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Everything posted by Cdubyah

  1. Fonz are you gonna have a curfew this year? Since last year you and sam got home at 5:00 am. Oh the glory.... IP Bring the War Banner!!!
  2. have you ever ridden behind MJ? Maybe he got distracted??? Maybe he was gandering...
  3. Cdubyah


    The canadien is strong in you eh?
  4. and cue the wind...and cheap porno music! ACTION!
  5. I think you should have paid him back the favor.
  6. Wow for such a small fella, I'm suprised he was able to pick that table up!
  7. Yep, those look mighty familiar. I think my perception is off a bit. Looks like you were riding your own pace, and didn't seem to have a problem? hmmm... magine that!
  8. New trailer came out....Looks even better http://www.gametrailers.com/video/infamy-trailer-modern-warfare/57266#
  9. Yeah I'm not gonna say I don't have work to do... this is just more interesting.
  10. Damnit! You beat me to it Blake!
  11. You had me at hello.... You had me at hello
  12. Heard the new boyfriends name is bob Battery Operated Boyfriend!!
  13. Because you don't have to reload sharp objects.
  14. haha I would like to politely disagree with you sir.
  15. Hell fuckin no. I feel as if I need an antibacterial shower after visiting that hole. Although...they do has a stripper pole. You should prolly hose it down before use.
  16. Not really... just another day on OR.
  17. So how bout them dolphins huh?
  18. ^^as he should be Great to hear that Bosco is getting better.
  19. This thread is full of EPIC win! It's like I'm at the office listening to my coworkers bitch at one another. Wait a tick, I am at the office listening to my coworkers bitch at one another. It's fucking surround sound!!! AHHH
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