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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. yeah, I had to watch it twice to even get started figuring it out. Chinese cartoon humor with a military flavor... I like the F-22 in "eagle" going "screeeeee!" zoom. The odd part is it sorta portrays the USA and China as partners, that are a bit antagonistic on issues... go figure that... (and portrays the USA as a bully...) And strange that a commercial aircraft is the biggest bully, and starts it all. But overall, it's competition for resources, (fuel/oil). Hmmm, that's how WW2 with Japan started... and yeah.... trippy...
  2. Big one... Major quake rocks Haitian capital; many feared dead Haiti in chaos after 7.0 quake Bodies line streets in shell-shocked Haiti
  3. Now we know where global warming actually came from... Google lists 52,600 hits on "how to make a tin foil hat". decisions, decisions... so many choices. But seriously, tin foil hats are for stopping abductions by pesky alien jokers, and the occasional guberment thought control experiment.
  4. eww, you're on your own there... unless... you mean atmospheric flatulence? muhahaha
  5. I had it in right elbow from playing guitar. A mild case, I think. It eventually went away.
  6. ^^ unbelievable, sounds like something printed in Pravda. Shoot, hot air rises, we all know that. The hot air just got away is all... We need to hold on to it better next time...
  7. Sorry MadMadame... and now back to our regularly scheduled thread...
  8. CO2 is an acidic gas. It is also an acidic oxide. Nobody cared about CO2 compared to SO2. Until CO2 removal from the atmosphere became big business. Medical Carbon Dioxide USP-- A colorless, orderless, nonflammable, slightly acidic gas which is about 1 1/2 times as heavy as air. Gas Applications used in Food and Beverages Atmospheric Chemistry Using solvents for acidic gas removal Method for eliminating carbon dioxide from waste gases Acidic gas absorbent and process for production thereof The influence of acidic gas absorption on certain metabolic processes occurring in anaerobically incubated soils APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR CLEANING ACIDIC GAS Acidic gas adsorber having a metal phthalocyanine on an ion exchanger Thermodynamic Modeling of Acidic Gas Solubility in Aqueous Solutions of MEA, MDEA and MEA−MDEA Blends Acidic Gas Capture by Diamines Acidic gas sensors and method of using same Investigations on the adsorption of acidic gases using activated dolomite Carbon monoxide and hydrogen gases combining to form methanol is way more interesting. Just think, there is free fuel in the air, if we could only get it on the cheap.
  9. China Unleashes the ‘Sgt. Pepper’s of Dogfight Videos’ found on wired dot com danger room
  10. I've done a couple in turns by accident, around town. Quite fun. The bestest was the early morning freeway lane change in heavy traffic, up hill, around a curve, I-670. Lifted the front wheel in 3rd gear at freeway speeds in a lane change. Oops, I put it back down. Funny, all those cars got the hell away from me... Not bad for an old fart...
  11. pretty obsessive-compulsive to set up one of those over and over....
  12. I buy refurbs, but only stuff I don't care if it breaks or gets lost. One mp3 player, two decent snapshot cameras, and one TomTom GPS lately. They work. I went through a "name brand" training center in Indiana, and they had a big refurbish facilty. Although there are certain models I wouldn't buy, a refurb is seriously checked out and rebuilt. Very impressive. Probably more than half of all returns have nothing wrong with them at all. But they still go through a checkout in a refurb/rebuild center.
  13. Correct that global warming and cooling has been a scare since people were invented. Many of the same scientists that are on this global warming kick, were warning about global cooling (a coming ice age) for decades. It never happened, it got warmer instead, so they gave up and started warning about global warming. I suppose now that it looks like it's cooling again, they will flip-flop yet again... It is not yet possible to predict warming and cooling. It is possible to predict sunspot activity, since it follows several cycles that have been true since observations began. That allows some prediction of trends, but it's not the only factor, and sun spots or anything else could change all of the above. One favorite of mine, based on almost no facts what so ever, is that as the Earth warms, it expands, and creates more earthquakes and volcanoes. These pump smoke and carbon into the sky, and block the sunlight, which lowers temperatures, and stops the volcanoes. And the cycle starts over again.
  14. Correct, sunspots are believed to have a large effect on Earth's weather and temperature. Even more interesting, the Sun does not sit in one spot, but moves around as it's pulled by everything that revolves around it, mostly planets. So when all the planets lined up, it got pulled way over to one side. But it goes back to where it belongs in the middle. So we might get a little hotter or colder as it wobbles around. I can't remember any research into that, but I'm guessing it isn't something that would effect the Earth like the sunspots and solar wind does. Sunspots effect the solar wind, which effects the Earth's Van Allen Belt, which blocks cosmic rays, which create clouds when they hit water in our atmosphere, which then blocks the sun from getting to the ground and warming the Earth. And vice versa, cooling the Earth. That's the current understanding, and there's not much we can do about it. Other than be thankful that we a stable sun without too many or too little sunspots.
  15. Mine come out. I just wash them in the washer like anything else. No dryer! Let it sit in front of a fan, and it will dry in a hurry. And it fluffs up and fits better and feels better too.
  16. It's all good, skip the WD-40, use generous amounts of engine oil on the chain for winter. Remove the oil in the Springtime, clean and lube as normal. I'm the aerospace engineer, everyone else's opinion sux, lol. WD-40 was never meant to be used as a lubricant, and is not a good lubricant. It can clean, displace water, and loosen rusted bolts and nuts, and that's about it. (Oh, and it makes a pretty flame when you set it on fire.) But I do use that DuPont Teflon spray now too, for the chain. I like it. O3 (ozone) rots the chains o-rings, not CO2. Carbon Dioxide is an acidic gas, and forms carbonic acid (soft drinks) when mixed with water, but causes no harm in the concentrations found in the Earth's atmosphere. I'd rather worry about acid rain (sulphuric acid) instead. I have to park outside too. I fill the tank and pull the battery and cover the bike. Sometimes I add Stabil to the fuel, and sometimes I don't. Plugging or covering the exhaust is a good idea, I should do that more often. I have cats in the neighborhood, so sometimes I put a blanket or something over the seat, under the cover, to keep it from getting torn up. Or take the seat off, that works too.
  17. Those are great also. The first one is hilarious. Well written. The second one is confusing, probably as confusing as McCain's tax plan. The third one has some interesting bits, but kinda avoids. I suppose reality is that money buys beer, and if you ain't got it, you don't get any.
  18. I don't care if it is a repost. I like it for what it is.
  19. the easy part about the brit bike design, is that it's all taped out panels. With no real contact between various colors on a white background. Taping up is pretty easy, and so would be painting the areas inside the tape.
  20. Concept roughed out based on a similar 2009 Brit race bike The Brit bike:... could change the blue to black and do something like that also...
  21. I've tried Linux. It's sort of like my Win98. Hard to set up, and won't do some things.
  22. Ok, everyone is getting confused about "disc". It's not the hard drive. Hard drive change, type, and size has nothing to do with it and can be almost anything. "Disc" as in matching to product key, is the CD or DVD from Microsoft or through a manufacturer like DELL, to install the XP operating system. Microsoft can make them anyway they want, to lock to one or more or a range of product key sticker pasted to machines. And recognize when it's the not the correct machine, or a change in the hardware parts used. And authorize and/or limit the number of installs allowed regardless of hardware changes or failures. And they can change the rules anytime they want by requiring contact with Microsoft servers for authorization at time of install. And they can and will change all of the above at any time, if they think they can make more money doing it differently. edit: lol, and quit posting over sized pictures so that we all have to scroll back and forth to read stuff...
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