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Everything posted by Cdubyah

  1. Not from dyno day, but one I did last year 112.64 lb @ 1859 73.9 hp @ 5049
  2. Cdubyah

    Qs&l 04/08/09

    Thanks Buzzkillington!
  3. I'm smoke when I'm nervous, bored, or around people that are generally irritating me. It really depends on my mood. I'm by far not a chain smoker. I can go a couple of days and be perfectly fine. It has been done. Usually I don't get too cranky unless there is some f*cktard around me jabbering on about something i care nothing to hear about. Or when a really bad stripper comes out to dance. I have an excuse to get up and not shell out a dollar for her shaking her ass three feet from me. I understand that it's not for everyone. I'm not gonna be an asshat and blow smoke in your face. Or light up when you're eating. I consider that rude, and tactless. I try to be polite about it. "Smoking gives me a reason to keep my hands off of my dick all day" - Denis Leary
  4. Welcome! I used to live on shaker square in whitehall! Glorious times.
  5. These fake cigs are rough. I damn near coughed up a lung after taking a drag from one. Not really my cup of tea. Mainly cuz the damn thing is a big as a sharpie. I look at it this way. I'm helping pay for childrens healthcare. So I'm giving back to my community. Are you sure you want me to stop smoking? Then Uncle Sam can tax you for some random shit.
  6. It's gonna be a weeee bit chilly this morning
  7. Japan doesn't have the underage laws like we do.
  8. did she really say that? Or are we just assuming that, since she said she had nice boobs.
  9. I thought it was a woman named steve.
  10. Dyno will be first come first serve. Brian will have a signup list there. This list was just who wants a tshirt, and are you gonna show up. There are several of us going up, and not hitting the dyno.
  11. alright, so lets get back on track. What sort of job are you looking for blue?
  12. I have the HJC Pegasus myself. Good helmet. Good prices as well.
  13. I don't think anyone here will dispute that. So what's your point?
  14. Whats gonna last a while? Asking how long they are gonna be there? Or actually how they are there? I kid, I kid
  15. that could help us dispose, or over look the body. I forgot to finish my sentence.
  16. Boobs, the only thing that can make a 6 month old, and a 60 year old act the same way.
  17. Cdubyah


    Any of you guys ever work with Lake Business Products? Looking to get some scanner work done.
  18. thank god I couldnt see the image
  19. we went from sea cows, to momma jokes.
  20. Agreed. Problem is I think the creator got a wee bit greedy. The bug went widespread, thus causing microsoft, and security companies to start taking a closer look. Really if you can update, and your virus protection can update, you should be fine.
  21. I might have a black sticker I can sell you on the black market!
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