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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. Sooo... troop movements again. Game is changing. Other than the task force exercise in the Gulf, which followed the mine sweeping exercise in the Gulf. And other than the missile defense exercise on the ground in Israel. (And whatever troops aren't doing in Jordan.) Other than Iranian troops moving to Syria and back to Iran again. Turkey has pointed out in the news the border defenses they have spent years creating along the Turkey-Iran border. It's for finding smugglers, but interesting they pointed it out right now. About 24 tall watch towers to prevent incursions. Nearly completed, it took years. Turkey continues to reinforce and defend their Turkey-Syria border. Turkey so far refrains from air strikes with aircraft. Hezbollah is moving rockets and missiles and artillery out of Lebanon and back into Syria. Supposedly for use against rebels, but if it goes to the Turkish border, the situation changes quickly. Russia, moves S-400 anti-aircraft batteries to their border closest to Turkey. I have no idea what that is about yet. Look at the map, it's closer to Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia. And not that far from Iran. The only thing that makes sense, is to quietly load them on ships and move them to Iran. Another game changer. Unnamed US aircraft squadron moves from unnamed middle eastern country to another unnamed middle eastern country. This one is actually pretty significant, but let's not hand out details yet, since it's very much not in the news at all. Iran is doing the weasel, since the timing of an attack around the election is making them nervous. It's possible, so they are "willing to negotiate" currently. Won't work, because item one is Obama wants 24/7 inspections on the nuclear stuff. They won't do it. No attack seen coming, but everything is pretty much in place to begin doing so. Letting the negotiations continue is a pretty good idea. Doesn't help in Syria though. Over there it's still thought that Assad won't make it more than 6 more months. As said before, Syria is a country that averages a war, revolution, insurrection, every 2 or 3 years on the average. So it's really not something to get deeply involved in. Better to just defend the borders around Syria and protect the refugees fleeing.
  2. And don't forget a Ventura luggage setup is worth $450 bucks.
  3. yup, that's what I trained on, only... ummm.... older, lol edit: and I mean the one I trained on was dawn of time 60s older...
  4. Oddly, the at-fault party's insurance contests the accident when they have no chance in hell of winning. Sounds weird, but what they attempt to do is negotiate less of a payout, by threatening litigation against your insurance company. Wasting time and money. It's a sad state of affairs, but not much is required from you. Your insurance company should be able to handle it well. It will take longer this way, sorry to say. Her agent saying "she's getting a lawyer" is probably a crock. The agent's litigation team is going to try and reduce the liability. What you can do is document pain, injury, and losses and hand a copy over to your agent. Don't stop, just keep finding things to add to the total. Might also try getting estimates of bike's value (before). Something that would include all the accessories. Otherwise, dig out receipts for anything bought. Maybe get five estimates and turn in the highest two or three. This is the picture I get from a litigation/accident lawyer team down in Florida that handles motorcycle accidents.
  5. He's going to use them front and rear on a Ruckus and go for the world's record in gas mileage....
  6. Do you realize that the original Battlestar Galactica ran more airtime than the original Star Trek? It also sold more spinoff toys in the marketplace. It was big time.
  7. Check all the mounting points on the fairings. Make sure nothing broke where it can't be seen.
  8. Yeah I bet, if you're working there. Ever been there when the place was shut down and people moved away so they can't see what is landing? hmmm? I was landing there one day and they made us close all the left side windows so we couldn't see.....
  9. TOASTERS! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMUezhpuEoE So Say We All
  10. It got away ok, I could hear it. I can try and check on it next week, a couple of airport contacts. Sort of curious since it was way too low over residential housing. Low over DSCC also. Living near CMH I see and hear all sorts of weird stuff sometimes.
  11. I'm betting it was this one: United 4581 from Newark - Fri 7:09 PM Cancelled Gate B31 Aborts often do not try again, and go to another runway somewhere else. edit: nope, that one was cancelled in Providence RI and never got to Newark or Columbus...
  12. new Airbus 320 at Habshiem airshow 1988 - Air France 296 Automated landing system that refused to abort the landing. http://www.airdisaster.com/investigations/af296/af296.shtml http://www.airliners.net/aviation-forums/general_aviation/read.main/275341/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cv2ud1339E
  13. I eyeballed it at less than a mile North of me. It's two miles to the runway from here. Close to lining up on Broad Street. geez.... The engines were spooling up repeatedly. Not a steady engine thrust. Might have been one of those freak Airbus aborts. The flight/landing control does not like aborts and will try to land anyway.
  14. Holy shit that was loud. It made me jump up and run outside. I live South of Port Columbus. I see a commercial passenger plane East bound, way on this side of the runway, off course, low to the ground, engines wide open and trying to climb! SHIT! edit 7:15pm Friday Oct 15
  15. My Dad has tracked down a couple of wrecks that nobody knew were there. Working from old military records of the crash. Mostly WW2 single engine fighters. There's a lot of them. He didn't find the ones lost in the Bermuda triangle, but there's an alternate theory that they crashed/ran out of fuel in the Georgia swamp. It's very hard to find aircraft that have crashed there. There's aircraft crashed in the Rockies and Sierra Nevadas that have never been found also.
  16. If making fun of people makes for a good president, then there's your ticket. Otherwise, just a basic asshole like everyone else.
  17. So how did everyone forget France's civil unions that they came up with? It solved the problem for them, and surprisingly, a good percentage of traditional marriage switched to civil unions for legal and financial reasons.
  18. http://www.motorcyclegear.com/ is another good one for closeouts. It used to be newenough.com. I've read some disturbing interwebz reports on motorcyclecloseouts.com
  19. Yeah, you can see the Vette nails the brakes. And his airbag deployed. ooo picture, look at me look at me look at me look at me look at me LOOK AT ME ohhh, I don't feel so good...
  20. lol, that was the point. We didn't want you traveling faster on the first pass...
  21. Sorry kiddo, missed the post. Only 15 minutes away. And like to ride at night.
  22. Cornering is both a science and an art. The science is true, but it's dynamic, not static. So results will vary. Hard loading of the front will have to maintain speed, angle, surface coefficient, etc. And it's not likely to be that way on the street. Toss in the human element, and the unknown variable inputs, and it becomes a free for all of artistic talent to get out of self created conditions. It's also why some say ride at 80% or 90% max and leave some wiggle room.
  23. I know that feeling when the bike does that. And I knew what it was. I don't like it at all... Somewhere between freekin' annoying and scary.
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