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Everything posted by Cdubyah

  1. The one spot I specifically remmeber being bad was on the upwards side of 78 (going up the hill). There was a large patch in the road, but it almost like the right half of the road had washed out. So the middle of the road was good, but there was a large crack, and at least a 2 inch drop on the right. Perhaps pothole wasn't the best description. Sorry
  2. Rode the route today. Got rained on twice while on 669. Hopefully it doesn't rain much more. The river along 669 was up pretty Damn close to the rode in a couple of spots. The roads are in ok condition. 93- the state was cleaning out the ditches today 56 - construction area around coonville 1 lane right on a corner. A lot of water runoff from the hills. Whatever the next road was - state was paving right before the bridge to nelsonvile. 78 - has a lot of cracked pavement, potholes, and patched roads. 669 - high wateh along the river. As long as It doesn't come up another foot should be ok. 668 - nothing to report 93 - a little gravel. All and all everything seemed ok. 78 is probably in the worst shape. That being said, I've been having pretty severe back problems lately and thought I would test the waters with today's jaunt. Well that was a big mistake. Now I'm hobbling round the house like a cripple. Hopefully the 2 chiropractic appointments I have this week will straighten me back out so I can participate. At this point I want to say yes, but my back has other plans. Will update and be sure by Thursday.
  3. Wasabi power pack. Relatively cheap @ $24 Has cigarette/car charger adaptor. Assuming you have access to one on your bike. It will give your 3 batteries. You can charge one battery while filming with the other. Battery charge is pretty quick. Will charge your go pro battery as well.
  4. You just need to have a cable account to login an watch. Or have a friend willing to share his/her login with you.
  5. That eliminates most of OR...
  6. $9 for streaming $ 5 for Blurays + tax I don't believe there is a limit on devices. I stream over laptop, xbox, and Bluray. I could be wrong.
  7. Internet $55 Netflix: $15 Hulu: $ 8 Prime: Free Perk Total $78 Take the Alternative Internet $55 Cable $85 (I'm ballparking) Total: $140 Worth it to me.
  8. I have been cable-less for 4 years. If you can cut out sports, you will have no problem. Netflix, Hulu + and Amazon Prime. Although I don't use the latter much.
  9. When records are entered in LEADS, they are entered with plate numbers. When a file gets entered into LEADS, it's considered a hot file. That Hot file is downloaded by agencies, and uploaded to the camera software. Normally on a central server for the PD or SO. It is up to the local department to keep an updated list of hot files for the cameras to access. The camera scans all the plates it sees, and queries them all based on all the plates loaded from the hotfiles. If it finds a hit it will query the entire record that plate is attached to. So yes, it looks at plate info. But it doesn't actually pull up the info attached to the plate, until it finds one it's actively looking for. Hope all that makes sense.
  10. Good information to reference. I'm sure the lawyers could continue to throw that shit back and forth all day long. Here's Another. Nothing like confusing as laws we have here in Murica. Lookup Delaware vs. Prouse as well. I'm glad I didn't study law. My damn head would have spun off. Tonik, those scanners look for pre-loaded information to hit on. They don't run the information of every plate they see.
  11. They can run the tag if they have a reason. Like speeding, following to close, lane violation. If that's every 5th car that gives them the reason to run it. They shouldn't run it in hopes of finding a criminal that has a warrant, or a non licensed rider. Because they had no reason to do so in the first place. Improper use of the system is improper regardless if on duty or off. It's still information on a private citizen that is not public record. The example I stated is a violation I hear of alot. I have nothing against LEO's or the LE community, so please don't misconstrue these posts that way.
  12. Nope. I still disagree. It's a violation of the Law Enforcement Automated Data System. (LEADS) You can run a tag if you have an open investigation. Eg. warrant, stolen plate, vehicle, missing person, amber alert, sexual offender. That is what the cameras are supposed to look for, that is the information they are given from DPS to look for. If they are running more, then its a violation. You cannot run a tag, and then see who it belongs to. Regardless if automated by a camera, or by a person. Let me give you another example. Cop and wife get divorce Cop drives by ex-wifes house. Cop runs new boyfriends tags in driveway to see who it is. Cop gets reported to LEADS by ex-wife Cop gets slapped with a LEADS violation Same violation, but different circumstances. Still a violation of the LEADS. You cannot run a tag on anyone. There has to be a reason first. Doesn't matter if it's in plain view or not. They can't even run information on themselves, although I'm sure they do.
  13. The way I understand camera scanners, is that they are supposed to scan for license plates that are associated with Hot Files. Hot files being this already entered into LEADS: Warrants, stolen vehicles, plates, missing persons, amber alerts, etc. I'm unaware that the camera's allowed to run BMV queries. Or if those are included from ODPS to departments that run plate scanners. As far as I know, that's a violation of the LEADS system. As you can't willy nilly run a tag without investigation or reason. Regardless of human or computer.
  14. I believe the original plan last year was to stop there or another gas station across the river in McConnelsville. But they were deemed too small for our group size based on the ammount of pumps they had. If we space the groups out far enough, and folks don't loiter too long there shouldn't be a problem.
  15. Cdubyah

    Key Scratch

    She has a dog. My MIL has cats and so do I. So that would be out.
  16. Cdubyah

    Key Scratch

    Yeah I filed it for her last night. Will check out Clifford Auto. Thanks!
  17. Cdubyah

    Key Scratch

    Not sure what type of coverage she has. Might not even cover the deductible. Something to look into though.
  18. Cdubyah

    Key Scratch

    Indeed that would be nice. That damn woman is an effing psycho. She's stirring shit up so we will retaliate and get caught on film. Because she has 2 or three cameras around her apartment. Property damage is irritating but fixable. She hasn't crossed the line into violence yet. I would just rather move her out and be done with the whole damn thing.
  19. Cdubyah

    Key Scratch

    Looked like just through the clear coat. But might be into the top layer of paint. I didn't look at it too close.
  20. Cdubyah

    Key Scratch

    Long story short my MIL has a problem with a crazy ass neighbor. Certified whack job. Said crazy bitch keyed my MIL's new car from stem to stern. I know they sell filler, and clear coat that I can use to polish it up, just really sure what to get. Any good products out there that I can use to fill the scratch? Or should I have it professionally done? Thanks
  21. That would probably work well. Cross off, as each ride returns. Call out names, if you don't answer within X amount of time, you get skipped.
  22. I can lead a Med-slow or slow group. Last year I rode with a Med fast group. I like a spirited pace. That is assuming that you all don't mind riding behind a crusier. Maximum group size will be 10, and you had better have all your fleshy parts covered. Also, don't ride like an ass or I'm leaving you on the side of the rode. If you can meet those requirements there should be no problem. I don't mean to sound like a grumpy old man, but I don't want to scoop you off the road.
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