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Everything posted by Cdubyah

  1. Yeah, I'm trying to figure out what I need. Wasn't sure if the home inspector would be able to give me price estimates or not. This is a new ballpark for me. First possible home purchase.
  2. I figured you would chime in here. Basically it needs a new furnace and a/c. Not sure what else it would need. The realtor that has the house listed hasn't given us the specifics just yet. She won't be back in office until Monday or Tuesday.
  3. Sweet mother of everything holy. I will ban you for a day if you turn this into a debate over religion.
  4. So I need a little bit of help, or at least, pointed in the right direction. My wife and I started looking for houses. We found one we like, within our price range, but I'm worried about all of the stuff that will need completed before its move in ready. It's a steal of a deal, which is usually a pretty big red flag to me. So, we went to look at it, and sure enough there is all kinds of things that are needed. It needs in no particular order HVAC Sump Pump - didn't get all the details on this just yet Possibly septic system - again not alot of details. Not sure if it's connected to the city of not Water heater Possibly rewire of electric. House was built in 1974, So I'm not sure about that. So I would like to do a walk through with someone, or multiple folks, that could pinpoint no bullshit what's it going to cost to get all that. I'm more than willing to compensate for your time. Again, I'm looking for a no BS estimate total cost. Basically I'm trying to figure what offer I need to make the back, before the fixes, and still make it under my budget. Thank you
  5. The intro and the shop review?
  6. No Problems from my Galaxy S3 on the full site. I have never used the mobile.
  7. I believe we all suggested that his next investment should be a jacket and some boots.
  8. Yeah....he was riding in my group last year.
  9. I would make the sugesstion to have to groups with 10 or less. Our medium fast group didn't really have too many problems last year. I think we started with 8, and ended with 12. But some of the groups were just too damn big. Aaaaannndd making some fucking signs about what group start where and when. :-) annnnd a bullhorn.
  10. Alright. I made a poll for the season. It's Multiple choice. From there, we can narrow down a date. So the poll will get changed, after a season is selected. From there we can plan a meetup. I also changed tha title so we can plan everything here.
  11. Learn new shit everyday. That's just what I copied from the 2013 CHL handbook.
  12. School safety zones A "school safety zone" includes a school, school building, school premises, school activity, and school bus. For purposes of this statute, a school includes everything up to the property boundary. If you are licensed to carry a concealed handgun, you may carry a handgun into a school safety zone only if you do not enter a school building, school premises, or school activity. You also must not be in one of the places listed in ORC 2923.126(B). You may be in a motor vehicle and immediately in the process of picking up or dropping off a child. You also must comply with all other laws governing the transportation of firearms in a motor vehicle.
  13. Saturday traffic on 664 is a nightmare. I believe that is why we stayed away from there last year.
  14. We stay at home. As we don't fall into the sport bike or the harley crowd. As I cannot drag me knee, or drink beer like it's my job.
  15. No, I meant as a peloton for OR. If that is something we as OR would choose to do, would there be a specific ammount that we would need to raise as a peloton? I doubt I would ever ride. But I will volunteer and raise money for the cause. Riding escort was actually kinda fun last year. Even though it was pretty slow paced.
  16. There a minimum ammount we would have to raise?
  17. I assume that's a group ride?
  18. hrmm....might be something to look into
  19. Add a zero behind that and they are yours!
  20. I have 4 tickets for the monster jam tomorrow night 1/3/14 @ nationwide arena starting @7:30. 2 adults 2 children Section c8 row a. Seats 9-12 Make me a decent offer and they are yours.
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