000 per week by December, about 10 times the rate of the past four weeks.


  10. Boston doesn't seem like the patient is infected.

    Five pulled off a plane from Dubai in Boston.

    Another goes into isolation in Kansas.

    JFK airport stops and checks 91 passengers.

    Louisiana rejects disposal of incinerated belongings of Dallas patient.

    Airport aircraft cleaning crews refuse to work in some places.

    Canada warns citizens to leave infected countries. (Possible ban on air travel.)


    Seems like if you have a fever, or look sick, you better just stay home.

  11. Something that isn't well known, is that a big chunk of the temperature increase was simply a change in the way ocean temperatures are monitored. Instead of getting reports from ships and leaving it at that with blank spots, they started averaging in the blank spots. Suddenly the temperatures went up. Apparently it wasn't good math. Not much has happened since then for temperature changes, after what looked like a big jump.

  12. I saw a woman in the house when about 18. Middle of the night, woke up to see her standing there. I froze, she froze. Really weird. Lasted long enough that it wasn't a dream or imagination. I think I counted to 60. Looked like some one from a previous century. No moving or fading away, just suddenly...gone. Gone when I tried to speak.


    Really rather cool, all things considering...


    edit: yeah, and somebody fell down the stairs one night. Nothing to see, move along...

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