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Everything posted by Cdubyah

  1. This thread is about shirts? Who'd have thunk it. I thought it was just about random shit you guys find on the internet.
  2. Where's your sense of adventure?
  3. Cdubyah

    color test

    good to know my brain still works.
  4. It's more for travel, and keeping my ADD at bay.
  5. I've played the poll game before.
  6. good to hear you are back home Jerm.
  7. So I'm looking to purchase one of these gadgets, but I'm having a conundrum trying to decide which one I would like. The PSP has better games in my opinion, can play mp3's, and movies. The DSi however has the nifty touch screen. The games are a little more user interactive, I'm really drawn to the puzzle games. But doesn't play MP3's. So what are your thoughts?
  8. Here are some pictures I snapped yesterday. Good news is, it's mainly bolt on and cosmetic stuff. It's going to the repair shop on Monday. No painting required either. It's all painted from the factory!
  9. Cdubyah


    From the album: Accident

  10. Cdubyah


    From the album: Accident

  11. Cdubyah


    From the album: Accident

  12. Cdubyah


    From the album: Accident

  13. Cdubyah


    From the album: Accident

  14. Cdubyah


    From the album: Accident

  15. Cdubyah


    From the album: Accident

  16. Cdubyah


    From the album: Accident

  17. Cdubyah


    From the album: Accident

  18. Cdubyah


    Cutoff by cager
  19. The thought of drinking and riding has never crossed my mind. Made a promise to someone that I wouldn't. I intend to stick to it.
  20. Yeah all is well, just a little sore this morning. Gonna spend my day getting estimates, instead of riding.
  21. It's fixable. Just shitty timing. I'm happy to still be walking.
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