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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. btw, I got serious doubts about medical advice from a motorcycle forum, unless it involves crashing... You're better off going to Yahoo Health, that's pretty good, except it falls short on advice about diseases of sheep, which is probably why nobody here knows about it... http://health.yahoo.com/ http://health.yahoo.com/conditions/ Yahoo Health info on Hernias: http://health.yahoo.com/search;_ylt=AqYgdXFKJBTJtmbF3NFzMUgv3MQF?p=hernia
  2. Some hernias are simply pushed back and held down till they heal. No surgery. You won't know till it's checked out.
  3. A lot of times we give them surplus food and medical supplies instead of cash... That really pisses them off...
  4. I thought all faiths asked for a 10% tithe... Hot dogs, ok.... hmmm, check what day it is somewhere else in the world and declare that's your "Good Friday". You're covered, chomp dogs at will...
  5. But wait! There's more... Texas is a Republic. It's the only US state that is a republic, as far as I can remember. Which means, if it means what I think it means, that if the USA falls apart, Texas reverts back to... an independent republic. It becomes a separate country. sovereign= a: one possessing or held to possess sovereignty b: one that exercises supreme authority within a limited sphere sovereignty= a: supreme power especially over a body politic b: freedom from external control : autonomy autonomy= 1: the quality or state of being self-governing ; especially : the right of self-government 2: self-directing freedom and especially moral independence 3: a self-governing state I think under the current political climate, Texas is only pointing out and making permanent the obvious differences in their state government. It probably also means they can elect their own president if they so desire.
  6. Another opinion: hold out for a possible new Honda Magna offering soon. That would be really cool. The return of a Honda V4 cruiser.
  7. Yes, if it's "special" and meant to be aged, and aged in the appropriate cool dark wine cellar. That's expensive wine. Nobody buys that. Everything else, basic drinking wine, needs to be... drunk up. Mostly because it won't improve much with aging. And low cost wines often actually taste better when fresh and young. Same rules, temperatures below 70F, and better if 50-60F. No light, that's bad. And wines with real corks need like 55% humidity to prevent the cork from drying out. But no real time limit. And don't forget that wine stored for aging needs to be rotated a quarter turn on a regular basis. Now you know as much as I do, which isn't all that much... Favorite cheap wine: Barefoot Vineyards before they got bought out by Gallo. Still good, but don't know what the future is after the buyout.
  8. Light and/or heat will skunk out beer. 12 months in the refrigerator is about the max. Having said that, I've found old beer older than that and drank it anyway. Wine don't last either. Best to drink that wine up right away. Particularly if it's been opened.
  9. The 1200 Sportster ain't bad. It's a lot more power for a claimed increase of only 5 pounds in weight. Weird. I'd be looking at larger displacement Honda cruisers like the VTX1300, or an older VT1100 Shadow.
  10. Opinion: I forget which years for which models that the new anti-vibration engine mounting design got going, but that's what you want. Nothing less. It's so much better that I got the impression that people were selling off the old style and quickly buying the new style. Otherwise you're trading one problem for another. Massive numbing road vibration. There's a reason that Harleys don't cruise far or fast. Vibration.
  11. Obama's Father is 100% Kenyan. Nothing Muslim about him except religion, which he changed a couple of times anyway. Obama's Mom is Scottish/English/German/Euro etc. Rosa Parks was more famous for the Montgomery Bus Boycott. Stopping buses by standing in front of them ala Tiananmen Square style. The original bit was refusing a request that she give up her seat to make room for a white passenger. Others had already done that and won court cases. There already was a federal law that said it was wrong. She was enforcing it. What was this thread about? Oh yeah, ok... It's all about money and power. If any of this takes money away from the newspapers, the cartoonist will be hurting, and the NAACP wins in terms of power. Chances are more papers were sold, and hits on website etc. So it's not likely. In that case the NAACP loses nothing. If the NAACP gets donations from the exposure (free publicity), then the NAACP wins. Your average strategist would have said it's a good move by the NAACP. More chances of gains in power and money than loses. It's called politics.
  12. ummm, thought ODRC banned the weight lifting... yeah, they did... no free weights at all, nadda. And no weight machines for hard-core.Why? read this one: http://www.drc.ohio.gov/web/Articles/article24.htm Free weights were used to break through walls at Lucasville L-Block in 1993. Ten people murdered, and 13 held hostage. "The longest prison siege in U.S. history where lives were lost."
  13. If it's one of the Phillips 900 series webcams, you are the maxed out Queen of them all... edit: oh wait, you mean that built in thing that came with the laptop... that don't count....
  14. +1 on Wolverines to ride and wear all day.
  15. NAACP just wants publicity, the free type. It's the first thing that came up that they could jump on. Unfortunately it's the fringe radical rock-the-boat type publicity that they crave. They need to take a clue from the Prez, and walk that middle line...
  16. Wow, new Camaro... 422hp 273ftlb ohv v8, which is good. Need it with that 3750 curb weight. geez, heavy... and btw, it's not American, it's made in Canada?, heh...
  17. :lol:easy there... yes, that a good place to start, figure out the various fork diameters. And yes, some front fork assemblies are exactly identical. I do know of a website that graciously lists what other model bikes use the same identical part, when you look for a particular part for a bike. I'll look at if for front end parts and see if it makes any sense as to what will swap.
  18. ummm, that's a list of clip-on bar apps. Note the last two digits on each part number. That's the fork diameter in millimeters. Only those that have the same diameter forks would swap. Plus the length of the fork and the distance between forks at the yoke would matter. Although forks of different diameters can still swap if it's a yoke (triple tree) that bolts right up to the frame. Too bad manufacturers don't carry over the same part number for same parts. Honda adds digits to part numbers that identify the specific model. But it's a good idea. I've not seen a really good list of the various fork swaps. It would need to list the details of what was modified or had to change in order to work. Edit: to be specific, there's different levels of swap: forks only (replace existing forks), forks and wheel assy (bolt into triple tree), forks, wheel assy and triple tree (bolt right into frame). Modifications to axle width/length and/or mods to triple tree aren't fun. (not for me anyway)
  19. My grandparents came here in 1930 as there were no jobs in Germany. Or so they said;) yeah, my Mom's side got here before WW1. Lots of them left because they didn't like the way things were going down. (and there were no jobs in Germany and still isn't with 15% unemployment) And GrandPa turned right around and fought in World War One against Germany... go figure...
  20. looks like mail order only to me, and the R1 isn't listed yet. http://www.derbycycles.com/ in Shelbyville, Kentucky is the only one I can find that sells them.
  21. that's what she said... I haven't had to try it lately, but done it many times... just wondered now that this one is a fuel injected...
  22. Can you do that with fuel injection or fuel controlled carbs? You can with ordinary carbs...
  23. short version: the last time I googled it, two people were claiming to have invented it. Both claimed timeframes after what I know. Makes me laugh. In 1975, a senior in Industrial Product Design at OSU, built one for an ARCO competition. I helped him. Molds, castings, gears, motors, batteries, hydraulic pump, lines and valve, backpack, the whole iron man outfit. He won. ARCO happily bought it. Slammed a cinder block on the table, stuck it with the jaws, and blew it apart during the demo. Yes, was very cool. I think it was ARCO Engineering, Inc of Georgia. It would be interesting to find the original patent and see who's listed. argh, just shot myself in the foot. Guess I was wrong, this predates it. ok, here it is. One year before what I know. Now I know why ARCO never patented it, they were too late. There's still some goof balls out there that claim it. I never saw any reference material that related to what this Hurst guy did. What can I say... not saying that it's identical to ours, dunno... United States Patent 3819153 - Rescue Tool Inventor Hurst, George H. (Huntingdon Valley, PA) US Patent filed on 04/26/1972 US Patent published on 06/25/1974 http://www.freepatentsonline.com/3819153.html
  24. thinking.... on a smaller bike it can be WOT and concentrate on everything else. A good way to learn. On the larger bike, it's all that plus throttle control. Hard for even experienced riders to accommodate. Granted, the modern high compression light weight 600s are all that too. But therefore, liter bikes even more so. Even if one is heavier and one is lighter, the location of the center of gravity alone can even things up through the corners. What was the point of this thread? Oh yeah, why a liter bike... If you go for a "big block" and maximize the torque, you get one hell of a fun ride. Sure, it's a bit hard to keep the front wheel down, but it can be done. Or on the other hand, it's fun to lift the front wheel. We're back to throttle control...
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