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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. arrrr, I'm a pirate. oops, wrong thread. definitely messed up, but don't ignore George Washington Carver's work with cotton and crops. Although they weren't talking about that while picking cotton, were they? His discovery was crop rotation. And as a result, that's why we've got healthier cotton, and so much darn peanut butter... btw: Southern state penal systems got in trouble in the past for exactly this. Sending free workers out to work the fields. And I bet his Mom knew that.
  2. oh look, another dam double post I made...
  3. There's an older thread about it, where I quoted the State of Ohio responding to the missing E10 signs on pumps. They decided that since all pumps were E10, they no longer had to post it. And removed all the state required E10 stickers. Correct, everyone is immediately confused... edit: I do think and hope that if E15 makes it to the pumps, that all fuel will be marked. Both E15 and E10.
  4. If you get in a jam where you have to hold both clutch and front brake you'll use it to turn the engine off. I use mine to shutdown. And then flick it back to the ON position. Habit, I guess. Just don't forget to turn the key off, and pull it. Electrical contacts tend to fail if not used.
  5. Rocker switches do that. Clean it up and hit some silicone spray around it. I've got a high beam switch that goes OUT after getting wet from rain.
  6. missing the point! If last person pumped E15, and I come along and try to pump E10, and get some of that nasty E15 mixed in! Then I've got E11! I won't stand for it! Or sit! <sarcasm> edit: btw, all pumps in Ohio are E10. Unless you're at a boat dock. Opinion: if gasoline suppliers make more money selling E15, it will be all E15 soon enough. re-edit: ok, cranked the numbers. If .75 gallon of E15 slips through in a 5 gallon fillup, you've got E10.75. Now you know.
  7. Nope, the standard model is that planets form from material similar to our Sun. That material was in orbit around the Sun. But looking at other planetary systems, so far that "standard model" isn't worth much. Everything is chaos, it's all different, pretty much every one... It's all way weirder than anything we ever imagined.
  8. It means they don't think it formed up like all the other planets we have. A good guess is that it formed up somewhere else under other circumstances. Like another planetary system, and got knocked loose and went into orbit here. Or something like that... Probably will have to say the same about Pluto when a close look sends data back. edit: NASA isn't saying anything yet, but CNN jumped on it...
  9. Where do I get this shit... NASA Messenger probe orbiting Mercury is sending data that appears to say that the planet Mercury doesn't belong to this solar system... it's from somewhere else. ALIEN! Mercury probe points to different origin for 1st planet
  10. Hooters Hillard has announced that they are closing. Effective this weekend... http://www.facebook.com/HilliardHooters
  11. ReconRat

    Warp Drive

    If you missed it today, the news feeds are all talking about warp drive. NASA has re-examined the math on the physics of the drive, and now believe it's actually possible. Previous estimates were that an energy mass the size of Jupiter would be need. They now think only about 500 pounds will do it. This concept is known as the Alcubierre drive Scientists say warp drive may be more feasible than thought Geek stuff: http://ntrs.nasa.gov/search.jsp?R=20110023492 http://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/20110015936_2011016932.pdf (large PDF) How multiple dimensions work (this will make your head hurt) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Q_GQqUg6Ts
  12. Here's an answer: The rock that hit Jupiter was probably smaller than a house. Maybe only 10 meters across – the size of a large truck. With quite a large explosion. The article includes a short video of the impact. Jupiter gets rocked by an impact again
  13. Been wanting to go there, and I had mapped out a basic route. I like yours better. A little surprised that route 7 through the Quachita National Forest was left out. You might find it interesting to go down and back from Russellville to Hot Springs. From what I can see, there is no food or fuel on route 7 between those two towns.
  14. I will stay tuned in on your adventures. Soon enough I'll retire from current and look for something new. I have an inactive A&P.
  15. I see two things going on. People are driving less, which is less risk for the insurance company. So why raise the rates. The second would be that less people are driving, which is less income, so rates go up to maintain the flow of income. I don't think some of them are willing to "back off" in a recession/depression "we aren't having". I think it's a double win for insurance providers, and yes, it's time to shop around. If you don't think less people are driving from the cost of fuel, look at the increased volume in repo lots and tow lots. As well as the increase of scooters and bicycles and bus riders in the last two years. That's what I'm seeing.
  16. Yeah well, you can ride a concrete wall. Gotta think fast...
  17. Why do so many riders have trouble with freeway ramps? I don't get it...
  18. If it's bottom end, there's not much choice. Pull engine, pull oil pan, remove crankshaft, rods and pistons. Inspect and repair.
  19. If you look inside the valve cover through the oil filler cap when running, and it's throwing oil around, you probably don't have any problem with oil pressure or quantity. Which would mean the light came on from low idle. The low idle is from one of the cylinders crapping out. Add in a ticking sound and that might be something in the valve train. A ticking sound can be a rod, but that would more likely sound like a steady heavy knock. More like a hit from a ball peen hammer. Do a compression test to find a bad cylinder. (Or the screwdriver/stethoscope trick to locate noise.) If none or not up top, then worry about rod and piston bearings. If finding a bad cylinder/noise up top, pull valve cover and see if the obvious can be found. Broken or loose lifter, rocker, spring or pivot shaft. Carefully check them all. Those you might fix without pulling the head. Best guess is the last thing worked on. The cylinder head and it's parts.
  20. Yosemite is one of the USA's "rift valleys", a wonderful place to visit, and I need to get there someday. Trying to find who actually did the filming, the technique looks familiar. Google+ has a large group of astro-photographers. Much of the time lapse is absolutely fascinating. Here's one of the best at aurora borealis and night sky, at his website. Randy Halverson of Dakota Time Lapse. "Tempest Milky Way won Best Overall and Audience Choice at the 2011 Chronos Film Festival" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLKc4yKgZTk
  21. California man linked to anti-Islam film taken in for questioning Breaking news, the film producer/source is taken into custody for interview/interrogation by federal judge and investigators. Previous history and conviction of identity fraud, when working as a banker. Prior conviction of possession with intent to manufacture methamphetamine. lol, wtf.
  22. Yup, I see auto went up. It's everywhere. Welcome to our future.
  23. I've seen them de-mil (inert), but I know that's not what you want. Too expensive really... there are better toys.
  24. Here's the list of known craters on Earth. List of impact craters on Earth The Earth is covered with craters. All well worn down, and hard to see with oceans and vegetation growing hiding them. One nice one is in Southern Ohio. Serpent Mound Crater If you look, you can see it pretty clearly. Might have to get on the website for a larger view. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/30/Serpent_Mound_Crater.jpg/800px-Serpent_Mound_Crater.jpg
  25. I'm not so sure they were after the ambassador. It looks like that was an "accident" in the attack. The background of the spec ops player makes me think they were after him instead... Everything might not be as it appears here, There's a lot of smoke and mirrors and more to come. You really don't bring an RPG to a street demonstration. But there's even one Libyan source that claims the "protestors" ran off and got one to fire at the building. Maybe, maybe not. But no group of "street protestors" brings enough RPGs, mortars, heavy weapons and enough ammunition to overcome a known defensive installation that is capable of defending itself. That's called combat, a completely different scenario.
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