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Everything posted by SWing'R

  1. With our scoots they have center stands which takes the back wheel off the ground, then I stick a small piece of wood under each front tire just to keep 'em off the cement.
  2. I fill up the tank, put some stabilizer in and run it about 10minutes ever weekend. At least I did until it wouldn't start during the really really cold snap we had a couple weeks ago. I ended up running the battery down trying to get her running. Gotta buy a battery tender now I guess.
  3. Hey Ben, noticed that the website time was off, thought it was weird cause its off by like 5 minutes. You come to expect sometimes the wrong timezone selected but that usually only affects the hours, not minutes, plus -5 is set and thats right for us. Hmm, weird.
  4. SWing'R

    Screw snow...

    See if you drive a company vehicle like me and don't pay for the gas, its simple. I started my van up at 6am, turned on the defroster, went out and wiped a little slush off (the stuff that didn't melt) the window at 6:45am and away I went.
  5. I know. Once again they got worked up over nothing. I left my house at 7:00am and made it to my first job at Mt Carmel West in 20minutes, total distance traveled 9.3miles. Roads were absolutely fine. However, if it drops into the 20's later like they're predicting then all this water and slush may get a bit ugly!
  6. OSU & CSCC both closed; go back to bed. I gotta go scrape 2inches of ice off the truck
  7. SWing'R

    Screw snow...

    Yeah, no. I did see a trike on 71 yesterday. He was either a funeral escort or a sherriff, either way, would not wanted to be him!
  8. SWing'R

    Screw snow...

    AAAAAAAA-Fuckin-MEN! I grew up in N.E. Ohio, these Columbus drivers have no clue what they're doing. I'm hoping for a ton of snow, so tomorrow when I have to drive to work all the pansies that can't drive in it will have stayed home, or gotten themselves into a ditch, either way is fine by me, either way keeps the hell out of my way!!
  9. Actually I have a Batteries Plus right near me here in Hilliard on Cemetary Rd. Didn't even think of that, thanks!
  10. True, true. Which is why I turn on the ALL BLOCK on the firewall and kill the router before trying to close anything evil looking popup or site. If you kill the feed (ie. the router) first your chances of getting infected drop tremendously since the virus has to be loaded from someplace. Plus as soon as you get infected, a virus immediatlely begins to self-replicate and send itself to everyone in your email contact list (assuming you have one setup on your pc) so cutting off the internet feed is essential. I've had to clean my wife's pc a couple times as she has gotten a virus before, its not fun at all.
  11. Right, NEVER click the button it wants you to, always use the X in the corner to close the box. Something I do is turn my router off and throw up the ALL STOP button on the firewall BEFORE trying to close any evil looking popup or website. I have my router connected to a desktop lamp timer that has a desktop on/off button so shutting it off quickly is simple.
  12. "Most" viruses have to be launched, clicked on, etc. It takes human interaction to initiate it. Tell the guy to quit opening email attachements
  13. Thanks for the replies everyone. May make a trip out to the pony on Sunday and check out what they have.
  14. So, I need a battery charger. Never bought one before, any suggestions, brands, models, features, places to buy from? During the winter months I usually just put some gas stabilizer in the Swing, and every Saturday go out and start her up and let it run about 15minutes. The battery has always stayed charged okay but with the really cold snap we had last week I was unable to get either bike to start last weekend. So last night when I came home from work I tried to start them up again since it was like 50 yesterday. Got my wifes running but still couldn't get the Swing to start, almost got it but by the time it was wanting to turn over I had completely killed the battery
  15. I'm betting its "Antivirus 2009". This program has been running crazy and infecting lots of people and websites. The program hijacks websites and reroutes you to their "scanner". I've experienced it about three times last week while on Myspace. Your just surfing away and all of sudden you click on a link and you're suddenly somewhere else with a antivirus scanner claiming its scanning your computer and it always finds a bunch of viruses and claims the only way to remove them is to install their software, thats the hook most people fall for. Warn you family, especially older people that are more prone to believing these kinds of programs, this one looks very very legit, but its not! There is a screenshot of it at this link... http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/malware-removal/uninstall-antivirus-2009
  16. phpbb is what I use for my Ohio Scooter Riders board. It was getting attacked for awhile by bots signing up for accounts and posting crap, but installed a registration fix for that and stopped the bots cold
  17. Besides the obvious spelling problem did you also notice these.... friends, carrots, wouldn't, could and straight
  18. Yeah but what did the story NOT explain. Why was she living at her parents house, and not responding to his messages, sounds to me like they were seperated and bound for divorce which is probably why she changed her marital status to single. I know thats not an excuse for him to do what he did, but makes you think that there was more to this story.
  19. Welcome. I am originally from Lorain, born and raised there but living in Columbus now.
  20. He almost did, he was pretty wide left, I think he actually hit the left side line. I'm sure it happened so quick there was no way out of it.
  21. I think I've seen that same footage on another video. I liked the bank robbers @ 1:36 in, thats funny!
  22. I've used it before with no problems. Its no different then printing your own movie tickets from like movietickets.com Even if you have printer technical difficulties its okay, because they email your tickets to you as a pdf then you print them. So if you ran out of ink or something you can just reprint it later.
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