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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. Nope, This is as cheap as it gets. I'm just trying to start trouble. It's the same price it was before. Still not impressed with endless health care changes. Too many opportunities for providers to mess with people, and each other. Still waiting for something to go in the people's favor. Haven't seen much yet. Although I did like the idea of HSA accounts. But apparently those are on the list to be banished. What's with the talk of providers turning medicare patients away? I don't get it. edit: I have a guess, but I'm not well informed.
  2. Just got back from WalMart. Misc simple prescription that normally would be 12 bucks is now 20 bucks. Yay, new improved health care. That's only a 66.66% increase. How's that working out for you? Not so well for me. Dang good thing I are healthy... Not counting all the other changes to my health plan. None of which seem to be in my favor. But yet, hey, it's all better this way! No, not for me it isn't.
  3. pleaded guilty to an amended count of aggravated vehicular homicide, a third-degree felony http://www.zanesvilletimesrecorder.com/article/20121120/NEWS01/311200010/Man-pleads-guilty-Ohio-60-fatal-crash http://www.whiznews.com/content/news/local/2012/11/19/motorcyclist-pleads-in-fatal-accident-case
  4. need a G load sensor (accelerometer), instead of a mercury tilt switch. Otherwise it lights up when going downhill.
  5. It's the economy. Make of it what you will. I'm not seeing where I said anything about politics or politicians.
  6. Didn't have the punch to catch up. Should have thought fast and took that side road. Well ok, looked again. He might have tried it, but didn't make it.
  7. ST1100s are known to wobble, mostly tire but maybe frame design. BT023s don't seem to wobble on the ST1100, if you believe the internet.
  8. I haven't seen a list for what the state of Ohio has had to cut, but the few I've seen are pretty extensive. Free education programs are mostly gone for a while. Next step will be for employers to cut full time back to part time. edit: I still judge the state of the economy by counting empty store fronts while driving into work. One mini mall of about 8 stores is 100% empty. They weren't before.
  9. 40 is a proper morning temperature. I will ride tomorrow morning. errr, around here it might be closer to 36. (now 39) Light thermals under jeans. 9miles @ 40mph traffic for me.
  10. It's somewhere above freeway speeds. I'm not anxious to find out. Any high speeds I've done in the rain, I did straight without risking turns. Freeway speeds are high enough in the rain. And if it's deep water, all bets are off.
  11. ReconRat

    Rain Tires

    So I guess it will be kinda warm again for the last two weeks of November and maybe the first week of December. So I guess I'm still riding. Today a co-worker was annoying me by saying my bike tires don't have traction in the rain. Not without tread. Qualifier doesn't have much tread, and it's one of the best rain tires around. I don't get it, what doesn't he understand? He seems to think the tire will just sit there and spin like on ice. I tried to explain tire compounds, but that didn't help. Motorcycle tread channels some water, but it's real task is to stabilize the tire between forces of cornering vs acceleration/braking. It's nice to both at the same time. Then two of the guys started in on hydroplaning. Bikes don't hydroplane at the same speeds as cars. It's that rounded tire thing. Nearly called me a liar when I said I'd done over 100 mph in the rain and it didn't seem too bad. The co-worker has a bike, so I said come with me in the rain. That sort of stopped the conversation... I think his bike has zero traction/grip in the rain... What other tires work well in the rain? There are a few touring tires that do well, and have some decent tread life. So far I'm using RoadSmart.
  12. Their competition was doing it cheaper. Play the game or fold. Most workers I know have had pay cuts, no raises, no cost of living, along with increases in health care over the last three years. Not to mention modified pensions. Along with other changes like no over time, less personal days, no hiring, hiring part timers, etc. I wouldn't expect anyone to see anything different right now. To think that it's possible to avoid that, is risking the loss of everything. And that's what they got. They made a mistake.
  13. Way too late. It started with the Big Mac, and nearly anything worth duplicating has been figured out. Many of the websites are trying to sell a book, but with little effort the books can be found on the internet. All hail the mighty internet http://www.topsecretrecipes.com/Top-Secret-Recipes.html http://www.secretrecipes.com/ And just for fun, here's the secret recipe for Coca-Cola. Accidentally discovered in an old newspaper photograph of one of the notebooks. Nobody ever realized that the photo was of the recipe. This recipe was probably after coca outlawed but before alcohol outlawed. The recipe: Fluid extract of Coca: 3 drams USP Citric acid: 3 oz Caffeine: 1 oz Sugar: 30 (unclear quantity) Water: 2.5 gal Lime juice: 2 pints, 1 quart Vanilla: 1 oz Caramel: 1.5 oz or more for color The secret 7X flavor (use 2 oz of flavor to 5 gals syrup): Alcohol: 8 oz Orange oil: 20 drops Lemon oil: 30 drops Nutmeg oil: 10 drops Coriander: 5 drops Neroli: 10 drops Cinnamon: 10 drops
  14. ReconRat

    AWB Petition

    Same reason I'm not signing anything. But... “The Americans will always do the right thing… after they have exhausted all the alternatives.” -Winston Churchill
  15. Very good article to read. "primarily because of burgeoning interest obligations" Basically the lenders called it quits. They would recover a good amount of the equity. Everybody else takes a loss. I did not know that a Mexican bakery firm owned all those name brands.
  16. filestube.com search for 1980s music or 1980s hits collection skip 4shared and search rapidshare, mediafire, filefactory or uploaded edit: most of these work: filepost fileserve depositfiles mediafire filefactory uploading wupload rapidshare 1hostclick file4sharing sharpfile oron filegag filehost uploaded.to uploaded.net migaload backup search is searchshared.com, but it doesn't seem to respond to query right now. I'll search a Russian server later and get back if there's anything interesting. And I still use WinAmp...
  17. Blood & Chrome Episode 3 & 4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXCnuArj4b8
  18. Indeed, I will miss Ho-Ho's. edit: crap, I liked zingers even better.
  19. It was hard to find a 2 1/2 year old thread. The dump truck driver was finally sentenced. After a first trial resulted in a hung jury 9-3 for acquittal. He was re-tried and sentenced to 26 years in prison. A combination of concurrent and consecutive sentencing. Truck driver receives 26 years for killing motorcyclists Michael Jakscht, Dump Truck Driver Who Killed 4 Motorcyclists, Gets 26 Years
  20. Absolutely guaranteed to annoy anyone who likes Christmas music: Even better if you bark these a capella up and down the hallways at work. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xam01uaj6Vg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XfJ5zksF4M
  21. lol, even a union fears OSHA...
  22. Yes, unions are declining in membership. I've seen a few charts/maps. Might as well throw them in here: Overall, the percent of population in unions has fallen from around 29% in 1964 to 13% in 2010. Change in Union Representation, 2001 to 2011 http://www.incontext.indiana.edu/2012/mar-apr/images/unionsMap_fig3.gif http://cdn.theatlantic.com/static/mt/assets/richard_florida/assets_c/2011/03/Florida_Unions_3-10_chart1-thumb-600x463-44295-thumb-570x439-44296.png
  23. Sounds like fun, actually. Railroad? Railroads needed unions. It was a dangerous job with a fatality rate awful close to one in four. The union changed that, with a lot of work. Safety can be a good thing if people value life.
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