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Everything posted by Cdubyah

  1. Cdubyah

    THE Game Week

    You have fun with that...
  2. You get a perspective view of the person who killed you, while the are killing you.
  3. Oh another bastard move I came across last night. Sabatoge or other bomb mission. Riot shield mob moves the bomb carrier across the map. Basically the guys with riot shields surround the bomb carrier, and walk him to the objective. Good strategy really. But not the entire game. The guys have blast sheilds too..... predator missles work the best.
  4. Have you used the tactical insertion? Spawn killing at it's finest, whilst camping.
  5. So I have come to dislike the ginormous maps that MW2 has. It breeds campers. I fucking hate campers, and twelve year olds whose testicles haven't dropped yet. Most of the time, they are one in the same. AHHHH, I hate campers, especially ones that camp around objectives, only to pop up and shoot me, then crouch again. Do us all a favor and go back to suckin on your mommas tit.
  6. I thought Ninja were supposed to be quiet, shouting negates that. A real ninja would have severed his lower half not to be seen.
  7. sucks to hear. Mine has done it twice. First time the 2nd day I had it.
  8. FYI there is a problem with Motorola Droid, according to a verizon friend. This only affects some, and not all, but figured it was worth mentioning. The problem is with the speaker. Doesn't always seem to have the correct volume. Often very quiet, even when turned up fully. Supposedly there is a software patch coming out in December for it. To resolve the problem, remove the battery and turn it back on. 2nd note. I love this thing. I went with the HTC Eris though.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_W3byfdFpnw :lol:
  10. Anyone dropped a tatical nuke yet? Pretty sweet. Especially the air raid sirens.
  11. I'm pretty busy every weekend until the new year. So my season is pretty much over.
  12. What kind of pipes do you have? Are they stock? Would like to find some aftermarket, ceramic black pipes. Thanks!

  13. Just throwin out the idea. I had it a while back, but it was starting to get a little colder. Maybe we can have a spring ride if we get enough interested. My thought, is just to jaunt around the glorious county for a while. Show some of you out of town folks the sights. Nothing fast paced, or balls to the wall. Just a leisurly ride. Thoughts?
  14. going to get it in 15 minutes. woot woot.
  15. Sir! We've been jammed! Rasberry! Only one man would used Rasberry! LONESTAR!!!
  16. Rep for you! Good one
  17. Cdubyah

    Go Blue!!!

    Whatchu tryin to say? That I get angry? Your TV wouldnt like me when I'm angry.
  18. Ahh this reminds me of the Dresden Dash. Engineer slows the train through dresden, conductor dashes to the Circle K convinience mart, and makes it to the ass end of the train just as it's leavin town. Really fun to watch a fat conductor try it.
  19. I figured it was over when Manning threw the interception with 7 mins. left. Guess I should have continued to watch. I always enjoy watching the Pats lose!
  20. Looks good. I've heard good things about these suits.
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