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Everything posted by Cdubyah

  1. Let me know when they put it on a barstool.
  2. I was thinking about just setting a date then closing the thread. After I make my bet of course.
  3. In order to add a 2nd poll question , you need to have a primary question. The damn thing was autofilling the answers from the 1st poll that was taken. I also added that poll on my phone, which was a bitch and pissed me off.
  4. Batman Begins...in my pants
  5. The state has the Ohio Motorcycle training bikes up for auction this weekend in Columbus. Most are 250cc. http://dasapps.ohio.gov/surplus/veh.asp
  6. I'd be in for that. I also work various weekends, so my committment would be based on work schedule.
  7. Good thing you aren't in the burglary business.
  8. Poll updated. Disregard question 1. I have updated the title of this thread as well. this will be for the spring ride only. We will start another thread for the fall ride. You might have to delete your vote to be able to vote again. Just hit the delete me vote button under the poll. After date is selected a new thread will be started with a poll for leads/sweeps. That will the the official tally thread.
  9. Poll is open for 6 (six) more days
  10. On second thought I will pass. Thank you
  11. Wait until it freezes mid game. Not sure whose to blame for that one.
  12. By sandy vaginas meant OR as a whole. As it is winter time, and we can't ride. So we bicker like school girls over dumb shit. Your vagina is not special.
  13. Sand off of the winter vagina's. That what I need you to sweep right now.
  14. Poll will close at the end of the month. Date poll will be added after that. Then we will get a tally for Leads/ Sweeps. Time to volunteer so we don't have huge groups like last year.
  15. At this point in time we have decided not to pursue the house. Thanks to everyone for your input.
  16. At this point it is unknown how long there was water in the basement or what caused it. Mold is something I don't want to deal with in the slightest. The pipes have been winterized from what ive have seen and been told. It's a pretty good deal right now. Even if I have to invest another $20k into it. It's just a matter of how far I want to go with the project. I, unlike my wife, would not like to buy a fixer upper and dump money into it. I appreciate your input.
  17. Yeah, that's why I was looking for a contractor. Its been vacant. The furnace apparently doens't work at all. Not sure about the AC. It would appear the hot water heater is the original from 74. The basement had flooded at some point while it has been vacant. So I'm not sure if it needs a new pump, or if there are leaks, or if a pipe burst somewhere from the lack of heat. This was just the verbal list of things wrong, given to us by the realtor. However, we are waiting for the actual list of broken shit still. Lot of stuff that I don't know about, or what it's gonna cost me to fix. Don't want to sign the line, and then get buttfucked with repair bills.
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