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Everything posted by Cdubyah

  1. I thought you guys were going riding? Or are you shooting....then riding?
  2. Well as long as I can get a ride in after work, I will be happy. Besides I would prolly run outta gas or something stupid....
  3. Sorry, couldn't get both stickers in one shot. It is the sticker thread. Thank you sir.
  4. You a holes are gonna go without me....damn work.
  5. Hmm it's gonna be a good one this afternoon.
  6. truck driver was penguin hunting!
  7. damn I wish I would have know about this before I bought my jacket many moons ago. I bought the same damn thing.... Got a 3XLT though
  8. there......kwitcherbitchin...

  9. depends on which roads you would be takin. Coshocton to Holmes county have plenty of twisties. Ride in on 541, and hit 60 north. SR 83 north and south are both good roads. There are a few infamous roads round these parts.
  10. dear god that picture is disturbing.
  11. Welcome to Ohio Riders. Comfort is the key. Find something that fits you. That's all I'm gonna tell ya.
  12. I don't think I want a borrowed sheep back....nuff said.
  13. I might get one of my cager friends that live in Cbus to drop off some grub for me.
  14. Well just for shits and giggles I went back later to try to get another name. It's still the same. Just don't cross the territory line, and I won't have ta busta cap!
  15. dumb asses shouldn't have been standing along side of the road!
  16. Cdubyah

    Covered Bridge

    From the album: 3/15/09 Ride

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