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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. Girl needs back rub, candle lit bath, and some one to do her homework for her... oh, and carry out from McDonalds...
  2. you vill work and you vill like it...
  3. Welcome, yes, young ones... 44 is young.
  4. I get tired of waving sometimes... it's like... did I come out here to do this? Or something else?... like ride. I'll wave in a corner, even wave in a lean. But that's only because I've learned how to steer with one hand (or no hands). Waving on right hand turns is actually fun, isn't it? Just don't lose your line, or take eyes off the road. Please note that youse uberbikes might need pucks on your fingers for waving on left-hand turns. For some reason, I have to give certain riders a left hand salute, military style. It can't be proper right-handed salute, the right hand is busy. Only Veterans need to be doing that. Maybe I want a new trend. Maybe I'm tired of waving (see above). And those mean evil maxed out Harley dudes that don't wave back? It gets really stressful trying to guess before hand whether it's one that will ignore you. You can always change the V flash to the finger when they snub you. Good luck with that. (side note: the Harley dude in the laundrymat, the one that's been working on getting his scoot going for a decade or two, won't talk to me anymore after I let slip I sometimes ride with cops and sheriffs. Bet he won't wave either. So sorry...)
  5. It doesn't say how many users need to be supported. That could be a terrible job if the number of users is high. edit: Besides that, they want so many items in experience, I'd ask for 3 or 4 times normal pay. And normal pay in Cali is at least twice what it is here. Been there, done that...
  6. Columbus is no better. I watched a ricer in front of me get his right front wheel torn clean off hitting a pothole on 670. Not recently, years back. My 1977 Cutlass went through it, but the tire gave up a year later.
  7. Just mean it when you say it, that way you don't have to ever repeat it...
  8. LOL, what the heck was that? A scene from Heroes?
  9. Who hasn't started a kitchen fire.... Just as long as you don't set the cat on fire...
  10. Had a girl friend that said her ex killed a couple of kittens, by accident, by putting them in a big plastic bag full of pot smoke. Cats and kittens won't take much smoke at all. Most animals won't, they are small, if nothing else. I'm surprised this one lived. Knew some one else that played their dog to death on a hot day... Some people just don't think.
  11. ReconRat


    You know to Todd #43, if you would verify his attitude in the sign in box would not be to have malolo around. But, you bring nothing else who negatividad and the emphasis to almost all threads that you announce in. You never will find nobody in here riding to him has said and that you do not take care of a. Thus, I ask. .what' s the point then? I love that many people in and enjoy here to ride with them and finding new píos. I have the impression that you only live and she does not have any female in its life and you piss you far, so you clear his wrath in line. It cools right to petimetre. BP high is not good for you. Thanks Babelfish... I think...
  12. A husband shopping center (Husbands-R-Us) has just opened where a woman may go to choose a husband from among many men. The store is comprised of six floors, and the men increase in positive attributes as the shopper ascends the flights. There is, however, a catch. As you open the door to any floor you may choose a man from that floor, but if you go up a floor, you cannot go back down except to exit the building. So a woman goes to the shopping center to find a husband. On the first floor the sign on the door reads: Floor 1 - These men have jobs. The woman reads the sign and says to herself, "Well, that's better than my last boyfriend, but I wonder what's further up?" So up she goes. The second floor sign reads: Floor 2 - These men have jobs and love kids. The woman remarks to herself, "That's great, but I wonder what's further up?" And up she goes again. The third floor sign reads: Floor 3 - These men have jobs, love kids and are extremely good looking. "Hmmm, better" she says. "But I wonder what's upstairs?" The fourth floor sign reads: Floor 4 - These men have jobs, love kids, are extremely good looking and help with the housework. "Wow!" exclaims the woman, "very tempting. BUT, there must be more further up!" And again she heads up another flight. The fifth floor sign reads: Floor 5 - These men have jobs, love kids, are extremely good looking, help with the housework and have a strong romantic streak."Oh, mercy me! But just think... what must be awaiting me further on?" So up to the sixth floor she goes. The sixth floor sign reads: Floor 6 - You are visitor 123,456,789,012,345 to this floor. There are no men on this floor. This floor exists solely as proof that women are impossible to please. Thank you for shopping at Husbands-R-Us and have a nice day. Had to do it...
  13. Q: Why did the rubber chicken cross the road? A: She wanted to stretch her legs. Alektrophobia is a fear of chickens Rubberalektrophobia is a fear of rubber chickens.... 1. rubber chicken dance When you go to a corporate function (like your holiday party) and you get served the obligatory rubber chicken. "Dude, you going to the office bash tonight?" "Hell no, man, I don't need another rubber chicken dance!"
  14. Me thinking that those oil change places will heli coil repair a drain plug, cheap. Since they strip them all the time...
  15. Airport police in Europe carry MP5s at the ready.... it works....
  16. That is way too much work... Try cut and paste and save as text and clean it up and export to spreadsheet next time. Easier to look up the next time too... edit: no wait, that's way too much work also....
  17. Agreed' date=' but it's a live and learn. I can't help but think of the Korean conflict, where the little .30 carbine would just bounce off the Winter clothing of the advancing enemy troops. Sure, it knocked them down, but they kept getting back up over and over... [i'](7.62mm) .30cal M1 Carbine rifle round... So what did we replace it with? The same caliber, and a better projectile, but with a lot more energy and velocity. M-14, M1A1, M1A2, 7.62x51mm NATO I have bought cheap ammo before, both 9mm and .45cal, that had little or no power. Bad reloads or whatever, it won't do the job.
  18. BikerBoy, I've worked with many a co-worker of the Muslim faith. They are all good people. I know the difference. But a movie is no more an indicator of a nation, than is a religious or political leader that proclaims that they are the one and only voice of the people. There will always be all different types of movies, as will there always be all different types of people. Having said that, I understand that in other parts of the world, movies and literature are not allowed to be presented, if it disagrees with the wishes of the governments that can and will control those freedoms. That does not exist in this country. So you are asking that one of those freedoms should be taken away from us. A freedom you also enjoy. That will probably not happen. It is one of the differences that we are both proud and sometimes embarrassed by, but it exists and will remain so. A final note; the freedom to say we do or don't like something, is also ours. There is little or no retribution in return for our speaking out. Your complaint is valid, but it needs to be addressed to those parties that offered the offending movies. And we will support that in every way. Yes, I didn't see that movie, but I have no doubt it is as worthless as you have said. Now get the bike ready to ride, it's nearly that time again.
  19. I've seen a Civic crushed like that at a much slower impact speed. All the way to the middle. But I would have thought a Mustang would be stronger than a weak Civic (old style).
  20. Youse guys need to get out and see the local races at Columbus Motor Speedway. It's a hoot. That's a NASCAR minor league track. Cheap thrills on a Saturday night.
  21. More specifically, many modern motorcycles are being designed to use one of two types of automotive oil filters. In other words, a large percentage of motorcycles now use one of two types of automotive oil filters. And sure, those are filters for smaller Japanese automotive engines.
  22. Senior year in college, I'd get up and make steak and eggs every day. I needed the energy. First time I tried it, I just sat there and stared at it.... I still eat a huge breakfast, but I mix it up. Variety is good. Army breakfast= two eggs, two hash browns (or equivalent potatoes), two slices of bacon, two slices of toast, two glasses of milk and/or two glasses of orange juice. and a cup of coffee or two. What you really need is oatmeal and fresh fruit.
  23. Tu-95 "Bear" from the 1950s, almost as old as the B-52 design. It flies nearly as fast. And nearly as far. It isn't a bomber anymore, it's used for reconnaissance or ELINT (ELectronic INTelligence gathering) or missile carry for attacking aircraft carriers or sometimes anti-submarine patrol at low altitude. It is still considered a very serious threat to aircraft carriers. The one in Canada was probably ELINT, gathering intel from intercepting signals. That can be done from hundreds of miles away. And yes, it probably did have something to do with the US president being there in Canada.
  24. There might have been something on both subjects in the development of the Recovery Act, but now removed from the document itself. Pork removal at it's finest. The language and oversight of the Act is loose, and it remains to be seen how it is spent. In reading the Act, I see that an emphasis was put on spending money where people would be hired. For instance, with railroads, no method of spending funds for buying right of way for a rail line is present. Most of the emphasis is on purchasing new or used equipment for rail use. (With a bone thrown in for Amtrak.) In environmental projects, once again it's emphasis is on construction. Where money would be spent on materials, and workers would be hired to perform the construction. Much of it through the Interior Department and the Army Corp of Engineers. There are some Buy-American provisions that made it into the document, related to American textile purchases. (An age old argument with other countries textile industries. They tax/block ours, we do the same.) The Mexican semi-trucks will be limited to an area near the border, no driving up to an inspection station in Kansas City as previously planned. Lots and lots of stuff for health, education and welfare. Lots of stuff for housing construction. Money for research and development. Even money for the military to construct housing or cleanup the environment. Having said all this, if they wanted to spend it on those two items mentioned, there are plenty of ways to do so. This is a huge spending bill. But there is no mention of an LA-LV rail, nor a salt water marsh mouse.
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