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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. ReconRat

    walking dead

    CRAP Have to wait how long to see how this turns out? cliff hanger...
  2. Not all groups are tactical. And a scout is a good idea anyway. So yeah, a few two way radios are good. Some of the new ones are encrypted.
  3. Yeah, looks like Monday is a good day. Still a couple more after that. It's been warmer this year. I probably won't put it away till a few days before Christmas. Maybe not even then. I'd like to ride on New Years like I used to do. I know I've seen brine laid down on bridges. But other than that there's been no salt distributed yet.
  4. Most are straight up sales from Russia. But rumors still persist about Iraqi WMDs hidden in remote locations of Syria, Lebanon and Iraq. Some of which have strong evidence behind the claims, but all require way too much effort to track down. Easier to just wait till somebody snitches the location. It's a cat and mouse game. Too easy to move and hide in a new spot.
  5. Information, which can be valuable when you don't have it. Say for instance you heard about a bandit road block ahead, or a town out of control. You'd want to avoid those. Conversely you might hear of a town that would appreciate your arrival. Or simply where a shelter is, or when it's safe to go home. If it's important, a little AM/FM radio might tell you. edit: Or confirm the worst is happening. You will probably want to know. If it's total break down of society, yeah, toss the radio and good luck.
  6. I've seen AK bolts that looked like they were made with a set of files and a chunk of metal. They worked quite well, which surprised me. AK isn't the easiest to make from scratch, so that was impressive to make one from a shovel.
  7. It's like designing an aircraft. 9 out of ten never fly. They don't get off the paper. Conflicts are the same way. 9 out of 10 are solved some other way, or are over before anyone else can get involved. Sometimes just promising to get involved will prevent it in the first place. Or stop it once it starts. Those countries that want to be "major players" have a lot of learning to do. The real major players are way ahead and ready. edit: Be aware that when political or military items make it into the news, that a lot of it is disinformation. It's often hard to figure out what is actually happening or going to happen. It's all guess work by all parties involved. Last week stuff looked like it was going to Egypt/Sinai desert. Not so sure this week. And remember that an incredible amount of force is already there, and not being discussed openly. edit2: The naval forces of the USA and Russia that went to Israel to stand by to "evacuate citizens", both quietly sneaked off to "off the coast of Gaza". All of that was disinformation. Both groups sneaked off to the Syrian coastline, where they are now as far as anyone knows.
  8. MJ, you would if you're hungry enough. Or if some one else skins and cooks it. And the basic fishing gear is a good idea. Small and lightweight.
  9. "I wanted him interrogated and investigated" That's called a "police state" and the USA isn't into doing that yet. Try some hard core country like North Korea.
  10. Not good. Syrian chemical weapon stockpiles are showing activity. Not the normal patterns. More like readiness to operate and deploy. Don't think that this was not expected. Estimates are 75,000 American/NATO troops will be needed to secure all the chemical weapons. See post above. Material and supplies were already in motion. Expect more equipment to move. If you know what to look for, you'll see it when trains go past. Assad and Syrian government have taken several severe setbacks lately. Patriot missiles in Turkey would deny that airspace adjacent to the border. US naval vessels off shore would deny the airspace adjacent. One of the three large Syrian radars was captured by rebels. The one opposite the Israeli border. So most of the country will lose government air cover. Last week the Syrian internet and phone systems went off line. 100% gone. It's back on line after a day or two. It appeared to be a test of the capabilities to shut it all down. Speed and stealth are vital to secure the chemical weapons. Notice that Gaza isn't a topic. That's more of a political thing where votes are made with rockets. edit: There's a rumor that Assad is dead or gone, but not likely. Considering the extents necessary to prevent assassination or poisoning, Assad isn't seen very often. Nor is his location known at any time.
  11. Blows to your opponents head, that cause physical damage, are always considered serious. It is the quickest way to produce fatal results. And jail time. Baseball bats are in that category of a dangerous weapon, when used on the opponent's head. Pretty much anything that you can swing that is harder than a skull/bone. So is any training that will enhance the strike to the head. Any modification to an ordinary object, can be "a weapon of design". Intent can be construed as built in by the owner/operator. A somewhat famous example is to drive a spike or big nail through a board or baseball bat and swing that. You can include duct taping a make shift grip on a piece of steel. Even being found in possession of a modified device can result in charges. I do know some one that was hit in the head with a baseball bat. Serious damage was done. The attacker was given a long prison sentence. I know some one that was hit over the head with a pitcher of beer. If the attacker had been found, he also would have had a prison sentence. Yes, just because something can cause physical damage does mean it can be considered a deadly weapon if the circumstances warrant that conclusion. Yes, it's a grey area. The thoughts, decisions and actions of the operator have to be considered. In criminal prosecution, certain elements need be present for conviction: Mental State The criminal act must be voluntary or purposeful. Conduct A criminal act or an unlawful omission of an act, must have occurred. Concurrence Either overt and voluntary action or a failure to act when physically able as required by statute or law. Causation In some offenses, the crime actually has to be completed for prosecution.
  12. As to that, anyone that doesn't have a minimum of a half tank of gas at all times need not apply for freedom from zombies. This is normal in Florida near hurricane season. You might not be able to get fuel anywhere nearby. edit: gosh, if I kept backup glasses in a bugout bag, I might actually be able to find them once in a while.
  13. You mean the bug out practice weekend that MJ was talking about? Practice makes perfect. A lot would be learned. edit: omg I'm having flashbacks of boy scout camping trips... Have you ever made fried eggs and pancakes over an open fire...
  14. I'd like to know how MJ can hear her name mentioned in a thread... I had a friend set up two bags for himself and his wife. They were twice the size of backpacks. The type you only carry to the bed of your truck. He was big and could backpack it. She could not, it weighed about as much as she did. A maximum 25-35 pound pack can work out. If you don't have any practice with it, You'll find out you'll lose 25-35 pounds of body weight in the first week of carrying it, and it will feel normal.
  15. http://www.ohioriders.net/showpost.php?p=840956&postcount=7 Apparently unused social groups got cut. Tsk...
  16. I went out groundhog hunting with two farm boys. On a very hot day. I carried two 2-quart bladder canteens on a web belt (and ammo). An entire gallon of water. They laughed at me. But not for long. We drank almost all of it. What were they thinking. I tried to narrow down water purifiers earlier this year. I came up with two, but couldn't decide. Miniworks EX Microfilter, weight: 16oz, size: 2.75x7.5 Sweetwater Microfilter, weight: 11oz, size: 2x7.5 MJ might speak, she was using one out in the desert last year. edit: oops, add a mini can opener and a P38 opener to the list. You never know when you'll run into a can of peaches and hurt yourself opening it with a bayonet. I have a tiny coffee maker to pour boiling water through on top a coffee cup. I'm adding coffee to the list along with that little coffee maker. hrm, I can't even find where to buy one now. Near impossible to find one. Honestly, a bunch of the new coffee singles that look like tea bags will work ok. Here's a picture of mine. Coffee in the bottom and water in the top:
  17. Yes, a lot of it is cheap crap, and won't hold up. Zippers will fail. We get what we pay for. We are now required to find the ultimate go-bag. (I have an old Alice rig. I'm pretty sure they hold up. If a ton of stuff, get a frame for it.) edit: Too large is what you can't or won't carry. A bug out bag is for 3 days. It's supposed to do without almost everything. Absolute minimums. A bug out bag should come with a plan of what to do if it's more than 3 days. A bug out bag is intended for the user to join a group of people in a shelter. If hitting the road, a lot more will be needed. Especially a sleeping bag, blanket, stove, cooking gear, etc. Almost the same as motorcycle camping. Only what you can carry, between one or two people.
  18. food and water for 3 days minor medical kit old school compass and map two or more good knives paracord 2 or 3 or 4 shelter halves, good ones fire starting kit water purification toilet paper canteen cup and mess kit a change of clothes extra socks extra socks hats and gloves, warm weather and cold weather camp axe maybe edit: tiny emergency sleeping bag. Mylar. http://www.thereadystore.com/emergency-sleeping-bag batteries and/or solar charger if needed small am/fm radio (short wave also if possible) one more: a deck of cards my choice: lever action carbine revolver both use the same ammo pack scabbard, holster and belt with all the ammo loops (seal the cartridges against rain) cheap size bag: 3-Day Tactical Bag minimum size bag: Military-style 3-day Assault Pack but I like this size better: Military-style Medium Transport Pack
  19. Spotted one other misconception. The pressures marked on the bike sticker or the owner's manual. Almost every one I've seen is for max load. So max pressure is given for two riders with some luggage. In the old days, it would say one rider pressure and two rider pressure. F&R. Perhaps these are different in Great Britain/Europe. (Note: the front tire pressure won't change much with a passenger, but the rear tire will. That's where the passenger is.) The only true way to know (which I do if suspicious), is to look it up in the DOT tire design manual and check the specifications of the tire type and size, vs the F&R load. I've used these guides to lower my pressures to match the front and rear tire loads. But go too low, and you'll get those cracks in the tread grooves. Remember that suspension design had certain tire pressures in mind. Stray too far from that and it will effect factory type handling. edit: But yeah, it's overall really rather well written information.
  20. Episode 7 & 8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNHMfK65mnU
  21. Actually I think it's Dianne Feinstein that all the rumors are about. And nothing is in main stream media yet. edit: Found this. One line from a local news article in LA after Feinstein won re-election. "Feinstein also said she intends to introduce an even tougher assault weapons ban."
  22. Modern rifled slugs will deform to fit through the choke. The raised rifling on the slug is what compresses in the choke, allowing it to work with even a full choke. I don't like the idea, but that's what I read. It will mess up the accuracy. 50 yards should not be a problem. (3" groups at best) There are some exceptions. Check the website of the ammo manufacturer for details. Typically specialty slugs or sabots should not be fired in choked barrels. http://www.chuckhawks.com/shotgun_slugs.htm edit: ummm, about that 100 year old part. Yeah, I wouldn't mess around. That is probably not what that shotgun should be used for anymore. Technically, you should run it past a gunsmith to see what they think about it.
  23. We have our own physicians...
  24. no no, it's not worth that. I might be able to locate an industrial laser if some one can come up with a 440v feed for it... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DoQwKe0lggw
  25. Road runner didn't need to log in if you skipped their software install. That did make it a bit harder to find RR email. Me using insight which is now RR TW. Basic package, around $100 bucks for tv and internet / month. Seldom goes out, it takes a major event to disrupt. I've had it so long that I was a beta tester for them in the beginning. That's right, they installed it for free and it was free for 6 months. All I had to do was surf the net.
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