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Posts posted by ReconRat

  1. Funny this isn't making the Western news much...


    Us forces are evacuating the al-Annad air base in southern Yemen. Really leaving the entire country. A civil war has broken out backed by Iran on one side and Saudi Arabia on the other. Getting real.


    Found on news feed from Kurdistan:



    Found on Reuters: Saudi forces build up on Yemen border



    Found on CNN: ... which has turned into a trashy website after the recent changes...



    edit: Actually described as a four sided war. Adding in Al-Qaeda and ISIS makes four. Both are present. And some of the other two have split factions that may turn against each other for their own reasons.

  2. Was reading Aviation Week magazine today. Flight to Afghanistan. Pilot was playing with camera while co-pilot was in back. Puts the camera down near the throttle. Moves the seat back up. Bumps the camera, bumps the throttle and auto pilot shuts off... puts aircraft in power dive for 33 seconds. All passengers and crew injured bouncing off the overhead. Co-pilot crawls across the overhead upside down in negative G to reach the cockpit and recover the aircraft. Aircraft software automatically canceled the dive and speed about the same time he got to the controls...

  3. You had the right of way. It isn't "take a number".

    Correct. Driver's Ed says stop for traffic, stop at the stop sign, stop at the intersection, and yield. Not stop once and blow everyone off. (and use your durn turn signal.)


    Shoot, around this area, we're lucky if they stop at all. Blow right through.


    Odd story... my neighbor saw a pickmeup coming up on a 4 way stop, that normally blows right through it. So what does he do? Runs the stop sign square in front of the dude. Not recommended, but effective...

  4. This is interesting. Army Corp of Engineers says could fail at any moment.

    They want to drain it to low levels and get rid of it all together.




    edit: apparently Ohio did not close the flood gates on March 1 like they normally do. Keeping the levels low. Residents haven't received dock fees this year. Re-construction (if decided) would take 3 to 5 years and be an economic disaster for the local area.

  5. This is not accurate. There are many state roads with 3 digits, including 555. County roads do change numbers at county line, but state routes do not. ODOT is responsible for maintaining the state routes. Counties are responsible for maintaining their county roads.

    well dang... burst another bubble then.


    edit: ok, I looked. Big mistake. Those two digit roads are marked as federal. But yes, two digit and three digit roads can be state or county. So I guess it is the federal roads that are better maintained.

  6. 555 is the old wagon trail from Zanesville to the Ohio River. It was originally a road made from logs. Also why it has blind crazy corners right over hills. It was built for the speed of horse drawn wagons.


    Two digit roads are state roads, and much better maintained. Three digit roads are county roads, and will vary from one county to the next.


    I'll vote for 78. It's a very interesting road. But I've got nothing against 555, as long as it's understood it can bite you hard. 555 south of 78 isn't too bad anyway. Till it gets congested near the river. Watch out for buggies in the small towns near Zanesville, and farm equipment on the road near the river.

  7. And the vaccination came from cowpox. Close enough.


    I'm waiting for one set of parents to sue another set of parents for spreading measles unnecessarily...

    Shouldn't take too long. There was a batch of kids in an urgent care had it happen, I think.


    The bad news is... one vaccination is not enough. And apparently, two vaccinations is not enough either.

    A small percent of twice vaccinated are catching measles. Most noticeable when those vaccinations were a long time ago.

  8. In general, large amounts of cash spent anywhere has to be reported to the fed gov. I would think Homeland Security currently. Not TSA, wth. I go ahead and spend it anyway, what-they-gonna-do-send-me-to-Vietnam?


    Florida has some strange rules/regs, but the only one for vehicles I can think of is the $500 bucks to transfer a vehicle title in from out of state. Apparently they think they have too many vehicles and not enough roads. I thought that was limited to Southern California.


    edit: A thought, if renting a large van, I would suspect a requirement to check a TSA or HLS list, but not for a fee, duh.

  9. I still have it loaded on mine, but it lags when there's load, which is when there's something to look at.

    Rainy Days is a similar app. It lags too when there is too many people trying to use it.


    Instead I loaded gov NOAA weather and accuweather. Both have quick radar and accurate forecasting.

    Obviously, they can fail when you need them also, but not as bad.


    I like the sideways scrolling forecast for the coming week, where you can see wind, rain, temp, etc across the days.


    Big fan of weatherunderground (wunderground) also, but on a computer. Not tried it on an app.

  10. This will do for now. 12 can and 24 can sizes. Good fit for on tail of bike.

    Combo of soft case with hard box inside.

    If I had to punch some holes in it, no big deal.

    There's a pocket on the back, and I've got some left over plexiglass sheet that I can fit for a little fillet cutting board.


    Igloo MaxCold Hard Liner Cooler


  11. Ok, isolate both fish and ice. Keeps it clean and functional. I think big blocks of ice in containers would last longer.

    Or the buy ice when time to leave routine, then rig a bin with drain.


    Lots of freezer bag ziplocks.


    I have some thermal barrier material, I could make a thermal liner/box that would fit anything.


    I've set up a light 4lb jigging rig w/ spincaster, and a medium 6lb w/ nice spinner reel. Both telescoping.


    Also went nuts and setup 4 real fishing rigs, various 5 to 7 foot, 4lb ultralight, 6lb light, 8-12lb medium, and 15lb m-h cat rod that will also work in saltwater. Yes, this is Winter time without much to do.

  12. Yes, it's Winter time. Bored and thinking...


    Or to be specific, ride a motorcycle to some place where you can fish and take a few home.


    Not too hard to figure out. Bring a minimum of what you need. A couple of cheap easy-to-break telescoping poles. Small kit bag.


    What I can't quite figure out, is how to ice up a few fish and take them home on a motorcycle.

    Part of the equation is not stinking up motorcycle gear with fish.

    Note that fish should be iced up, but not wet in water when transported.

    Usually a drain is required...


    I wouldn't take home much, just a few gills or crappie or a small catfish.

    Or is it overkill, and just bag them and boogie?


    Note that I'm pretty much a noob fisherman, I'm just gonna retire and goof off for a while.


    Any ideas?

  13. I thought Delaware DNR was only 25 yards rifle. Small pistol setup and a place for shotgun. Haven't been there since it became regulated (and not free). Cheap though. It was always a zoo. But at times it would be empty. Probably not anymore, but I'm curious also.

  14. Found on allrecipes.com search for duck




    Try North Market Poultry and Game or Michael’s Finer Meats and Seafoods

    Although it's sort of late to get started...

    Yelp has a list of Chinese Restaurants that serve Peking Duck (or something with the name),

    but probably need advance notice, like 24 hour.

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