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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. National Park Service http://www.nps.gov/SHEN/ http://www.nps.gov/blri/ Maps: http://www.blueridgeparkway.org/maps.htm Freeway to Northern end of Shenandoah at Fort Royal, Virginia: http://www.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=hilliard,+oh&daddr=38.905729,-78.198624&geocode=%3BFYGnUQIdoMhW-w&hl=en&mra=ls&sll=38.907732,-78.199825&sspn=0.53859,0.884399&ie=UTF8&z=7 Freeway to the Southern end of Blue Ridge Parkway at Cherokee, NC: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=Hilliard,+Ohio&daddr=Cherokee,+NC&hl=en&mra=ls&sll=40.031032,-83.146591&sspn=0.132492,0.2211&ie=UTF8&z=6 Two current road closures on Blueridge Parkway: http://www.nps.gov/blri/planyourvisit/roadclosures.htm
  2. I'm pretty sure I saw it on the shelf at ASK in Grove City. But that was 3 years ago. Give a call first. It's not discounted. Amsoil's main sales outlet is on-line, that's how they prefer to sell it: http://www.amsoil.com/ Central Ohio Amsoil dealers: http://www.ohiosynthetics.com/ http://www.hightechsyntheticoil.com/home.html The Amsoil "club" outlet is: (edit: This is the actual Amsoil distribution center)Columbus, OH 707 Hadley Drive Columbus, OH. 43228 Be aware that Amsoil products are sold like Amway Products. I'm not impressed. This means that almost anyone can join the club, get a small discount, and start selling Amsoil. You see a lot of it for sale on eBay. Oil isn't a good item to purchase through the mail, it just weighs too much, and costs too much to ship. I'm not a fan of the Home Shopping Channel either... edit2: I looked at two of the Amsoil retail search, and this is the only one I saw that wasn't somebody selling from their house: Frank's Marathon 3116 Riverside Dr. Upper Arlington, OH 43221 614.488.9450
  3. Brdgestone Battlax BT45R 130/80-17 $87.75 + shipping = $99.20 http://www.throttleworx.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=TR301137 Cheapest price I could find. I haven't bought anything from this place.
  4. You're right on track, Sara. Your experience is what it is all about. Everybody else has forgotten how intense that first ride on a new bike was. Either that or they want to forget, ha.
  5. 6325 E Broad St. It's a relatively new place. And this hasn't started up there yet. This Thursday, Jun 11th is first night. The original post up: http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=27435&highlight=buffalo Calendar: http://www.ohio-riders.com/calendar.php?do=getinfo&day=2009-6-11&e=128&c=1
  6. If Cheerios "talked" like Rice Krispies... would they be Twitterios? I get up way too early...
  7. Maybe 10% of the size of the Hillard crowd. At the Hooters out East. It no doubt suffers a bit from being an afternoon gig, on Sunday. Just a dozen bikes at any time. But more every week, so far. Hooters East has only had 2 or 3 bike nights so far. Nobody knows about it. Last week half were sport bikes. I'll probably stop over there, for a bite to eat.
  8. off the wall question... just how many Ohio-Riders are there now... approx...
  9. A lot more bikes than the week before. Very cool. progrmr, just look for the Ohio-Riders stickers on the bikes, and follow the trail of bread crumbs into the building. There were groups of us all over the place, both inside and out. To be fair, it seems like many of us didn't get there till closer to 8pm. Maybe we need a Hooter's girl (or equivalent) assigned just to us, to function as coordinator.
  10. ReconRat

    chop 02

    From the album: Stuff

  11. Stopped there Friday per CBRGirl request: here ya go: edit: sorry #2 a little fuzzy, I 1/3 fail... edit2: pic #2 photoshopped to fix...
  12. ReconRat


    From the album: Stuff

  13. ReconRat


    From the album: Stuff

  14. ReconRat


    From the album: Stuff

  15. The driveshaft eventually does go down, at rather high mileage. But then the bike is effectively totaled. Pretty much too expensive to repair.
  16. ReconRat

    @that dude

    LOL Puedo oír quesadillas que me llama.... argh
  17. eek no edit: you just have to know how to search: http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=24804&highlight=herding
  18. link or it never happened, lol... (yeah yeah I know, a word search for "sheep" won't do it...)
  19. 30? dang, ice is not your friend. One more for the mornings, if on city streets, assume all cross roads will have a yahoo cage driver blow through the stop sign or light and turn onto the road right in front of you. Happens a lot. (Their cold tires, road, brain) And assume all green lights will have a yahoo cage driver blow through late or early.
  20. Yeah, but pretty much that means we own them by owing them. They currently fear we will default on debt, or revalue currency, or something equally terrible and similar to what they would do. muhahahaha Yes, we have bought our way into their hearts and minds...
  21. My first speeding ticket was from a Lancaster OSHP unmarked cruiser. And he nearly pushed the back of my car to get it. Turned out he was in my Father's naval aviation squadron, and recognized the car. Yeah, he got in a lot of trouble, in so many ways. My Father figured it out rather quickly.
  22. HAHAHAHA.... I was just joking this morning that China would buy up Hummer... oops
  23. FTO = Field Training Officer Field Training Officer's (FTO's), are responsible for training the police recruit after they have graduated from the police academy.
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