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Everything posted by Cdubyah

  1. I have one ask me if I was on my way to the hospital... And yes, sorta looked liked Casper, until the close up. Plus Casper would have a red bull, and cigarette!
  2. I liked it tonight. Pretty funny how he poked fun at Conan. Also, interesting how he put Tom Cruise on the hot seat. He looked pretty squeamish.
  3. I love how you try to get me plowed. There is a video somewhere of me chuggin guiness from a couple of weekends ago. I might have to locate that....
  4. I do believe it was Colonel Mustard in the Library with the revolver.
  5. Damn I missed it. I'll have to catch it tonight.
  6. six beers I could do. Not sure bout the pitcher. Never tried that one.... I smell a challenge
  7. couch. sittin position. doggie. She does all the work you get none of the pain. Just sit back and enjoy.
  8. goto Kahoots... I hear they have nice breasts and thighs.... Of chicken of course.
  9. Hot salty nuts....looks like a... Weiner...Any you kids want a wenier?
  10. Favorite episode is where Katey Segals character beats the snot out of another girl with a skateboard. It was just fun to watch...
  11. I got a hankering to see you in chaps...haha
  12. Cdubyah


    Well the Williams sister matches are always interesting to listen to. So much moaning, and grunting, if I didn't know better, it could pass as softcore porn.
  13. Good to see a Big Ten team win. Hopefully Rich turns it around up there.
  14. Hey I'm just trying to figure out if I'm hanging round pedophiles. It's a conflict of interest for me ya know. And I'm really fucking bored at work.
  15. Older sister? or younger one? I'm still confuzzled.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XBqY6cJD3CE
  17. I'm confused? Who we talking bout with read hair? Her sister doesn't have red hair, does she?
  18. No, start your own thread. But I'm glad they are back on the up, the Big Ten needs all the help it can get.
  19. Not a whole lot of detail given. http://www.coshoctontribune.com/article/20090909/NEWS01/909090329/1002/CALEDONIA-MAN-IN-SERIOUS-CONDITION-AFTER-OHIO-541-CRASH
  20. ....more to eat.... good for a chuckle this morning
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