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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. ReconRat

    PR3's on CBR

    Freakin' nails... I haven't maxed out a tire lately, always a nail. Got one front tire getting close though. Just waiting for the nail...
  2. Signing for a game system give away? Lol, that's cheating, and also illegal for some petitions. But you're right, any one would sign that.
  3. Watch a high-speed chase from a motorcycle-mounted officer's point of view http://www.autoblog.com/2013/04/13/watch-a-high-speed-chase-from-a-motorcycle-mounted-officers-poi/#continued Looks slow at the start, but speeds pick up pretty quick.
  4. Be prepared to drive out of the city to a dark place. Preferably some where with a bit of elevation to help. And some where without clouds. That's usually the problem. edit: you never know, once in a great while it will just be amazing, even in Ohio. It might not last very long, so I hope some one gets a chance.
  5. Part one = logical fallacy. Not relevant. Part two = yes, every person who has an aircraft carrier should have the power to launch an air strike.
  6. lol, stop it. I don't blame a hammer for hammering a nail. Law requires means, motive, and opportunity. edit: just had a funny... I don't blame an aircraft carrier for launching an air strike either.
  7. I bet religion has killed more people in the world than anything else. edit: or call it ideology.
  8. Mostly sad. Start walking around and bleating like a sheep at sheep like people... Warning: Work places have a dim view of many behaviors...
  9. Dayton, Columbus, Cleveland and Cincinnati are all right up there on the lists, every year. We're getting a rep... I took notice when Columbus passed Miami Florida on the list.
  10. You can also look that title up somewhere on the Ohio bmv website. If that turns out to say salvage, there's a process to claim some cash back if it was missing from the title. Not real clear on the amount, but thinking 500 bucks back was common.
  11. Two of the popular free topo android apps will function with Garmin maps, freelance maps, or USGS maps. Sometimes a bit of trickery or hackery is required. But so far, it seems to work straight up. Off-line storage space for the maps has to be there. A drawback is that some maps (like entire USA topo) are reduced resolution. But who needs to zoom in that close. Using a larger tablet helps with that, it's larger and easier to see. edit: And the battery life on a tablet is better than a phone.
  12. Both parties are required by law to file accident reports within a short length of time. I doubt the penalties for failure are effective though. That means both parties had to share driver's license and proof of insurance information. IMO, failure to do so could be considered a hit-skip.
  13. Same thing with a written test for driving license. Not driving = not relevant. Except that it is a skill set. Somebody somewhere wants that as proof of knowledge.
  14. I think it just changed anyway, many of the states that tried it were not in compliance with the Supreme Court decision, and had to revise.
  15. There are limits, I'm sure. The ones I hear of are felons that return to a dangerous neighborhood to live in.
  16. Ohio also has created laws and methods to restore firearm rights of felons. A bunch of states have done so, after the 2008 Supreme Court decision on rights.
  17. I load them on a solar powered tablet. Geeky...
  18. Keep close tabs on little ones. Kids do crazy stuff in zoos. edit: (Yeah, I was the kid that tried to go head first over the railing into a shark tank...)
  19. Ah, the good old days... when no one had a working antenna on the car. All broken off for crack expedient crack pipes. Hordes of cars wearing coat hangers stuck in the stump. And shame on you if you left the electric antenna up at night...
  20. It says hydraulic up there somewhere. I suppose the hydraulic actuation needs a little work.
  21. Surprise works both ways...
  22. Many zoos have a petting zoo area just for that age group. Not sure, but I think the Columbus zoo closed theirs? Checking... edit: not sure, but does look like the old petting zoo is gone. Now has various pre-school activities scattered around the zoo. There's places to get up close and touch animals.
  23. I never had mine checked, but it must not have been too bad. Whatever I did. It healed on it's own. But several years down the road I could still feel the damage. It's ok now.
  24. Shock, fear, surprise, inaction at the time. One of a hundred people would move in and deal with it. The rest are sheep. Historically, no one wins a knife fight. Both parties die. Basically the reason that Bowie knives and knife fighting duels were outlawed. Medical assistance might be quicker now, but the results are about the same.
  25. No tire made is to run below 26psi. No tire is designed for that. And agreed your tire pressures are a bit too low. It's ok to drop a little pressure, since the manufacturer's numbers are usually for two up riders with extra stuff. For solo riding dropping pressure 25%, to what is then 75% of the max pressures is about the most you'd drop. Dropping too much in the front will alter the feel and steering. Under-steer feeling, it will push out. And that 26psi minimum thing, the front doesn't like getting close to that. And the pressures on the tire sidewall are not the pressures for your bike. The pressures shown on the bike or in the manual are the ones I'm talking about. If you're using the stock size tires. And yeah, you're getting a lot of miles from the tires. And also agree stick with a dual compound in at least the rear, that you like. That will help limit the flat spotting. Although it's a motorcycle tire, it wants to flat spot constantly.
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