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Everything posted by Cdubyah

  1. Holy frozen scotum batman! Cold this morning.
  2. Yeah, that was before BW3's decided not to have my buddy run the show down there on Saturday. However, if you all are in for an adventure, and a tour of some of our local watering holes, we could try to set something up out this way.
  3. I would be afraid someone would steal someone elses camera and take nuaghty pictures of me whilst I sleep pratt. Not that any of you sick twisted bastards would do that!
  4. Oh glorious Ohio, how you are a cranky old bitch in the fall...
  5. Cdubyah


    congrats whore! of posting
  6. $108 per ticket? Or $108 for the pair and pass? Interested in a couple....
  7. Ahh the rain was fun, a little cold, and plentiful. Every Illinois game I goto the weather is shitty. I still had fun. Even though my ass was soaked. I wore my waterproof riding boots to keep my feet dry!!! WOOT
  8. I fail at reading..... King I think...unless they are talking bout the one a little farther up on Olentangy
  9. Cdubyah

    Yum Chili

    This is true. It was still good.
  10. Bambi always did like throwing curveballs...
  11. Cdubyah

    Yum Chili

    Oh I see... But it's completely fine for us assholes huh?
  12. This is common in most work places. I just love that everyone needs to know everyone elses damn business. "Gossip needn't be false to be Gossip"
  13. Cdubyah

    09 r1

    What is this??? Have Ohio Riders turned the other cheek? Is all this e bickering coming to an end? Have apologies now become part of the membership? I'm just busting balls. Bump for a sweet bike, sounds like an indy car when it sails past my slow ass.
  14. Bambi is going to whoring himself out? You didn't hear?
  15. Cdubyah

    Yum Chili

    Yeah that anus screaming chilli at the Christmas party was wicked... For your co-workers sake, I hope it's the tamed version that you make.
  16. Well now the trooper that pulled them over is under review, with possible disciplinary actions. Saw it on the news the other night.
  17. Yeah like 85% or something. They will play as long as there is no lightning.
  18. The most commn sexual position in married couples today is Doggy Style. Husband sits and begs for sex & the wife rolls over and plays dead. Quote of the Day: Drinking non alcoholic beer is like going down on your cousin. Sure it tastes the same but it ain't fucking right.
  19. Cdubyah

    Halo 3 ODST

    you don't call, you don't write... Just been busy with shit Took me four hours on Legendary. Haven't got a chance to play since, haven't tried the multiplayer stuff yet.
  20. So who gonna be sitting in the soup with me tomorrow? Oh it'll be a glorious wet day.
  21. Saturday was the plan. Weather looks shitty. Sunday was left out because of the Helping Hands Charity Ride. Also because Parks has to Work saturday, and no one really like him anyway...I keed I keed.
  22. Linux is not well known outside of the nerd community. Yes it is an operating system.
  23. OK I will agree thay the wave break from the back of the boat look like the flippers and tail. But where is the elongated neck and head?
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