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Everything posted by Cdubyah

  1. Tragic. It was a turbo prop plane though, not a jet. Was the Husdon river landing a continental?
  2. ah, it's over in the thread. It really didn't pertain to the bar takeover.... you've already seen it anyway.
  3. Glad to here that bitch didn't hit you. Um I doubt that was an accident...
  4. I guess the front was nice....I enjoyed the rear...
  5. Welcome... The Kawi takeover continues!!!!
  6. So I'm just now getting around to uploading my pictures....should have them on by the end of the evening. I know I'm slow. You'll appreciate it when you see the gem of all photos taken... I'm thinking OR Calendar 2010...
  7. wow, portly little fella isn't he. He's just asserting his dominance over the tribe.
  8. Cdubyah

    Skyline Fan?

    I miss trips to Kro-ghetto. Those were fun.
  9. I passed alot of bikes yesterday. Stupid work, wish I could have been riding. By the time I got done it was freakin raining.....guess I will just have to wait.
  10. It was fun driving through it at about 11:00 last night. The wind was blowin like a sum' bitch. I could have sworn I felt the house sway a little last night.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3w-oDZSLUrY Ahh Macyver.... used to watch it all the time. Gotta love the mullet.
  12. Well I'm not really looking for a sporty type of boot. However they seem to provide more support. I have a problem getting my larger leg into the full boots. I need to do some more looking.
  13. AEP has crews on alert in southern ohio. Since they got hit will all of the ice, the trees are more likely to break, and kill the power. OOOOOO goody. Another day in Ohio.
  14. I like these as well, but I'm looking at more of a boot than a shoe. I'm not a big fan of the full boot though. Just need something to go above my ankle. I tried the SMX1 on, and it seemed to be very supportive.
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