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Everything posted by Cdubyah

  1. It's fully functional. Just has a black eye.
  2. Decided to go out for a ride today after work. Was a beautiful day, later into the evening. Rode down SR 16 to Newark, then SR 79 north toward Nellie. Stopped and chatted with my dad for a bit. Rode back to town as the sun was going down. What a great way to end the day....or so I thought. Coming off of SR 16 back into Coshocton, up the clover leaf, which is a glorified on ramp. There was a lot of traffic for some reason. Anyway traffic is starting to build in the left lane of SR 541. Mainly due to someone turning left.... SO, the last driver in that lane evidently wanted over in my lane really really badly. So on came the turn signal, and over they came. Problem was, I was already there. Whoops, dumbass. Not a whole lot of room for a swerve avoidance. So I locked it up, got really squirrelly, then decided I was gonna try my best superman impression! I'm really not that graceful. Landed on my head. Yes I had my lid on, good fucking thing too, or this would have been alot worse. Tore my jacket up a bit, and my gloves. Didn't rip up my pants, but still got a little rash on my knee. Body is starting to ache more and more as I type. I was back up, and on my feet before the cagers were out of their cars. Can't say enough about the folks that stopped. One guy helped me straighten out the shifter. The bike has seen it's better days. Still running though. I rode it back up to Kawi's house to inspect a little closer. Tank is gonna need a little more than a dent puller. Rear shock is smashed. Shifter, and peg are bent. Headlight popped out, and left mirror tore off. Somehow my license plate disappeared. Deputy went looking, but couldn't find anything. Light still works, turn signals work, forks don't appear to be bent, brakes in tact, bars are fine. Just a little rash here and there. Didn't have my camera to snap pics. I'll prolly do that tomorrow, after I go down to the insurance office. Oh and the SUV that cut me off....drove away. Didn't see hide nor hair of him or her. Didn't get a plate, just make, color and model. Good thing my helmet was a full face, or it would be difficult to smoke a cig afterwards. Shitty thing was, I only had one left....oh well. So my moral of the story is, wear your damn gear. Especially your helmet. Hope you kids had a better day, and evening than I did.
  3. maybe she was fired for fear of an ethics violation. Such as, she was recruiting the girls for playboy.
  4. Thanks. That bridge is actually still used. The only one left in the county.

    Pretty shitty road out there though.

  5. Fat people are in shape....I mean round is a shape right?
  6. I just got mine done on Friday. Wanted to wait so I wouldnt spend it before vacation.
  7. ^^ Old man river.....
  8. Great pics. Especially of Arlington.
  9. no 2nd in weiner waving points
  10. rep is just a weiner waving contest anyway. Strange thing is CBRgirl is 2nd......
  11. and thats the way the cookie crumbles...
  12. Good grief... TGI Friday's is located on Cleveland road. It sits right in the bay overlooking the harbor. If you go in on Cedar Point Drive, its on the right.
  13. Cdubyah

    Lego Art

    Wow...some of those are sweet. I think he takes kid a heart a little to the extreme.
  14. Like helmet kinda special? Or lickin the windows special?
  15. You're 18 years old, you don't know shit about shit, pull up your pants, and wipe off that damn makeup! Scary looking fella right there.
  16. Cdubyah


    Only in America can a poor black boy, grow up to be a rich white woman.
  17. I've only seen a Kawi commercial once. Advertising the new 08's.
  18. ^^ yep the goeverment blows. There is a lot of red tape and mass amounts of Bullshit. Double edged sword. Good, and bad cases. I will tell you of a local business. Pretty products, made car mats for various models. Decided that the health care coverage, and money wasn't the greatest. Union decided to go on strike, right around thanksgiving. Were on strike until, I think, February. Scabs were hired, replaced the workers. Some crossed the line. We had double sided nails laid out in our parking lot one morning. Becasue one of our departments was referring unemplyed there. Anywho, long story short. Union got there way, increased health and money. Company started laying off employees in March. Sold, and moved business to Tenn by May. Now, most of these former union workers are still unemployed, and looking for work. Unions work in some areas, and fail in others. I don't want to pay for something, then get laid off, so someone else can keep there job. (union dues).Granted I am at the bottom of the totum pole. I would rather take a pay cut, or a pay freeze and still be employed. If I have a problem, I address it with the administration. No need to have a middle man. This is my opinion. Like I said some unions work, and some don't. I just don't want to be in one. If your union works for you. kudos. I think it really boils down to what is best for you and your family.
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