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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. nope, sorry, they are called udders... nice try though... Main Entry: utter Function: verb Etymology: Middle English uttren, from utter outside, adverb, from Old English ūtor, comparative of ūt out Date: 15th century transitive verb 1 obsolete : to offer for sale 2 a : to send forth as a sound <utter a sigh> b : to give utterance to : pronounce, speak <refused to utter his name> c : to give public expression to : express in words <utter an opinion> 3 : to put (as currency) into circulation; specifically : to circulate (as a counterfeit note) as if legal or genuine <utter false tokens> 4 : to put forth or out : dischargeintransitive verb : to make a statement or sound Main Entry: ud·der Pronunciation: \ˈə-dər\ Function: noun Etymology: Middle English, from Old English ūder; akin to Old High German ūtar udder, Latin uber, Greek outhar, Sanskrit ūdhar Date: before 12th century 1 : a large pendulous organ consisting of two or more mammary glands enclosed in a common envelope and each provided with a single nipple — see cow
  2. Audio Books Carl Sagan - Pale Blue Dot: a Vision of the Human Future in Space (1994) Unabridged (Audiobook) Read By Carl Sagan | 10Hrs 26Mins | MP3 48kbps | 208Mb Nova Audio Books | ISBN: 1561004103 http://rapidshare.com/users/8S1W8X or http://hotfile.com/dl/15291161/6f6e5dc/SaganBlueDot.zip.html Life in the Universe (Audiobook) By Carl Sagan Publisher: Audio Scholar | 1998-09-25 | ISBN: 1879557517 | MP3 | 58.34 MB http://hotfile.com/dl/12343130/1de49ad/Sagan_Life_in_the_Universe.rar.html or http://rapidshare.com/files/279438695/Sagan_Life_in_the_Universe.rar Textbooks Carl Sagan's Cosmic Connection: An Extraterrestrial Perspective Publisher: Cambridge University Press | ISBN: 0521783038 | edition 2000 | PDF | 301 pages | 1,8 mb http://uploading.com/files/OLJKKXHQ/88767___0521783038.rar.html or http://depositfiles.com/files/bmyq5bm6e Carl Sagan - The Dragons of Eden: Speculations on the Evolution of Human Intelligence Ballantine Books | 1986 | ISBN: 0345346297 | Pages: 288 | PDF | 1.61 MB http://uploading.com/files/1U5U0OK8/v20.rar.html Carl Sagan, "Billions & Billions" Ballantine Books | 1998-05-12 | ISBN: 0345379187 | 320 pages | PDF | 1,1 MB http://uploading.com/files/7SK8ZBFC/Sagan,_Carl_-_Billions_and_Billions.rar.html Carl Sagan, "Cosmos" Ballantine Books | ISBN:0345331354 | 324 pages | PDF | 2,4 Mb http://depositfiles.com/files/2789997 or http://rapidshare.com/files/78258616/1654C.rar or http://www.megaupload.com/?d=3O6JNRI2 password: www.dl4all.com The original Random House release of Cosmos isn't found right now. edit: Removed "Billions & Billions" textbook, all links dead. edit2: put it back, found a link that works.
  3. yes but... the Drake equations were redone with modern data. And the result is that we really have a unique situation in our solar system. To get life as we know it somewhere else is difficult. Especially after data on other solar systems is now coming in. It's chaos out there, all sorts of strange solar systems. The current estimates are a possible two or three civilizations of people or mammals like us, in this galaxy (the Milky Way), and unknown what level of advancement. Or if they have even survived.
  4. testing netbook posting... check... thought I'd jump i there...
  5. they like gift cards... people forget to use them, lose them, etc.... I've heard the percent they make from unspent funds on gift cards. But I'd like to see new numbers for that.
  6. oops... sorry, I was asleep at the switch. I guess... been busy...
  7. ReconRat

    Bio Weapon!

    He probably was trying to save some money. btw, interesting HP gains on the charts... I'd try it.
  8. ReconRat

    Bio Weapon!

    The bwfuel website is hosted on a porn server. A misfortune if it intends to get past corporate firewalls. heh... http://www.robtex.com/dns/bwfuel.com.html
  9. Saw it done back in the late 60s, after the James Bond movie Thunderball. You know, the one with girls on motorcycles with rocket launchers. I wonder who would build and put something like that on their motorcycle... Oh, and they do fly all over the place if you don't do it right. Actually, they can fly back and hit you in the face, if you're not doing it right.
  10. I noticed Ace Hardware has master links. Regular style. But the 530 is usually sold out.
  11. I scanned a dual processor RAM this week, and found no problems. But when reversing the RAM modules, it crashed immediately. With beeps... 1-3-4-3. Reversing the RAM on a single processor will move the crash from later to now or vice versa. Since it boots one RAM module first. I'm not sure of the RAM boot on a dual processor, but reversing the RAM modules seems to give clues even on those. So yes, RAM can be funky even if it passes a RAM test. Swapping the modules, or booting just one, or just swapping slot, is always worth a try to see if problems can be found. I've even found a bad RAM slot on a system board. Oh, and get the dust out of the RAM slots on the sys board. That is never good.
  12. I've never seen an image burned onto an LCD screen... But generally, sending an all white screen signal, for a sufficient length of time, will remove any latent image on the screen of anything...
  13. lol, I've twice cleaned out inline sixs that had high miles and never had oil changes... Valve cover came off like a cake pan, leaving a sludge cake on top the head. It cleans up best if you remove the head completely, which I did. But the oil return pickup screen in the pan is likely to clog up later anyway. It's a mess...
  14. Yeah, Carl Salter's website... good stuff...
  15. hmmm.... reminds me of flying over a hill on a Honda CL350, with a girl on back, to find a rice harvest in progress blocking my lane of a two lane country road. Did a drum brake stoppie right up to this farm dude's feet...
  16. They convicted three people for the death of a fourth. Justice in Italy relies on the appeals process. Up to and including a complete retrial is common. Apparently they understand they don't always get it right on the first try.
  17. just sayin' These are worth reading if you manage a pond. http://harrison.osu.edu/topics/agriculture-and-natural-resources/pond-management http://ohioline.osu.edu/b374/index.html
  18. Oh yeah, those hurt. I haven't tried it yet though. Don't want to. Roll through, land on your shoulders, and use your arms to break your fall on the ground. I know, it doesn't always work that way...
  19. ReconRat

    Man Test

    He should have seen my heavy weight half breed British exotic. Tail thicker than the neck on most cats. Walked like a little bulldog. Would kill and eat small dogs, I swear. Saw him attack dogs 5 times his size or more. Saw him back off of hitting two German Shepards though. Guess he didn't see the second one till he was moving in for the attack. Yeah, FoxBat The Cat. Live hard, die young. Miss him. Oh, and most of the cats on the OSU campus are related to him, heheh edit: and that's not gay, I had two German Shepards at the same time that were his buddies.
  20. sheeeet.... even my itty bitsy little flyscreen does the job... I like them for what they do, but traditional windshields are so tacky. There are some newer modern designs that cost double that, heh... I think it's that rounded top that gives it the popo look. The newer ones that are kinda squared off look great. But you'll never get me behind a windshield that's so tall I have to look through it...
  21. Applause for the Mods and the rep modification... It was a distraction that didn't really distract...
  22. Aviation rule... For anyone that doesn't know, when torquing a set of bolts or a pattern. Torque one fourth total first, then half, then full torque. And I usually start from finger tight, not loose.
  23. I picked up a Sears inch-pound clicker torque wrench on sale, years ago. I usually use the Newton-Meter scale instead. Seems to be easier on the small stuff. Tops out at 50 foot-pound, I think. So you have to have a bigger one for the other stuff. Axles nuts, forks, etc, have to have more torque than the little wrench can provide.
  24. I fought my laptop for years, bringing it back from the dead. Finally got permanent BSOD on boot. Guessing a sector failure on hard drive that was part of op sys. After backing up with BART PE, I realized it was running very very hot also. I replaced it with yet another rebuilt laptop from work. Same model. Old. But this one runs rather cool instead. I'll check fan and cooling on the old one and re-image it for a spare. Or just parts...
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