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Posts posted by ReconRat

  1. Don't disagree with this, but there were/are studies done showing them to be safer all around.  Now what was tested vs what really happens, well that's like saying that because my F250 has a lower safety rating than a smart car makes sense.  Sorry but in 99% of any NORMAL driving accidents my truck will be safer, but still has a lower safety rating. 

    Yeah, I know that in general, on the average, the safety is there, per studies made. But in specific cases the wire barriers can be very deadly, beyond anything previously expected.


    Reversing the condition. If hit by a large chunk of steel and/or wood, I would expect cuts, bruises and broken bones, hopefully not more. Hit by a rope or cable with energy behind it, I would expect to be sliced in half like a giant knife. Different world.

  2. never happen. these fucking cave warriors are just that. they would never compare against any real military. theyre taking iraq and syria because those countries are trash pits with nobody to fight back. they would never get turkey, jordan, israel, pakistan, or iran....theyre just big dreamers

    Agreed. But they are dreamers who dream of salvation through death and do not fear. They have tested the borders of Saudi Arabia, Jordon and Lebanon and been repulsed.Those areas will have to be converted or pacified from within before trying again.


    Perhaps the strangest part is that Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Israel are making plans and combining forces if necessary. I would bet Turkey also has advanced planning. NATO in general would be correct in starting to worry about future events.


    I'm wondering about the Arab League of Nations, and why so quiet. Probably a split on which side to support.

  3. 1. Might have recently moved into town.

    2. Might have a felony background.

    3. Might not be able to run for office.

    4. Might not be literate to run for office.

    5. Might not want to run for office.

    6. Might still be high or drunk from last night (every night).

    7. Might still be worried about those unpaid parking tickets.

    8. Might be waiting for current politicians to just give up and leave.

    9. Might not realize that anyone can run for office and represent their neighbors.

    10. Might not want to represent their current batch of neighbors.

    11. Might still be hiding from the Ex and alimony.

    12. Might be moving on pretty soon anyway.


    baggage and excuses - lots of it

    • Upvote 1
  4. If it was an older revolver, the kind where the hammer actually is the firing pin then I guess I could see it going off from impact...I've seen a glove get dragged behind a truck on a rocky dirt road for 2 miles and not discharge.

    I hope I never get shot by a glove. Dam that would hurt. Plus I'd never live that down. I will keep my gloves unloaded.

    • Upvote 2
  5. A street riot is very fluid. It can move and be where you are very quickly. Bad behavior by everyone is typical. Anyone not wearing a uniform and gear becomes the bad guy. And ignoring orders to move or disperse won't go well. Members of the press are not an exception unless escorted and then still subject to the same orders.


    Everything will be calm and cool, and then suddenly go completely nutz. Yeah, I've seen a few.

  6. Here's a clue as to what Islamic State thinks they are going to do. This is showing up on their "social media".


    There is reportedly a second map image that shows them extending into parts of Europe.



  7. I'll take back the claim of countries funding ISIS. From what I read, that has stopped under pressure from other countries. And also reading that the group is no longer being called ISIS or ISIL, just Islamic State (IS). Also noted that Saudi Arabia sent 1 billion in military aid to Lebanon to prevent invasion from the Islamic State troops. IS attacked and captured one Lebanese border town last week, but were chased back across the border into Syria.

  8. It wasn't our fight until last week when we decided to protect Americans, allies, and innocents. It's a faction fight by proxy between Shiite and Sunni. Sunni countries are quietly funding the action. It isn't in the news unless you like to read offshore and dig deep. They are after Iran. On the way they want the old country of Levant back. That's Israel and/or Palestine, Jordan, and parts of Syria, Lebanon and Egypt. It will never happen, but they can dream.

    • Upvote 1
  9. wow, congrats to everyone for discovering it's complicated and working through it. Been there and done that for aircraft on down to solar cars with bicycle wheels.


    D.O.T. (Department of Transportation) data keeps it all straight. Based on only static distribution of weight on each type of tire and the load rating of the tire. Without a set of D.O.T. rules we would have serious problems with tires in practice. Load rating is based on design of tire, basically diameter, width and profile. All other considerations of motion and variables are covered by a very generous safety factor that basically overkills the requirements with a large safety factor.


    It does not overcome the fact that a cheap tire might not do the job all that well, nor does it assume things like jumping cars in a monster truck or playing Dukes of Hazard with your vehicle.


    Simply put, an increase in weight or downward force from any source requires an increase in load rating of tire. Contact patch is designed to be reasonable for the application and tire compound. And then tested to see if it's true.


    Additional weight or less weight to increase cornering ability of a tire could be quite variable in results. Only testing it would determine if it's useful. As a guess, I'd say small changes could bring good results, if lucky. Large changes would upset the previous conditions.


    Example of real world: You could change a rear tire to one size wider, and one size lower profile, and have approximately the same load rating. You could gain a larger contact patch, and have more traction or cornering friction. Keep in mind that the stock front tire could be less capable, and might break loose sooner than the rear.


    edit: doah! One more thing. The actual tire pressure is a requirement of the D.O.T. standards also. A specific cold pressure is to be used for a specific static weight on a specific size of tire. There is no upper limit on pressure, but no tire is designed to operate below 26psi for extended lengths of time.

  10. Constitution says that also. But too many people tend to see it as an optional privilege, that can be denied. It isn't, it's a Right with a capital "R". Same as freedom of speech and assembly. But careful what you say and where you say it, lol. It seems speech and assembly can be denied too.

  11. Crown Royal isn't even on comparison lists of best Canadian whiskey.


    Top of the list is Glen Breton Rare 10 Year Old Single Malt Whisky for $85 rated 95/100.


    Highest "best buy" is Royal Canadian Small Batch Canadian Whisky for $19.99 rated 93/100. I'd like to try this one.


    My Dad always bought Canadian Mist and Canadian Club. And I agree.

    Close to the same as Black Velvet Reserve but two bucks cheaper.

    (Except that the pint is in a stupid plastic bottle.)


    More interesting, I tried a Tequila that a friend picked up in duty free in Mexico City. 200 pesos.

    Really nice and smooth. I think it was an older Cuestion Tequila.

    edit: Heard it was Esperanto tequila. I was wrong.



  12. i would if i could ever find some 300blk/aac/whateverthehellitscalled.  i would feel so very silly carrying around a perfectly good pistol without any actual ammo inside.

    I found 110gr and 220gr at Cabelas (in store), but it went fast. Mail order is the other choice.

    Thinking about one of these: http://www.gorillaammo.com/300-AAC-Blackout-147gr-FMJ--200rd-Pack_p_55.html

    oops, you'll want subsonic: http://www.gorillaammo.com/300-AAC-BlackOut-Subsonic--208gr-Hornady-A-MAX-Loaded-in-Remanufactured-Cases-200rd-Pack_p_59.html

  13. yes more, dry force of friction (parallel) is based on the qualities of the material contact (size and type) and the downward force (perpendicular).


    and weight shift plays an important part in the downward force.


    edit: useful friction is also a balance between weight vs material plus downward force when trying to stop.

    total weight might be more than the effective material contact patch can handle.

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