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Everything posted by Cdubyah

  1. Yeah. It looks to be. Something Casper is gonna have to fix. I don't see anything different in your account that would prevent you from removing pictures.
  2. So your gallery doesn't look like this? This is the default view of one of my galleries. I have them set to thumbnail view. I'm betting you are viewing the large image. Click the check box The option will then trigger in the right corner of your screen.
  3. I worked with several document imaging solution companies a couple years ago that used OnBase at the core. At one point, it was suggested that we all get admin training from Hyland. But that fell through after the price was annouced. Haha. I don't work with it directly anymore.
  4. So family moves into a meth house where they know meth deals are going down... Times can be tough without shelter over your head. But at what point is living in a known drug house with your kids and OK decision? That's piss poor parenting in my opinion. Unfortunately, the child suffers because of a decision the parents made.
  5. Thats a system I haven't heard of for a couple years.
  6. Something to keep in mind this year.
  7. Yep. We started with 11. Dropped one at 33 at the beginning. Got an extra from a faster group on 691. Picked up 2 more @ the gas stop in Malta. So we finished with 13.
  8. Tubes would be freakin swell. There were so many flats last year on High street. I didn't have a single tube to be able to change out. Might have to make a couple of purchases this year before the ride.
  9. There were four groups. Fast ride had 4 MEd fast had 10-11 Med had 10 - 11 Slow - 13 Tonik's island of hate - 2 Ninjadoc - 1 Pretty good turnout considering most of the riders were not from the central Ohio region. In fact, I would say 75% of the riders road over 2 hours to make the meetup. Some road 4-5 hrs.
  10. Meh. When I rode the route eaely last week I completely blew past the turn for 691. No worries mate.
  11. I would have some wicked awesome video. Had I not forgotten my damn sd card.
  12. Good ride indeed. Got to meet some new people. Looking forward to the fall ride.
  13. Ride has been changed to Sunday the 18th. Same time and place.
  14. I road it Monday. Unfortunately before the bad storms. The route was clear.
  15. No sure what the diagnosis was. Here are pictures in his album http://ohioriders.net/index.php?/gallery/image/12660-rod-supose-to-be-inside-the-block/
  16. There is one memeber here that had one. kzz1997479611 something like that. Name is Keith. He's not on here much, cuz he's old, and living in Florida. I know that with less that 500 miles the motor seized, exploded, and locked up the rear tire. All while spraying oil and motor pieces all over the effing road. Luckily he managed to keep it upright, and was able to walk away without injuiry. He then had to fight with BMW and the dealership to replace the entire bike, not just the motor. Eventually they replaced it.
  17. I've only really have a problem finding .22lr. Then when I find it, not at a ludacris price. Walmart\cabelas doesn't seem to have anyt trouble getting anything else in. Bought a couple of 100 rnd value packs of 9mm from walmart the other day for $24. They had at least 15 boxes on the shelf.
  18. Not sure if you can do dual duty or not. That being said they don't put the escort out until there is a lead volunteer, and some other things.
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