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Posts posted by SWing'R

  1. :eek:

    Thanks Nick for quoting that, so I could see that MT did indeed provide insightful and inaccurate information :rolleyes:

    Not sure where he get's his facts from. I have never wrecked my bike. Dropped it once by myself. NEVER wrecked.

    But I digress, I have him blocked for a reason, I simply don't care about anything he has to say.

    So I won't bother to acknowledge his pointless childish rants even if seen via a quote.

    Carry on. :popcorn:

  2. Second and I'll let you rant - the right lane is for travel, correct? Left lane is for passing. Your job as a driver under your utopian world would be that you should NEVER be in that lane as everyone should be at the set speed limit and can single file the whole trip.

    Sure would be nice wouldn't it. But, seems some people like to drive faster than others which tends to upset the utopian flow of things.

    Now, GOD forbid you actually may come across a slower than posted speed limit driver and have to pass. Checking your blind spot and all mirrors, you decide to venture out into the depths of danger into the passing lane. While out there, you know you cannot exceed the set speed limit so, it takes 3-4 business days for you to get your shit done. Well and good. But, do you NOT believe that the passing lane is a pass lane only? Do you think sitting out there at the same speed as the person next to you is totally fine or that you should be considerate to your fellow earthlings and get over into the slow lane to stop clogging traffic?

    First of all, get your facts straight if you want to discuss this. It IS perfectly legal to exceed the posted speed limit in order to pass another vehicle.

    I've even talked my way out of a ticket quoting that little tidbit of information.

    Secondly. I don't advocate just hanging out in the left lane locked at the speed limit. It pisses me off too after awhile if I need to use the lane to pass. BUT, I will not go out of my way to excessively speed to get out of the left lane just to appease you. If I have ventured into the left lane to pass a slower vehicle and you happen to run up my ass while I'm doing it I will indeed get over, but I will get over at my own safe pace, you can wait until I've made my pass and am ready to get back over.

    I drive for a living. It is probably 70% of my job description. I've probably logged more highway miles than anyone on this site, unless they are a commercial truck driver. My clean driving record is important to my career. My work vehicle speed is gps tracked and logged. My concern is not that fact that you want to exceed the speed limit. I will indeed do my best to be courteous to other drivers on the road, and I will get out of your way, when I can do so in a safe manner without violating the safe driving regulations set forth by my employer. My safety, and my job, are more important than your need for speed.

  3. Slower Traffic Keep Right -- Enforcement???

    You're probably one of the first people to bitch about getting a speeding ticket too. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

    It's kind of funny that you want Law Enforcement to HELP you speed? Kinda have a double standard there don't ya buddy?

  4. Works good in theory if everyone drove the speed limit and would give people room where they need it. But it doesn't work that way.

    Gotta start somewhere. It never works when assholes are out there running up everyones ass at 75.

    You'd be surprised at how less stressful highway driving is when you set your cruise control at 67mph get in the middle lane and relax.

  5. It's not driving 10 mph over the speed limit that creates a hazard on the freeway. It's situations like this, causing tailgating and impatient driving at times when people have to arrive at their destination in a timely fashion.

    If you can't get to where you are going on time by following the posted speed limits then you should have left earlier. Plain and simple. :nono:

    I also don't understand why people get so upset that I am traveling at a higher rate of speed than they are.

    Maybe they are concerned for your safety? No, pretty sure they just don't give a damn about the needs of someone that has no regard for the law.

    Yeah that's probably it.

  6. My wife and I, along with several other OR members were part of Eric's first class. The class was fun and informative. :p

    We have scheduled our ccw appointments with the Sheriff and hope to be licensed soon!

    Good luck with the upcoming classes Eric!

    - David & Melissa

  7. I dont think I would go to powder room even if it was free. They are downright rude at that place.
    I can't say that every experience there has been a positive one. He said he was looking at going there in his first post though.

    I believe that is the closest range to us.

  8. When you go shoot at a range do they supply the targets??

    Have never shot at a range yet and I want to take Melissa there to see if

    she will be able to use the .38 we bought.

    Looking at the Powder Room in Powell, on their website I see mention of

    eye/ear protection but it doesn't say anything about the targets.

  9. Fucking funny as hell. The moment you think it is going to take itself too seriously.....rapid fire hesterical death. 20 minutes from the end and I'm really hoping it doesn't turn serious toward the end, but we are running out of people.
    I watched Tucker and Dale last night and it delivered.

    LOL, told you guys, it's a great find, and I rented it thinking it was a actual horror flick not one of the funniest movies I'd ever watch :p

  10. It is never a good thing to have your muzzle pointed at yourself during the draw (or ever:D).

    In the scenario I'm describing the gun would never be pointed at your body,

    it would be pointed down during the draw and then slid around to the left side of the body

    and brought up and forward. Anyway, we'll see how the three work out I ordered, if they don't,

    then at least I'll have a better idea of what I need.

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