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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. http://blog.wired.com/cars/2009/01/an-electric-mot.html approx production target of zero to 60 in 3.8 seconds, and 135 mph The sad part will be the total silence as it races. Unless of course, playing cards are used to let the spokes go "drrrrrrrrrrrr". The article says that maybe 40 teams will race (TTXGP) electrics and maybe some hydrogen bikes at the end of the Isle of Mann TT this year.
  2. ReconRat

    ttxgp motorcycle

    From the album: Bikes

  3. I still got this total recall from that day, when I came around that corner. A few bikes behind me, but not far behind a couple of guys ahead of me. And right around that curve, I see two guys sitting on the right side stopped, looking back over their left shoulders. And they weren't the Hell looking at me. "Oh crap". I knew what that meant. Slam on the brakes and pull over, and start looking off the road somewhere. I think an "Airborne" badge was earned on that one.
  4. I was stuck in a storm where the only vehicles moving was the railroad. They were picking up people and taking them to the hospital. Until the National Guard got there with APCs, tracked vehicles. It was beyond a level three, they declared martial law. It was deadly to go outside, a few people tried walking places when their power went out, and froze to death.
  5. Yes, mixed, but right on the edge of freezing. Where the rain make a clinking sound when it hits and freezes on the ground. Nasty. Ice driving is not for beginners, it's risky with good chances of running off the road for even experienced drivers. No way do I want to chip ice in the morning. I see big icicles forming up on all the vehicles outside. I'm also surprised Franklin County hasn't done a level warning yet, nothing. Not even a level one, and it looks like a level two to me. Weird.
  6. Seems to me this happened once where I waited in the morning, and gave up and went to CSCC, and I was the only one there... Six inches of snow on the campus, no tire tracks, nobody showed up, they didn't close it till I was on the road, so I did some 4wd donuts and went home. But this time it looks like a quarter inch of ice. That's not the same. It's raining here...
  7. It doesn't show up on the Hinds website. Just the same that they had before 50% apparel & helmets 25% accessories 20% batteries & chemicals
  8. It doesn't say Hinds, but that is their address: 70% off all in-stock items! I think they mean accessories only... http://columbus.craigslist.org/mcy/1009574055.html
  9. done... reconrat.ohio@gmail.com whodathunk so many people got the name ReconRat... btw, yahoo does not allow forwarding to gmail unless you have a premium account at yahoo. At least not the last time I tried... yup, they sux
  10. So what happens to MV Agusta? Harley bought them last year and laid off a bunch of Harley employees back then also. I don't think they actually care about Agusta motorcycles. I think they just wanted the show room floor space for Harley sales in Europe. They sell better over there than they do in the USA. Or so they claim.
  11. Even stranger, Harley got sued in Mexico for the sportster name, and lost. Now instead of buying the rights to that name for $100,000, they owe 40% of the purchase price of every Sportster sold in Mexico since 1989. They owe this guy millions. This is old news from back in 2007, but it's news to me. http://www.uslaw.com/library/Personal_Injury_Law/Harley_Davidson_Loses_Trademark_Lawsuit_Sportster_Name_Mexico.php?item=5870
  12. Harley Davidson is on a financial death watch. The credit boom that generated income through financing loans in-house for them is now gone. Unfortunately for Harley Davidson, they are currently more of a financial institution than they are a manufacturer. Their balance sheet shows a disaster ahead in 2010. One that they are not likely to survive. http://seekingalpha.com/article/116346-company-death-watch-harley-davidson I would not want to own Harley stock right now, and would sell it at a loss if I did.
  13. Yes, a scam. Typically they will overpay you with a check that YOU will have to cash at a bank, and ask you to return some of the excess cash, and kept part for your trouble. The check will be forged, fake, bogus, etc. Resulting in you possibly having to speak with the police when the bank calls them. Just ignore it, I wouldn't touch that with a ten foot pole. The e-mail message didn't even originate from inside the USA. (typically) Calling it an "advert" gives it away. And that is a clue, they always ask for the advert to be removed. If you get a check in the mail anyway, don't take it to the bank. Scams are increasing rapidly, apparently they work. If people didn't make money doing that, they wouldn't do it. And it's not just e-mail scams, phone scams are increasing again.
  14. I had all the clinical definitions of ADD in high school, but sure wasn't ADD. I'm pretty sure it was hyper active high IQ wanted to be somewhere else bored out of my skull cheerleader sitting next to me distraction sort of thing....
  15. I get the impression "out the door" is regional slang? What? Seems to me I remember sales people writing OTD down on sales receipts.... Maybe I'm missing this: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=out+the+door "out the door" Something that is excellent, or that brings great pleasure. Person A: I just won a car! Person B: Dude, that's out the door! Doesn't make much sense to me, but then again, it's slang...
  16. I've not been on many poker runs myself, usually just cruiser runs very early in the year. They get out way before everyone else. I like the Hocking Hills and Wayne forest areas. Lots and lots of trees, with decent roads in most places. I've not fully explored Mohican yet. But riding solo in Hocking is probably more difficult. Corners aren't marked as well, many many cages, and the terrain is a bit more so compared to Mohican. Some will say a lot more gravel after rainstorms. I always have fun in Hocking Hills area, no matter what group it is. I often have Fridays off and ride solo there. The latest big ride (escorted parade) in Hocking is the Hocking Ride for the Red. I'm hoping a bunch of us will turn out for that one. More info when it gets a date set for it. Consider temporarily installing straight pipes... I'm actually thinking about adding a couple of small fairing pieces, street-fighter stuff. And even considering buying a used cruiser, but it would have to be a sport-cruiser. Got to have some lean clearance.
  17. True, that does exist. If you right click the tray tab for that dialog box and close, it avoids that. Or go to process and kill it, if you can find a separate one for it. Or close browser and reopen it.
  18. Dunno, I ride a naked standard, and they don't have any idea what it is. Almost always they've never seen a 919 before. Usually at least a few sportbikes will be there. Once I was the only non-cruiser, it didn't matter. Had one run where they were all active duty police, emts, and retired sheriffs and such. It was great. You could always put some highway pegs on your front forks, heh. Kinda blend in...
  19. Me too, I'll have to remove two spark plugs to slow me down, but I think I can handle it...
  20. A vehicle salesperson's job in life is to jerk people around. On the other hand, when you hear somebody go out of control, you need to tell them to STFU. For some reason, it never occurs to them on their own...
  21. So I'm sitting here removing viruses and trojans yet again... I have a laptop I put at risk on purpose just to learn about the viruses and trojans. And yes, it appears to be quite whacked once again. Easy to do when visiting various download sites, and especially Russian or Chinese variety. I use no peer to peer, that's too easy, and actually use a peer to peer blocking type firewall. I run a cross script killer, and noticed right about the same time that it wasn't running, oops... you don't visit Russian websites without a cross script killer. This laptop got the Vundo on Dec 31, it appears it might still be the Vundo, (just a little bit) so maybe not all of it is gone. This time it likes to open IE and show various websites, no pattern, probably just collecting click for pay. The AVG free edition was catching most of it, I just ignored it for a while. I should have at least stopped and rebooted. There are over one million viruses and trojans (and adware/spyware) out there now, and soon to be 1.5 million... At any given moment, most all of the computers that are infected, are infected with only one or two of about a dozen or so. Vundo is currently one of them. edit1: got BSOD when superantispyware tried to clean.... argh edit2: spybot locked up on virtumonde.sci, a type of smitfraud.... argh edit3: malwarebytes worked, Vundo removed, most of it anyway... edit4: the IE popups was a malware known as SpeedRunner.
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